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in the past

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Wow. Obviously I'm gonna be talking SPOILERS here so be warned.
The opening animation short really set the scene tbh, much better than the two previous chapters. I really liked how they introduced all the new guys especially Catnap of course. The first cutscene though? Absolutely mental. It was so creepy to suddenly find myself in a garbage disposal ready to be COMPRESSED, that caught me so off guard.

Catnap really felt like a threat the whole time even though the game didn't really set him after you much. The puzzles and the introduction of the new arms was so so damn satisfying to use! Especially when they all combine in that final scene against Catnap. I really liked the orphanage and hoped if we'd gotten to explore the two areas they didn't let us explore.

I really liked the school section!! That was a real highlight, very well designed too. And the jungle gym with all the little smilies, ahh so cool. I can't wait for Ch3! I really hope Missy isn't dead :( I really hate the fact that I killed Huggy (And all the other cool characters too) so I don't want the remaining cast to die! I want to save them all. The Hour of JOY was crazy to see, I can't even begin to imagine what the Prototype will look like. The shrine that Catnap made was really freaky to see...
EDIT: Having seen the teaser trailers for the first time now, it's so cool to see a closeup of the shrine! and I also forgot to mention that the part with the dog in the cellar was pretty brutal tbh, that was crazy.

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In this chapter, the Mob Entertainment team outdid themselves in every aspect. They improved almost every element of the game—the graphics are stunningly beautiful, the atmosphere is hauntingly gorgeous, the soundtrack, and even the story, are better and more interesting. We finally learn why the protagonist returned to that factory, what happened to the people there, the protagonist's connection with Huggy Wuggy, and what the Prototype actually is.

The villain of this chapter is undoubtedly the most interesting of all, with a bizarre aura surrounding CatNap and his red smoke power. Since almost nothing about him is explained during the game, he feels more like an entity than anything else.

On the other hand... this is undoubtedly the MOST BORING chapter of the three I've played. The chapter starts off very well, with the protagonist being thrown into the garbage dump and having to escape with CatNap constantly watching. Then you meet Ollie, a poorly utilized character, since he's not really a character but just a mechanic to help you progress in the game. If he were like one of the Smiling Critters who survived CatNap's reign or something like that, it would definitely be more interesting. Then you reach Home Sweet Home, where the problems begin. The beginning of the area is very interesting when the protagonist inhales the "red gas" and starts hallucinating, making the game feel like P.T., but after that part, the chapter becomes very dull, and this is where the BIGGEST problem of the game appears: the puzzles.

The puzzles become absurdly prominent in this chapter, not because of the puzzles themselves but because there are SO MANY PUZZLES. Seriously, you get exhausted playing this because it takes a long time to feel like you're progressing in the game.

One thing that greatly contributes to this feeling of exhaustion for me is the fact that the game is VERY dark. Seriously, it's hard to see in this game. I thought Amnesia was a dark game, but this is another level. The biggest problem is that you can't even increase the brightness in the game's settings, and this leaves you very disoriented since you barely know where you are in that house. Maybe if there were a map or an option to increase the game's brightness, it would greatly improve the experience.

Despite these problems, the chapter itself is quite good. The school part is very scary, with the teacher's chase, even though it's easy. The Mines parts are UNBEARABLE, and the chase that occurs in the CatNap sanctuary is absurdly good, better than the chase in the first chapter. Overall, the rest of the chapter remains fairly consistent.

But something that really disappointed me was the final boss fight against CatNap. CatNap has been built up as if he were the reincarnation of a demon, but in his boss fight, all you have to do is close some doors to keep him from getting close to you, like in FNAF. It's a huge waste for such an iconic villain...

Overall, it's a chapter with very good points and also very bad ones. Honestly, I'm quite looking forward to the next chapter, which apparently will conclude the story.

Aqui os cara da Mob Entertainment se superaram em todos os sentidos, eles melhoraram absolutamente tudo do jogo sem exceção (Gameplay, Gráficos, Ambientação, Trilha Sonora, Lore). É isso que acontece quando uma equipe se une e faz um trabalho bem feito. A única reclamação que eu tenho para fazer é que esse jogo podia ser melhor otimizado.

A cada capítulo novo essa merda vai ficando melhor, não é possivel, que bagulho bom, a professora, o dogday, catnap, um verdadeiro filme de terror, que venha capítulo 4

JOGASSO, zerei recentemente e amei, jogaria novamente fácil, RECOMENDO!

