Reviews from

in the past

Tout simplement le meilleur de cette trilogie. Tout le build up depuis le deuxième jeu est incroyable. Les personnages sont toujours aussi touchant et drôle cette série est un must play.

The song " The fragrance of dark coffee" (the orchestra version specifically) sticks with me, as it's a song I'd constantly listen to. Usually while drinking my high school's iced coffee while studying for my AP class. Those memories are short lived, but nice all around.

The game has big ambitions, tying what it's built up so far with it's characters and creating a bombastic final trial. It falls short with some characters, along with a few translation errors from Godot towards the end, but it's a nice bow tie on the trilogy.
Play it when possible, it's a great game.

primeiro caso da trilogia: prove por que seu amigo Larry não matou uma mulher


the only time a lawyer can cry is when it's all over... que jogo foda

At this date I'm still unsure if the best Ace Attorney is the first or this one. But I guess I'll go with the first since it still adknowledged one of the most awesome point and click games ever (no idea why these games are most of the times adknowledged as VNs since you have to actually put a little brain here instead of passively read a book, but whatever).

Incredible beginning and end, but I wish Phoenix's mid-game cases were more relevant to the plot.

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Trials and Tribulations is the best game in the trilogy, but I know I'm far from the first to say it, so I might as well give my reasons why, one case at a time.

Turnabout Memories: This is an awesome twist on the classic AA formula. We get to learn about Mia's career, Phoenix's past, and of course, Grossberg's hemorrhoids. Dahlia is a great villain and I love how blatantly guilty she is thanks entirely to Mia's POV. It also sets up a great central mystery, though we won't see the fruits of it until much later. The best first case in the trilogy.

The Stolen Turnabout: The best "filler case" in the trilogy. A case that's not a murder mystery (at first) is incredibly refreshing and something I wish the series would do more often. Seeing Adrian and Larry return and how they've moved on with their lives is awesome, and the new characters are just as good. Luke Atmey is a really entertaining villain, and Ron and Desiree are very sweet and I love them. But that's not even the best part of the case. No, this case graces us with my favorite character in the trilogy: Godot. His design and mannerisms are top-notch and the mystery behind his character is both immediately intriguing and immensely satisfying (but more on that later).

Recipe for Turnabout: ...Okay, nobody's perfect. I consider this the second-weakest case in the trilogy, just behind Big Top. I know a lot of stupid shit happens in Ace Attorney, but the Sonic Adventure 2 plotline with Don Tigre is where I draw the line. Also, I don't like Kudo or Armstrong. It's not all bad, though. Maggie's still a fun character and I like the arc with her and Gumshoe. And despite my complaints about his mysterious shapeshifting abilities, I think Don Tigre's a good villain. Also, I like how we get more time to learn about Godot as a prosecutor and the foreshadowing about how he can't see red. That's cool.

Turnabout Beginnings: Speaking of Godot, OH NO HE'S HOT. With that out of the way, this case is great. I love its use of dramatic irony and twists on the AA formula to set up the tragedy of Terry Fawles: You're gonna lose this case, and you know it. You just don't know how. It manages to build up Mia, Godot, Edgeworth, and Dahlia as characters in an interesting way. It's effectively half a case that exists as setup, but it's really good setup that leads to an even better payoff.

Bridge to the Turnabout: Talk about saving the best for last. Bridge to the Turnabout is, without question, my favorite case in the trilogy. True, the setup may seem convoluted and require a little suspension of disbelief, but those are minor nitpicks in the face of everything this case does right. It immediately sets up the mystery of a girl who looks mysteriously like Dahlia, set against the backdrop of a serene temple in the mountains. Then it raises the stakes, placing both Nick and Maya in mortal peril, leaving Edgeworth to step in and defend Iris. Franziska finally gets the conclusion to her arc in a fantastic twist on the series' signature courtroom battles. And it only gets better: Upon Nick's revival, everything involving DL-6, the Fey family, and Godot's past comes to a head, using everything the trilogy has built to craft an intricate web for the murder of Maya's mother. Immediately after, we get what is easily the best use of spirit channeling in the series: a cross-examination of a ghost revealing a plan to keep Maya safe, ending in Phoenix banishing Dahlia's soul to Hell (I am not joking).

But that's not even the best part. The reveal of the true killer finally gives Phoenix the conclusion to his arc, proving his capability as a lawyer to the man who doubted him the most. And of course, Godot's backstory and motivations are an expertly crafted combination of compelling and tragic. This is the only case in the original trilogy where I cried, and it's all thanks to him. Overall, Bridge to the Turnabout, like the game that bears it, is a perfect finale.

es un cierre precioso para la trilogía, si te gustaron mínimamente los anteriores este es casi imposible no guardarle cariño

This is the best Ace Attorney game around. Either this or Investigations 2.

Otro juegazo de la trilogía. Momentazos increíbles.

The best in the series.

O incelismo surgiu em 2005.
Jogo de 2004:

Caso 1: jogar com a Mia e defender o Phoenix foi muito mais muito foda, além de que aqui somos apresentados a uma das vilãs mais desgraçadas de todas.

Caso 2: me remeteu a alguns problemas do segundo jogo. Negligência das contradições, resoluções meio ridículas e pretensiosas, além de ser muito confuso e mirabolante. Ainda sim, gostei muito do caso por causa do enredo, por ser engraçado e por apresentar o Godot (talvez o melhor personagem do jogo); mas acho ele bem inferior aos outros casos desse jogo.

