Reviews from

in the past

Definitivamente melhor que The Isle of Armor mas ainda é bem ok, a DLC é basicamente uma caça aos lendários que é bem divertida e o design dos novos lendários é bem bonito, principalmente o Moltres que foi o que eu mais gostei.

this could be good if it wasnt all just running around and catching legendary pokemon

Crown Tundra gives some more variety to the game with one of the best modes and stories in a pokemon game, even if it is a bit fluffy. It feels like a real episode concept for the anime, maybe a more minor movie or something along those lines. I do wish it added some more of my favorites back in, but still happy to see a more complete pokedex, and some interesting side stuff that allows you catch some of the less common legendaries, as well as some alternate versions of the legendaries, while adding some in.

I do wish that they made all of them available without a trade requirement, as well as not really adding pokemon locked behind the DLC for a full pokedex. It adds to some fo the mixed issues seen in the base game. Also hunting down pokemon like the legendary birds has always been a hassle. They twisted it up a
little bit, but still just tedium to have to guess where the pokemon start at to find them when they travel the map.

The dungeon crawling mode is also super intriguing. Maybe not the best version of the concept, but still really fun.

Lo mejor es que permite obtener Legendarios Shinys

DLC muito legal, uma adição maravilhosa ! Areás novas, pokemon novos, história legal. Tudo maravilhoso.

(Review from Nov 2022) Better expansion, with a more compelling set of Pokémon to chase after. Bigger downside for me was the map, which was more interesting than in Isle of Armor but was also impossible to navigate

Another one I'm just fine with, it's cool that you can catch fossil pokemon in the wild

I probably like this less than Isle of Armor. Peony teeters on the border between fun and obnoxious. The first part is just a boring fetch quest. The second part consist almost exclusively of catching legendaries, an activity I always thought was most suited to gambling addicts. At least chasing the birds was almost fun.

The Crown Tundra is the more robust of the two expansions. The setting is alright, as are the new Pokémon, though I feel the highlight of the DLC was the Dynamax Adventures, which I didn't particularly enjoy.

Cutron, pero mejor que los otros 2

insanely better than the isle of armor, and both of these are much worse than the SV dlc.

I like peony

Dynamax adventures goes hard

A step up from Isle of Armor.

The story is better. Pokemon selection is better. Dynamax Adventure is a really good side mode.

Amazing dlc, holy shit getting the regis and the dynamax adventures were so fucking good and the galarian birds one of the best dlc I have ever played

Was a nice, quick addition to the game. Added a lot of Pokemon that were fan favorites and the storyline was not corny. Plus! the Max Raid den here was very helpful in catching rare Pokemon!

Had some fun aspects, interesting new poke-mechanic in the riding guy, but overall it was just that, a bit of fun but nothing special.

This was a great expansion and one that I absolutely loved exploring and finding my way through. It was such a joy.

actually good expansion but its tied to swsh so its plagued

never finished this because i got stubborn and wouldnt move on until i caught a shiny regice i never ended up finding lmao

Incredible bonus to the story

El segundo DLC de Pokémon Espada me ha dejado satisfecho. Bastante completo y con nuevos e interesantes legendarios. Se añaden nuevos modos de juego para capturar los legendarios de generaciones anteriores, algo que le da bastante frescura. El mapa es enorme, el problema es el del juego en general, se siente vacío. Rutas que son pasillos rectos y decoración que se basa en árboles y unas ruinas musgosas. También me ha dejado algo frío la historia de los legendarios y de las nuevas formas regionales, ya que me esperaba un lore mucho mas trabajado. A pesar de eso, DLC bueno que acaba dejando Pokémon Espada como un juego bastante más grande de lo que era en un principio. 7/10

Score: 79/100

Good DLC, with a better story than expected, but those damn birds just wouldn't stay in the balls.