Reviews from

in the past

PO'ed was quite an experience. It's psychedelic, and almost psychopathic level-design is truly head-scratching. PO'ed is nauseating, barely giving its player time to breath.

PO'ed is ugly, no exceptions. To call the game abstract is somehow offensive, yet accurate at the same time. But did PO'ed cook? Nah, I don't think so.

Did I mention that I finished this total schizophrenic game in Japanese? I didn't. Don't worry, I'm not Japanese, so that was quite an experience.

crap game but for whatever reason it got me hooked. I got super stuck otherwise I would've kept playing. this game is like how earthbound was marketed in the US but as a game

Just by the nature of the viewpoint, FPS games achieve a level of immersion other genres can't really touch, and under certain circumstances, that can lead to some quite unique gaming experiences. I'll preface by saying that I've mostly only played good FPS games and I'm not overly acquainted with some of the incredibly insane older stuff like this and all the gonzo WOLFENSTEIN clones on the Pie in the Sky engine and whatever else, so I'm sure that there's probably quite a few games that would elicit this response from me - but I found PO'ED to be a uniquely hellish and disorienting experience that I needed to put down pretty much immediately because it felt like playing an actual nightmare. (Like, I was okay, I wasn't having a panic attack or anything, it was more like my brain was just kind of gently rejecting the inputs it was getting, like there was a small red warning light blinking on the dashboard of my mind saying, "hey, you should really turn this off" with increasing urgency the longer I played.)

You skate around these stark abstractions of spaceship interiors, hopping across single-flat-polygon platforms and elevators, level geometry seemingly assembled at random, wildly swinging a fucking bloody meat cleaver at these horrors, these puzzlingly formless and yet somehow sexualized enemy sprites, and trying desperately to keep your senses as the PS1 wall textures swimmmmmmm and tillllllllt. Judging by the manual, I guess the tone is supposed to be ... funny? Like tongue-in-cheek? But I mostly just felt like I was experiencing some talentless, deranged game designer's version of Vincent D'Onofrio's mind palace from The Cell.

Extraordinarily bad vibes. Not recommended.

the only work in any medium i've come across that accurately encapsulates what it's like to be a line cook dealing with psychosis

What even. It's interesting as a tech demo, but not a whole lot else IMO.