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Media estrella menos porque la sátira no da risa

Swipes from the best of both boomer-shooters and modern FPS hits to great success. The movement tech alone make me so excited to get started, and it's just short enough that I got through it in two sessions (meaning it didn't have the time to really bore me with the nonstop piss jokes and ancient meme humor).

However the dev deserves big props for turning some of the cringe humor into good mechanics. The player has a designated "piss-button" which sounds atrocious but essentially works like an extra weapon, similar to Mario Sunshine's FLUDD, that can be used to raise gates, destroy electronics, and even alters enemies in several ways, ranging from freezing them to turning them on one another, by using different drinks.

Games like Slayers X hit the gross-out cringe humor better, but mechanically, to my disbelief, this is one of the best titles to come out of the new fixation of the genre.

This was my first ever boomer shooter and wow was this game awesome. Challenging and satisfying, highly recommend! I replayed it three times!

it's a quirky little romp but there's not much depth to it

Shorter than expected, but still had a blast. The enemies, dialogue, and mission descriptions had me laughing, the cutscenes were amazingly animated, and the gameplay was fun. Only gripes were that it was shorter than I would've hoped, with there only being three bosses and 15 missions. However, this didn't spoil my fun with the game, as what was there was still really good.

"This can't be good for me..."
POSTAL: Brain Damaged is a rarity in this specific franchise: a game that isn't held together by glue, chewing gum and violent dreams.

You play as The Dude, who is quite literally lost into his own mind trying to get his TV back from...himself, all the while going through the, pardon my French, fucked up parts of his psyche.

It's very clear from the moment you get your hands on the game's double-barreled, chain-hooked shotgun that this game owns a lot to DOOM Eternal, and that inspiration becomes even more evident as the game progresses, from its encounters to its level design.

The guns, which very from the relatively mundane pistols, double-barrels and miniguns to the much more absurd didlo-shooting bows and holy grenade launchers, all feel good to shoot, most of them having very interesting secondary fires to booth.

Visually the game looks pretty darn good, with the art-direction going for a pseudo-pixellated 3D style, which imo will probably age better than the more visually standard main titles in this franchise. Sound-wise you can kinda spot some stock sound effects here and there, the voice acting is relatively minimal and it's usually just one liners both the protagonist and it enemies will repeat semi-frequently (you can toggle said frequency in the menus). The OST, while not groundbreaking at all, does have some pretty memorable tracks that fit with the levels they are in particurarly well.

The game is structured in three Episodes, so to speak, each made up of five levels and each ending with a boss fight. While the structure itself isn't a problem, the levels themsels sometimes are, do to their very open and labyrinthine nature, which leads to you sometimes not being sure where to go in order to progress. Visually they all look very distinct and fundamentally there isn't an arena or encounter that is particurarly terrible on normal, but do not be surprised if after a fight you need to look up a guide to know where a button is and such.

Being a POSTAL game, it's irreverent and aims to insult just about everyone (admittedly Brain Damaged isn't as insensitive as the mainline games tend to be), and just like a POSTAL game it rarely actually is funny, but much like, say, Borderlands, if you are like me you tend to turn your brain off and just enjoy the carnage, which is, I am sure, what the devs intended anyhow.

You can also piss on people and there's even power-ups for that so I guess I have to give this game a 10/10 in restrospect.

The level designs go from very big and empty to very small and full with enemy's and lack something to make them more interesting .
Beside the first level, mad house and spaceship most of the game is very forgettable.
They enemy's go from either very useless and just filler and some of them are very annoying and can ruin your fun
their design are lacking anything interesting and.
The weapons are not interesting and some of them feel horrible to use like the shotgun in my opinion.
The "parry" system fucking sucks and the melee attacks suck as well.
2 out of the 4 boss fights suck as well.
The only good bosses are the final 2 bosses .
Some mechanics are interesting but very underexplored like pissing and pissing is only use to open doors or activate something else and to give some status effects on the enemy's.
Either way its Postal brain damage is not a bad shooter is just a decent boomer shooter that lacks a lot of things

Some confusing level design decisions aside, it was a fun romp with no holds barred and quite the postal experience

Is it funny? I mean, not really. It's a Postal game. You'll get a chuckle out of something and the very next punchline will be a fart noise. But is it a fun game?

Oh yeah. It's fun.

