Reviews from

in the past

Omno was an interesting one that I'm shocked I hadn't heard of prior to seeing it on the PS Shop. It's pretty solid, and has some fun puzzles and exploration. The art style isn't my favorite, but I really don't mind it. I couldn't work myself into finishing the game, only making it about halfway through, but respect the work put into it immenselly. 6/10

Zen-game in the vein of Journey. Great for an evening where you want to play something but don't want anything too demanding - or if you just need a relatively easy game that's pretty to look at, listen too, and get lost in for a bit.

MUITO FOFO meu olho no final ficou todo choroso.. muito lindo, legal com puzzles interessantes e uma mensagem bem boa. curtinho delicioso pra passar o tempo

cute! it's basically journey but a little different i suppose, it's pretty nice. the soundtrack could've been better though

Nothing spectacular. It's ostensibly a "Journey"-like, but it lacks the same weight and poignance of that experience. Ultimately, you do basically the same thing through 10 areas, and there's nothing else really there.

a really relaxing and artistic indie game with beautiful imagery and music.

coulda done with one more type of traversal tool and wish everything was put on map after meditating, but otherwise it was a fun quick play, even with some platforming jankiness.


It's a cute little game that doesn't overstay its welcome. Would've liked it a lot more if they went a little harder on the movement options and made the platforming a little less stiff, but it's not a huge project so it's good as it is

Cute, slightly frustrating game with a soundtrack that goes hard.

Gostei MUITO desse jogo, a história, o estilo, a ambientação, é tudo realmente muito bom, gostei DEMAIS da trilha sonora, é incrível.

Buenos puzzles, sencillotes, pero agradables de resolver. Además el plataformeo es agradecido y te lleva por sitios interesantes. Realmente bonito pese a su simplicidad y de los que dices: "Venga, me hago otra zona más, que son cortitas". Lo más negativo que le puedo destacar es que la última habilidad que consigues es de todo menos controlable, lo cual es una pena en un juego que suele pedir un poquito de precisión si lo quieres hacer bonito (aunque siempre puedes hacerlo feo, no pasa nada)

cool cute game, liked the puzzle aspects a lot

decided to go for the platinum first playthrough, did everything perfectly for the trophy not to register and have to play HALF THE FUCKING GAME AGAIN to get it, didn't bother in the end

Nothing to blow you away, but it's cute, and will remind you of Journey

Cute little Indie Game, some riddles and a very easy gameplay. The characters are very cute and the platin is an easy run :)

lo jugue porque vi que era un platino facil y al final acabo siendo un juego molon

Omno es un juego de plataformas y puzzles inspirado en otros juegos como el Journey.
Todo es muy sencillo, desde la jugabilidad hasta los gráficos, pero está bien hecho y es bastante agradable. En lo que más destaca es en la banda sonora, música típica de este tipo de juegos, pasando de tranquila a épica y viceversa.

En todo nuestro viaje nos acompaña una criatura que nos guía indicándonos la dirección correcta y marcando objetivos. Todo el juego es avanzar de un sitio a otro mientras vamos adquiriendo nuevas habilidades que nos ayudarán. No hay ningún tipo de comunicación con el jugador, pero ni falta le hace. Todas las mecánicas están muy bien implementadas y absolutamente todo está muy bien aprovechado y hecho.
Tiene muchísimo mimo ♡

Un jeu contemplatif dans la ligné de jeux comme Journey ou Abzu. Le jeu est court mais c'est ici un qualité car la longueur le rendrait pénible. La brièveté permet au jeu de nous montrer de nombreux environnements, chacun peuplés de nouvelles espèces fantastiques et avec leur mini énigmes et séquences de plateforme. On débloque entre chaque zone une nouvelle compétence ce qui permet au jeu de se renouveler et ne pas nous ennuyer malgré sa simplicité. On débloque par exemple la capacité de surfer sur notre baton ce qui donne lieu à des séquences plus dynamiques et un déplacement plus satisfaisant. En revanche la recherche de tous les objet dans chaque zone peut s'avérer ennuyeux si on commence à y passer trop de temps. Le jeu ne va pas surprendre mais fait ce à quoi on s'attend de manière réussie. L'histoire n'est pas très prenante et la conclusion bien que correcte nous laisse un peu sur notre faim.

Cute game but WAY too slow for my liking. No interesting story, no real soundtrack, and the visuals are neat for the first 5 minutes of the game until they become bland and boring.

I'm sure it's for someone, but that someone is not me.

🕗 Total time played (approx.): 5h
🏆 Completion: 100% (22/22 Trophies)


"Omno" beckoned me with its promise of exploration, discovery, and a tranquil journey through captivating landscapes. The initial moments were undeniably enchanting, as I set foot in a world teeming with lush beauty and seemingly limitless potential. The ethereal atmosphere and serene ambiance succeeded in evoking a sense of calm and wonder, setting the stage for a promising escapade.

Venturing deeper into "Omno", I found myself immersed in an array of captivating environments, each offering unique challenges and puzzles. The game's traversal mechanics, such as gliding and dashing, added a layer of dynamism to the exploration, allowing me to traverse the breathtaking vistas with a sense of fluidity and grace. These moments of mobility were undoubtedly the game's highlights, providing a sense of empowerment that resonated deeply. However, despite the promising start, "Omno" began to exhibit signs of monotony as I continued my journey. The pacing, which initially felt deliberate and purposeful, gradually devolved into a sense of sluggishness that hindered my engagement. The serene atmosphere, while initially captivating, began to lose its impact as the absence of variety and new challenges detracted from the experience. The game's penchant for exploration, while commendable, sometimes bordered on aimlessness, leaving me yearning for more engaging objectives.

The puzzles, though engaging at times, often failed to evolve beyond their initial novelty, contributing to a sense of repetitiveness. While some challenges offered moments of intellectual satisfaction, others felt predictable and formulaic, failing to provide the depth and variety needed to keep me fully engaged throughout the journey.

It's important to note that "Omno" does have its redeeming qualities. The minimalist narrative, while subtle, offers a sense of purpose and intrigue that kept me invested in uncovering the mysteries of the world. The art style and design deserve commendation for their aesthetic appeal and the tranquil ambiance they evoke. Moreover, the seamless integration of traversal mechanics adds a layer of excitement to the exploration. In conclusion, "Omno" is a game that embraces serene beauty and simple pleasures, providing fleeting moments of enchantment and tranquility. While the initial allure of the lush landscapes and graceful traversal mechanics is undeniable, the experience falters over time due to pacing issues and a lack of variety. Despite its shortcomings, "Omno" manages to offer occasional glimmers of enjoyment, making it a title that might resonate with players seeking a meditative escape.

⭐ Rating: 2.5/5

Fun platformer/puzzle game with beautiful landscapes and interesting concepts. I want to jump on the Jellyfish.

cute little game that you can easily pass time with

A small and cute game where the visual part can leave you in a good mood and the music perfectly complements the atmosphere.

Not my type of game. Just got bored Playing.

Visually beautiful, fun gameplay, and very stylish. Also pretty short, but still worth your time.