Reviews from

in the past

Jugué en su momento unas cuantas horas al Warband, y tengo que decir que me gustó bastante el tipo de juego que presentaba la saga, pero lo que me ha metido este juego no es normal. Creo que nunca me he visto roleando tanto en un juego, y estoy tremendamente viciado. Me acabo de hacer emperador de mi reino y estoy en 3 guerras diferentes (lo peor del juego la campaña) y es que esta tremendo.

cpu fuckfest
also not finished

Bethesda should buy this studio and then incorporate into the next TES, only dressed up in fancier art and production values. Now that would be a 5/5 game.

The progression systems are fantastic and immersive and the possibility space is dazzling. Where it falls short is repetitive quests/tasks and presentation -- the stuff that big studios are good at, i.e. dressing up the world with gorgeous assets and countless voiced lines for the characters.

You can go from being a petty peasant into a full-time warlord and emperor. And every step of the way the game stays challenging and engrossing, revealing ever more of its depth. It is seriously just a bump up in production values -- and some combat tweaks -- away from a 5/5.

Bannerlord is ever so slightly more than the sum of its parts - clunky inventory management, Chivalry-adjacent combat, and a dynamic open map combine to make something pretty special. I can't overlook the shortcomings in each element of the whole game, but the potential for emergent storytelling seems there. Almost 40 hrs in and I haven't even completed a campaign, I feel like the core loop of the game wears a little thin after this long. Still, I had fun with the time I spent with it, but I am not sure I want to keep scraping to find more to love.

You never quit Mount & Blade, you just take long breaks.

Monçuk musun bok musun bilmiyom ama yerinde dur amcik

I bought this day one of early access becuase of how much I love this series, but it's not the best in the series... But damnit it's so close.

It's good, I think the combat feels more fluid and impact heavy than Warband, shield bashing, bracing, couching, and all the directional swings and their tying animations look great. Sieges are also a large improvement over the first game, no longer will you only have one ladder that you're pushed off of constantly, now they're action packed and awesome affairs. This game is basically a visually refined Warband, most features are retained, some new ones are added. if you enjoyed Warband, you'll enjoy this. But... Early game and late game suck. The middle game is the only fun part, as early game has few too little ways to earn money and renown so you'll find yourself grinding the same four quests or doing hundreds of tournaments. And the late game really breaks down the AI. Sadly the modding community for this game isn't as expansive as Warband's.

For now, if you want a modding scene, stay with Warband as this has yet to have any full big total conversions release, (although there are some EA Warhammer, Samurai, and Rome ones, but not nearly as complete as warbands). It is a good game, just could be better.

I really love this game, because i always wanted to become a leader of my own army. The only things holding this game back is wonky ai, a lot of bugs and the ai always acting the same at the start of the game. If i were to rate it based also on the mods i would give it 5/5. Mods repair everything in this game, improve it and also add a lot of cool stuff.

sorry, warband was way better.

Bannerlord is a bigger, shinier game than Warband in every aspect, and yet it lacks the flair and charm of its predecessor. Waiting on more overhaul mods to release before I reinstall.

Game is good, addicted to playing it actually. Could have been better if there was more things to do

Better than Warband if less charming. As ambitious as this game is, it still has not yet reached the fullness of its potential

Maybe it’s just me, but I have a very hard time getting into this. The gameplay is frustrating and jank, and the general UI is hard to adjust to. I want to give it another try, but it just isn’t for me I think, which is sad considering that I’ve played similar games to this in the past.

Warband but with good graphics and some other minor improvements. (Early Access)


Esse é um daqueles jogos sandbox infinito para você fazer fanfic medieval. É absurdamente profundo e completo. Meu unico problema é o combate dele ser bem... questionável. Os graficos são muito datados.

This game is like a heroine drip for my brain

güzel ama ben mount and blade e doymuşum onu fark ettim warband saolsun

Kocaman bir hayal kırıklığı

- bac à sable de jeux de guerre/stratégie médiéval, faut s'immerger de facon rp dedans sinon ça devient très vite redondant.

- La sensation grisante de mener la charge d'une armée et foncer dans la mélée

- Des bugs d'ia qui softlock les batailles.

please take this game away from me i can't fuckin stop.

also long live Battania and fuck the empire, all my homies hate the empire

Bannerlord as a concept is one of the best sandbox game of the decades. Played it since the early access that lasted a very long time wich was not a good sign at all but the game is so addictive that you forget about it. Now there is some unacceptable things that you can't forget and it's pretty much the fact that this is unstable as hell. Since the very beginning untill now!! The game itself is good but lacks of so so much material that you've quickly seen everything. That is why the game lives pretty much through the mod community. TaleWorlds know that for sure but the game is still very unstable despite tons and tons of patchs wich is just saddening.

Very satisfying to use a menavlion on horseback and one-shot enemy commanders while going 60 mph. Unfortunately the length of time this was in early access drove off a lot of the modding community, hopefully they'll come back eventually to help add to replayability.

Still waiting for the full feature set, when it has them I am sure it will be better than warband

It's very underwhelming if you were a fan of Warband, like me. The only aspect in which it improves is visuals, and I'd argue that it's worse in many other aspects.

Mods are a must if you want to enjoy this game, since it has A LOT of weird design decisions. But most mods are nowadays broken since the devs break mod compatibility on every update and I guess most mod developers gave up on the game years ago.

What hurts me most is that I feel like the game didn't improve at all since its early access version in 2020. They did a bunch of updates but apparently didn't add or fix anything relevant since then, it still feels like a beta version.