Esperava um pouco mais do CatNap, mas ainda é o melhor capítulo lançado até o momento

no no this one is too scary sorry guys i can't review it

O maior Hype de 2024, uma grande qualidade acabou chegando pra esse capítulo, tendo como foco principal, o terror psicológico, que é simplesmente o ponto mais forte desse capítulo. o jogo não deixa claro de primeira qual é o seu inimigo e deixa você ansioso cada vez que você houve pedaços de suas lore, além da Evolução gráfica, o jogo é simplesmente incrível em atmosfera e terror, fazendo sua experiência ser totalmente marcante e aterrorizante.

o jogo é bem escrito do começo a o fim, porém o jogo tem um problema sério em relação aos seus puzzles, os puzzles são muito repetitivos, chegando a ser super irritante toda vez que vocÊ se depara com um puzzle, e qaunto mais longe você for no jogo, mais difícil são os puzzles desse jogo.

outro ponto negativo é a batalha final, que é totalmente sem graça e simplesmente estraga o terror psicológico que o jogo inteiro desenvolveu.

o terceiro capítulo de poppy playtime é incrível, porém sua boss battle não cativa tanto, sendo uma gameplay de monitoramento de recuros...isso estraga a boss battle pra mim, por mais que a animação da morte do catnap seja muito bem feita.

Catnap como vilão, por mais que não apareça tanto, ele consegue representar bem o perigo dele e de seu gás alucinógeno, e demonstra pesença em todos os lugares do jardim dos smiling critters.

Nossa, de verdade a sensação que esse jogo passa é sensacional! Conheci a franquia após o lançamento desse jogo, ouvi falar muito bem e corri para jogar o primeiro e o segundo jogo, que foram incríveis. Cheguei nesse com uma expectativa gigantesca e super animado. Esse jogo consegue proporcionar tudo oque um jogo de terror precisa ter o seu ar próprio, simplesmente magnifico. Com certeza uma enorme evolução do primeiro e do segundo jogo. Melhoraram todas as questões, possuindo gráficos incríveis, gameplay magnifica, história maravilhosa, terror e suspense perfeitos, absolutamente tudo feito com maestria. Me diverti do inicio ao fim, tomei vários sustos, quase morri na vida real algumas vezes, mas logo conclui com magnitude. Super recomendo!

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So... was anyone going to tell me Poppy Playtime is good now? Or was I supposed to find that out myself?

But in all seriousness, as a long time fan of the mascot horror genre, man, it feels so so good to be back! Mascot horror has always been a Hot Mess from pretty much go. I mean, this genre has always had a hard time balancing horror elements with its aesthetics and even writing decent narratives, if we're being totally honest with ourselves. But these last few years have felt like exploitative, low quality kids game after exploitative, low quality kids game, with very few lights in a long stretch of darkness (ahem, Amanda the Adventurer). And, unfortunately, it very much felt like the first two chapters of Poppy Playtime were the catalyst for that, even if this trend had probably been coming for a long long time. In comparison, Poppy Playtime Chapter 3 feels like an ENORMOUS breath of fresh air.

Is this game perfect? No. It really could have done with a lot clearer signposting of the final bosses mechanics, or even a section to introduce its mechanics to the player before the fight. The last stretch of game play in between the playpen and the final boss stretched on for way too long. So much so that it greatly diminished any tension the playpen, school or home sweet home sections built, never mind the poor signposting for segments of it. And, when I watched a friend play this, the RNG of the final boss was so random, it didn't give a consistent or satisfying experience.

HOWEVER, no matter how flawed this game is, I feel like it deserves an A for effort. It definitely feels like the developers sat down and took criticism of the first two chapters extremely seriously. The setting? Somehow both unique, something that feels like would be actually made for children and scary at the same time. The Ambiance? On point. The monster designs? Vastly improved. The Scares? Actually well executed! I don't feel like I can fully judge it on it's moment to moment game play, considering I didn't play this myself, but, my gosh, it seemed actually fun to play! And for the most part, the mechanics felt like they were well integrated and taught to the player through its game play. This is some seriously competent game design, and unless you're also a long time fan of this genre, I don't think you'd be able to comprehend how badly this was needed. It's sad, that the bar is so low any game that at least achieves the bare minimum of "cohesive product" can revitalize the genre, but unfortunately, that's exactly where we were at. I'm very happy to report that this came is much more than just competent.