Caso 3: não é tão mirabolante e megalomaníacos como o segundo caso, entretanto, por não ser tão ambicioso, as coisas fluíram muito bem. Foi um caso que consegui prestar bastante atenção e um dos que mais me senti recompensado. Gostei da importância que o Gumshoe tem no arco e gostei da maioria dos personagens com exceção daquele chefe. Gostei bastante do caso.

Caso 4: novamente jogando com nossa majestosa Mia e confrontando a Dahlia (nossa Suzane Von Richthofen) novamente em um caso que só há um dia de tribunal (mas que por algum motivo sinto que demorei mais do que deveria aqui). É um episódio curto, mas muito interessante, que pela primeira vez termina com gosto amargo. Um caso que já começa com um plot twist logo de cara.

Caso 5: cara cara cara. Que sensacional. Desfecho perfeito. Senti a mesma vibe de ter terminado a franquia Senhor dos Aneis, como se tivesse três climax aqui, um do caso, um do jogo e um da trilogia. Parece que quase tudo que tava em aberto nos outros dois jogos se fecha neste. Nossa, amei como esse caso mexeu com meu psicológico, e como a dubiedade da réu é tão bem executada, com aquela trilha sonora melancólica ao mesmo tempo que medonha. E que preenchimento foda foi esse caso. Maravilhoso. Final quase perfeito. E ah, jogar com Edgeworth foi insano, já mostra como ele é bem mais capacitado que o Phoenix.

Com isso, Trials and Tribulations é o ápice dos três jogos que joguei. Amei acompanhar essa grande história.

Spoiler: procurando pelo em ovo, tem uma coisa que não curti tanto que foi essa parada de irmã gêmea. Acho um recurso meio preguiçoso.

melhor jogo já feito. (sou literalmente o godot)

El cierre de la trilogía original de Ace Attorney es un viaje emocional espectacular. Aunque en lo personal, el segundo caso no me terminó de convencer mucho, el resto es de lo mejor que ha hecho la saga hasta ese momento. El inicio es una espectacular forma de dar mayor contexto a los personajes, y a la vez, establecer el misterio a partir del cual gira todo lo demás. El tercer caso es un un gran regreso a un asesinato más sencillo, lleno de giros increíbles. Sin embargo, el pastel verdaderamente se lo lleva el último, que logra cerrar no solo todo lo que se plantea en este juego, sino amarrarlo con todo lo que se ha presentado en la trilogía en general. Logra darle un cierre satisfactorio a todos sus grandes personajes, expandirlos, y dejarnos satisfechos con lo que aprendieron. Verdaderamente un excelente ejercicio en escritura y generación de momentos significativos a través de interacciones jugables sencillas, pero que siempre logran premiar el involucramiento del jugador.

this game is good but the 3rd case is total shit and the final case has a leap in logic far more unbelievable and nonsensical than anything in turnabout big top, but the fanbase will never admit this.

Disappointing installment in the Trails franchise. Doesn’t have progress the story in any meaningful way and doesn’t Rean or the cool motorcyclist guy, what the fuck

the thrilling and heartbreaking conclusion to the ace attorney trilogy, t&t manages to wrap up every loose end and plot point introduced over the other 2 games, all while introducing it's own characters and plots with perfect writing and a satisfying ending.

The end of a journey I started many years back.

There are other Ace Attorney games, and guaranteed, I will be playing them. But this is a conclusion to the original characters, those who we fell in love with through the course of this trilogy.

As a resolution, this is as satisfying as you could ask for; new characters and cases interact with old ones to create a mystery and drama transversal to the series. A trip to the past fleshes out current characters and prepares us for an emotionally heavy finale, one where we might even shed some tears for both a person long gone and one we only just met.

Figuring out the solution in a cross-examination, when the music stops and the mystery begins to unfurl, makes you feel as if for a brief moment the universe has decided to orbit around you at exhilarating speeds. The stars careen past as the courtroom erupts into deductive reasoning, silly banter and heart-wrenching character moments. That sensation of going a million miles per hour simply from a series of text boxes is one that may be unmatched in any game I've played before.

And if I have to suffer through a million Larry Butz's just to experience this feeling again then goddamnit I might just do it.

i started with this one, bought by a friend's dad when i was dirt poor, and i feel in love with visual novels and the like
thanks uncle sergio

It's probably the best in the series because it stays true to what made the first game so entertaining and keeps the improvements from the second game that worked while improving the quality of the individual mysteries and overall story.

The best guy is the prosecutor, of course after Edgeworth, and the saddest story.

Лучший мужик прокурор, конечно после эджворта и самая грустная история.

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This game was really fucking good holy shit, every trial from this game had me hooked and the parts of playing as Mia was so awesome. The last case was a fuckin doozy tho but the fact that I got to play as Edgeworth for the first part in last trial of the game had me POPPING TF OFF. It was def funny af to see edgeworth be like "Erm im a man of science i dont believe in that spiritual hoopla" only for him to see the psych-locks pop up in front of him. Also after seeing so many posts on twitter of characters that look like Ichiban from Yakuza/eric andre and getting to see Godot (aka Diego Armando) in that flashback trial with Mia trying to defending an inmate on death row was so epic. I was legit about to shit myself if Maya ended up dying but like i put the pieces together and it blew my mind that Dahlia was being channeled thru Maya like bruh I had to put down my phone and process it (I was playing it on my phone). All in all a very good game to end the trilogy on. I will def play Apollo Justice some time this year because I definitely want to see how the series goes after the trilogy.
I give the game a yeah out of ten

Definitivamente el mejor juego de Ace Attorney, todo es excelente.