I can't think of another game that is a spinoff of a series that rises so far above the other games. Yeah, you peed on a guy in Postal 2 when you were 12 and that became a formative memory, but from a 'joy chemicals are flooding my brain' perspective, man this game is good.

esse jogo é muito divertido, só queria que ele fosse maior

This was a great fucking game. I love what they did by taking the gameplay of Postal 2 and building off something entirely new with it. The sheer amount of creativity and fun in this game is great and the way levels come together is wonderful. I love the creativity with the jokes and references. Usually when most things do current day stuff it fucking sucks cuz they either don't understand the memes, it reads like a twitter rant or it's just not funny since they think simply mentioning the thing equals funny...or it's just plain unfunny. Postal actually makes it fucking funny and understands what the fuck it's talking about and that alone is great. Without going into spoilers, killing Ronnie was pretty fun, that's all I'll say. I love how creative they got with all the weapons by the way and I love the crunchy ass style. The Shotgun hookshot segments (easily my most used gun, in majority of FPSes really) reminded me of BioShock Infinite come more FPSes don't do things like this? Or maybe I don't play enough creative FPSes I dunno...say FPSes three times fast.

When this game first came out I didn't think much of it, I saw a few screenshots and I was like...oh it just Apocalypse Weekend in HD? Like Postal 4 seems to be just 2 in HD (I haven't played 4 yet but I didn't hear great things about it, I intend to play and judge it for myself eventually but for now, yeah). But hooo boy was I wrong. This game is great and I had quite a blast (hehe)

Definitely recommend it to anyone who likes Postal and FPSes...might kick the ass of those not as skilled with these though.

I played and beat on Easy that being said (tho I attempted Normal in very early game), yet the game still felt challenging yet fair. It doesn't hold my hand and if I fuck something up it feels like my fault. I love what they did with the pissing too.

This can't be good for me, but I feel great.

Postal: Brain Damaged is the only game I've played where piss cancelling is a thing - weapons with a slow fire rate can be shot way faster if you piss between shots.

The above illustrates the tone of the game quite well. It's intentionally gross and a little offensive - whether you like it is up to you. To me, personally, it's a little pathetic, and it comes down to two things: there's no intention behind the game's edginess, and there's no cohesion in any of it.
Being provocative isn't bad, but when there's no idea behind it, then it ends up just looking sad. Grossness can be used for contrast when juxtaposed against or replacing traits of purity tied to a group, for example. It can also be an exaggeration that emphasizes something negative, or just a theming tool. Here, none of these apply - the main character whips his dick out, pissing in urinals opens doors, enemies get stunned with urine, there are farting enemies, caricatures of obese people, and you pick up shit to open a door at one point. Nothing is being said with the grossness, it's just there.
As for the lack of cohesion, the game has a very random assortment of enemies - from mutant dogs, through aliens, conspiracy theorists, floating fat dudes, moaning women in bondage and moustaches with cowboy hats, to furries and D&D nerd wizards. That's not a problem in concept, but because every theme only has a couple of enemy types tied to it, the game is forced to mix them a lot, and it just doesn't work, both because of mixing artstyles and abandoning the theme behind each level.

This doesn't ruin the game for me at all, but it's the most distinct thing about it, so it's worth mentioning. Maybe it's obvious if you've played a Postal game before - I had not.

What matters is gameplay, and that's fairly solid. The arsenal you get to play with is decently large and very varied. It comes short because of some weapons being too imbalanced, but the vast majority of them are satisfying to use - they have good feedback and some have animation cancelling like I mentioned at the start. Each weapon also has an alternate fire mode, but most of them are simply not useful.
There are also consumable pickups that try to mix things up. They're nothing crazy, and suffer from the same issues limited quantity items always have, but I guess they do introduce a little bit of variety anyway.
Combat is fast, and so is your movement. You gain speed by bunnyhopping (which is a little janky here, but you do get to zoom around), you can dodge attacks with a slide, and move around arenas with more separated platforms with the shotgun's grappling hook and launch pads present on many floors. The enemies' range, speed and ability to track your movements affects target prioritisation in a fun way.

The enemy designs are pretty good. There are a lot of them, and they are varied - they use melee, close range, slow projectile, explosives, lasers and support abilities, they float, run at you, or hang back. Some also have little complexities added to them - there's an enemy type that can live without its body, there's one that has two stages to it, and there's one that loses control of its weapon after a few shots, giving you a window of safety even when it's firing. Kinda neat.

The enemy roster is well utilised by the level design. Overall, the maps in the game are fairly good, but the opening levels are unfortunately by far the weakest in every way - direction, variety, encounter design and theming - so just know that it does get appreciably better, and continues to improve throughout the game.