I don't feel like I can really organize my thoughts on this properly, so I'm just going to gush about my favorite parts :^

Home Sweet Home's atmosphere was INCREDIBLE. Between the players hallucinations, Catnap stalking you, the Huggy Wuggy TV Sequence where he literally crawls out of the fucking TV like the girl from The Ring. (Cheesy as it was, I am so fucking glad that the devs really committed to it because I fucking love it.) The backing track is incredible, and the atmospheric story telling is just fantastic. And, bro, the room with Kissy sitting hunched over a photo of a girl with all walls covered in drawings of Kissy that say shit like "my best friend" really fucking got me in a place deep down. I wasn't even invested in this character!! How did you do that??? How did you make me care about a character I didn't even LIKE before this with one quiet moment??

God I fucking love the cheesy ass Smiling Critter cardboard cut outs and their dumb prerecorded dialogues. They're just so campy!! And I love the Smiling Critter plush enemies, too. Somehow they were both adorable and creepy asf.

Miss Delight's segment was so good. The fact that they had the restraint to not use her in advertisements or tease her earlier in the chapter AT ALL and let the player fuck around and find out??? So good. Normally I would prefer foreshadowing about something like this, but, goodness, they executed it so well that I honestly think that giving her any screen time outside of the school would have been the wrong move. And god, her chase is fantastic. And her design???? Incredible.

I love CatNap. His regular design is just so, so good. The fact that it looks like he's starving? The way he stalks you and toys with you? The way he COULD have killed you at several points but didn't JUST to mess with you? The way he's the very first thing you see when you boot up the chapter? I don't quite feel like his worship of the prototype was maybe as well executed as Sammy's worship of Bendy from BatIM, but, gosh, do I think that character archetype is slept on, and it was honestly a perfect fit for PPch3. Also, love Theo to bits, that kid deserved so much better

I don't think any other game in this genre has ever had the fucking balls to lean into honest to god gore. Maybe Bendy? but even then I don't think that Bendy ever really used gore effectively. But finding DogDay was so genuinely shocking. My first real exposure to this chapter was actually seeing footage of this on Youtube as a short, after having seen some fan art of the Smiling Critters having not known they were Poppy characters. And when I noticed this was from Poppy Playtime part of me was still fully in denial, thinking, "There's no fucking way this is actually in the game, right? This HAS to be fan made." But no. It was real, actual footage from Poppy Playtime Chapter 3. And honestly? THIS is the moment that won me over as a fan of this game. The main problem with the mascot horror genre these past few years was NEVER that these were kids games. I mean, the main draw of these games is the contrast between cartoon characters that could have conceivably been made for children combined with nostalgia and spooks. This sort of thing was always going to draw in kids. But because kids happen to often be a target audience, so many of the mascot horror games of these last few years just, refuse to take their audiences seriously. It's the content farm problem, where young kids will watch anything that stimulates them, so people making to look a quick buck don't put any real effort into the games. But this moment, with DogDay crucified, his legs ripped off, blood dripping from his torso, THIS moment proved that the devs of Poppy Playtime are choosing to take their audience seriously. I mean, obviously, all of the places where you can tell they took criticism did that as well, but this moment in particular feels so damn indicative of their mentality precisely because no other mascot horror has gone this far before. And then, when your jaw is on the floor, when you're stunned that Poppy Playtime had the confidence to cross a line and go where no other mascot horror has gone before, the Smiling Critters crawl into DogDay's torso and his face and eat him from the inside out. Then they get up and start fucking chasing you. Fucking mad lads o7

Speaking of being more explicit, the Hour of Joy tape was just incredible. Thank you Poppy Playtime for not shying away from your atrocities!! I don't think I want this type of explicit representation for every dark piece of these games, that would get gratuitous REAL fast. Additionally, it'd probably take away from why moments like these worked so well, because they were the exception, not the rule.

Which is why I liked this chapter's environmental storytelling, too! You can put the pieces together about what happened before you even get the tape. For those with keen eyes, this tape is mostly a confirmation of what you already suspect, and for players who haven't spotted every single clue, this gives them the last few pieces of the puzzle. Watching this felt a little like actually watching Charlie's murder in Freddy's Pizzeria Sim, which is a win in my book! Fantastic execution all around.

Soo, yeah, I just really loved this game. It's not perfect, but that's never the experience I'm looking for when I go into these kinds of games. What we did get, however, was a blend of the best of the best that mascot horror has to offer mixed with bold creative decisions that made this chapter feel like its own, distinct game. I never thought I'd ever say this, but I'm actually excited to see if Poppy Playtime will continue to define its identity and learn from their mistakes. And even if this is where Poppy peaks, I'd be satisfied that it still dared to try something new, even if I'd be disappointed that approach of pushing the genre to its limit wasn't iterated upon. Ultimately, I do hope one day Chapters 1 and 2 get the Bendy treatment, and the devs go back and polish them up with what they've learned because I'd honestly like to see that.

Poppy Playtime is indeed poppin off with this new chapter

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I won't rate it because i just watched it, not played it, but c'mon. I get it, new mechanics, characters, etc, but the history and script is getting WORST, everything is getting more predictable and it's losing it's mystery essence. And the worst thing about it is that they're repeating the same pattern in order to end each chapter "epically", or they're just without creativity like:
-There'll be a monster, and he'll definitely die (or at least we'll see a dying scene)
-There'll definitely be a plot in the end to make you feel like "oh nooo, what's gonna happen" (even though the answer is probably "ok")
-After you reach one place when chased by a monster and press a button or a lever The monster will get VERY FAST and the door will close, or he'll fall (Like Huggy Wuggy, Mommy long legs and Miss Delight death) and he/she will die. It's always annoying to see because i know that "urgh. After pressing it the monster will pretend to reach me instantly but of course he never will...Since i'm like so far away..."

like, DAMN, it lack creativity, and i also don't like Poppy and Missy interactions with the protagonist it pulls alway a little of the darker ambient but that's more about personal taste.
But, that's just my vision about the unniverse of the game, a game is still a game, so if it is good to play, it's at least fine, but since i didn't play, just watched it, it is just bad to me.
And least but not last, it is so much buggy.

Man, past me would kick my ass for this, but... this was pretty damn good.

They seem to have listened to a lot of feedback, and they really ramped up both the horror and the story here. I'm a sucker for some horror game lore, and this was all kinds of up my alley. The puzzles were a little trickier and more engaging, the areas were varied and interesting, new and returning characters were both frightening (Catnap, the Prototype, Miss Delight) and loveable (Dogday, Kissy), and the atmosphere is getting genuinely great.

Ending was pretty predictable (the Kissy stuff, not the Catnap/Prototype stuff which was interesting), but I'm genuinely intrigued to see where this goes, particularly when it comes to the Prototype, Ollie, the protagonist and their previous role in the experiments, and who ends up as genuinely on our side.

Esse é de longe o capitulo mais bem produzido de toda a série, ele tem mecânicas novas, um conceito de mapa totalmente novo e interessante, inimigos super bem feitos, mas que infelizmente o triunfo do capítulo se desmorona no final, além de que o fato de ter mais puzzle do que terror, me incomodou um pouco pois o jogo não é nem um pouco intuitivo.

Esse começa tão mas TÃO BEM, e ele decai no final de uma forma que não tem nem explicação, o que falar daquela boss fight final? simplesmente patético e frustrante, potencial desperdiçado.

em comparação com os outros é decente pra krl

The best out of the trilogy. This one gameplay wise is the best and is actually super good. The scares are the best here too, 100% an improvement from the 2nd game. I do think this game does have some moments in the story where im confused what im doing but other than that it's a pretty good game.


wow chapter 3 is such a letdown and I can't even beat the game because I'm softlocked because the vent won't deposit the key no matter what I do, also this game is just softlocked and lag hell to play somehow doom 2016 runs better than this and I have that game on high graphics come on man, overall it's just a very boring game to play and not that engaging but it did scare me a couple of times

this game pushed the boundaries for a mascot horror game, the horror of this chapter is amazing and everything has amazing detail, one of the best horror game experiences i've ever played

scenes like the dogday scene really shows how the devs are willing to add stuff that other games would never do (modern day fnaf)

Poppy Playtime Chapter 3 is definitely the best chapter so far. Mobgames keep outdoing themselves with each game, which is good. I felt the horror was better this time around, they actually tried to scare you instead of playing minigames. It's just better in pretty much every way.

All in all, I would say that this is the only game that I would consider to be actually good out of all of the chapters so far. But with all of that said, the game has some HUGE issues holding it back. Like the large amount of bugs. Sometimes I would need a specific item that disappeared, or a glass wouldn't break, or doors wouldn't open. The game definitely has a ton of glitches. Which is weird since I played this 4 months after release, and one would think that they should all be fixed by now.

But I can get behind all that, bugs aren't a super big issue for me as long as the game is good (which it is), but my problem is the god awful optimization. Like, really, I played this right after the other 2 games, and it's just... unplayable. I know I don't have the best PC in the world, but oh my god, I'll be fine reaching around 120 fps, and then when I look in a specific direction it just drops down to 30 fps. And for what reason? Most of the time it isn't even loading anything new, it just starts heavily stuttering for no reason. It wasn't that bad at first, but the longer you play the game, the bigger the issue becomes. It just makes me sad, since the game is pretty decent and Mobgames has a really talented group of developers. I just hope they actually make the game playable so I can finish it.

Ahora, este esto es el terror. Este juego esta super pulido de calidad, visualmente es fantastico y Catnap me provoco lijeros infartos. La historia que cuenta y como se desarolla da lugar a pocas pero interesantes teorias. Definitivamente estoy ansioso por la cuarta parte.

"Franchesco Virgonlini - vriummmmmmmmmmmm"

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much better than the last two chapters, it felt scary, it was much longer and much more serious than the last. however it did feel like a mix of resident evil 8 (beneviento), portal 2 (the underground facility) and fnaf (the entire lore and the hour of joy), so it wasn't very original. it also contained a lot of bugs, ex: miss delight didn't chase me at all through the school (she got stuck in a door). it also fails to explain the objective in a lot of parts, like in the circus area with the critters and in the final fight against catnap, most of the times you have no clue what you have to do and therefore you get killed a million times before you finally figure it out. the game also saves like 5 minutes before a fight, so whenever u get killed u have to walk again all over from the beggining and it's so frustrating. another thing i didn't like was the lack of catnap, i would've liked to see him more often through the chapter since he's the main protagonist but instead he only appears in random events that are really easy to miss if you're looking in another direction. not to mention the horrible frame drops because of the terrible optimization... overall it has many issues that need to be fixed and it's kind of like a mix of several games together but it was still really scary and enjoyable (at least for me, i don't usually play horror games often)

Way scarier than chapter 2, did indeed piss myself, very abrupt ending, 8/10

Huh? What's mascot horror doing in your timeline? First good question asked all night. The second is "will you be my pookie bear?" but I guess it's too soon for those kind of demands. I know I won't play no kind of mascot horrors anytime soon hides Security Breach but I'll judge what I watched. I know I just admited to reviewing something I haven't experienced for myself but, honest, I feel like that's true of many reviews for this genre, bonus points because I spared myself the stress these lil plushes would have given me. They remind me of mini-Marios but they eepy cweepy.

The lore is fucked up as one would expect, inviting theorists to throw their hat in the ring (or well, see if their hat is still unscathed, this is its own chapter debunking theories from the previous ones after all). I imagine they placed all their hope into MatPat only for him to bow out the grind. He'd say shit like, huuuuh catnap puts me in beauty sleep mode wake me up when the boss fight is over. It's not the tried and true run for your dear life end sequence... it's kind of a miss but I respect trying.

Lile the previous chapters, there's a great ambience. It's more polished than it ought to be considering the controversies around the game since day one. I'm only now realizing, but selling merch of evil plushes killing kids to actual kids is wild. Who wanna sex on the momma long legs bed wearing the huggy wuggy onesie with me? Man forget I asked. I need to solve another ray puzzle before ms. baldi chases me in the hallways. Teachers these days go through iron shutters while I go through manic episodes and they think they have every right to do so because they're on strike. Forget it this review is done and dusted.

Muito melhor do que os antecessores, mas ainda assim, falta muito pra conseguir ser realmente bom. Acho que o capítulo 4 tem bastante potencial vendo a evolução em relação aos anteriores.

i’ll be honest i'm impressed with how they improved with the mechanics and animation, this time i got several scares and the story is taking shape.

Surpreendentemente genuinamente bom

An actually good mascot horror is very refreshing. Ollie needs to talk less. I really like Catnap's design. Some areas are too easy to get lost in.

Buen terror y una gran mejora con respecto a los anteriores capítulos.
Aunque, podría mejorar.