Отличный бумер-шутер в духе последних DOOM, но с атмосферой знаменитого Постал. Единственная нормальная часть POSTAL, после второй конечно же :)

Pretty damn fun Doom Eternal inspired boomer shooter. The jokes will age like absolute shit though, but I'm sure the devs are very aware. It will be a relic of its time, completely by design.

A solid boomer shooter. I like the visuals, some of the enemy designs are pretty cool, there's also a solid variety of enemies. All the weapons are solid, the abilities are useful too. Music is good, nothing to stand out, but it works for it. The comedy and jokes are there as expected. Not a fan of the Rona boss, wasn't bad, just kinda eh. There really was no reason for it to function the way it did. Definitely a good one to play if you're a shooter fan.

This is a stupid ass cringe as fuck game. Bursting at the seams with toilet humor, outdated references, and corny ass memes, tell me why the hell I genuinely enjoyed this game more than I should have. The gameplay was actually really fun, and I would be having a great time picking apart a horde of enemies and then the Player Character says some shit like 'This Nom is Good!' and my eyes roll so hard I start to have a seizure. The environments of the game are very hit and miss as well, having some honest to god really interesting ones and then some that are so bland my brain immediately throws them in the trash once I've completed it. Against all odds, this game seems to have won me over. It might help that I'm far less effected by cringe than most, because if cringe deeply effects you, I'd recommend staying far away, but if you can stomach the fact that a stream of lava piss is a power up in this game, you might be able to have a good time.


This game is very different from what I know about POSTAL. The big transition from a chore fest to a boomer shooter is a big change, and they do it pretty well. I have not finished the game, as I got a bit bored of it.

Great level and enemy variety. Thoughtful, satisfying weapons and mechanics. Fluid gameplay, awesomely unique art style and graphics. Doesn’t take itself seriously while delivering a fun, colourful experience. Unfortunately the music lacks character and memorability. It’s just kind of there to support the gameplay, but doesn’t fit the wonky, cartoony, psychedelic world they’ve built. No complaints with the SFX and voiceovers though!

Postal: Brain Damaged was a surprise for me. Being into Postal 2 and Paradise Lost mainly, I am still not very attracted by Postal 4 and when this got announced I thought it'd be a neat side game but not much else. As it turns out, it's simply amazing.

Color me surprised by how solid this is! The start of each episode is just a tiny bit slow, but once it picks up the game is some of the most fun I had with arena boomer whatever shooters in recent years. First level is too open imo, but all the rest are way more focused on the arena design.

The arsenal is really fun, all the guns have some use AND are just fun in and of themselves, even your basic shovel-chainsaw and not so smart pistol remain viable guns throughout the entire game. It's true, we have guns blatantly taken from other games, like the smart pistol from Titanfall and the SSG from Doom Eternal, but they are really well implemented here so they don't feel off at all (and with better thought than they'd have in Eternal!).

Speaking of the arsenal, I feel like explaining what the Pussy Launcher really is like as even I misunderstood it at first. It feels clunky when you first get it, but once you get how to get into the habit of shooting 3 times behind enemies and then pulling the projectile back towards them, it's basically an infinite ammo gun. I do think it's worthy of being your final gun, as proper use is extremely powerful, please don't overlook it.

This game also has HUGE enemy variety, each map up until around the last 3 introducing new enemies for you to fight. Many of them are variations of each other, but they're still distinct enough so that mixing them up in combat makes for a good balance. My favorites must be the silly asylum enemies, what with the lobotomized ones and gone rogue medical staff.

I guess I should talk about the humor. It's still a Postal game so it's not exactly particularly funny, and it's mostly interesting for the absurdity rather than humor. But I have to say, I don't get why people think this is darker than 2, in my view it simply has jokes and references that hit too close to recent times (mainly 2020-2021) and will age out like Postal 2 did eventually. The dream setting is great though, it allows the developers to blend in way more stupid things without it being inconsistent.

Corey Cruise does the main Postal Dude voice this time, and it's great to hear him be the main character in a good game. Rick Hunter is in here too, but his lines feel phoned in, similarly to 4, makes me wonder if he doesn't like being the Dude anymore.

My only problem with the game was the kinda slow start to each episode, but nothing can be a high forever, and the fact that I encountered a rare save bug that prevented saves from being created until you restart the game. This happened twice and I only found 2 other reports of this so I doubt it's common, but my preemptive measure was simply not letting the game run for more than ~20 minutes or at least rebooting it after each level. I doubt most people will encounter this though, or at least I hope. It lost me around 40 minutes of progress, but at least the gameplay is solid enough to not let that be too frustrating.

Overall this was a fun surprise, it's simply a well designed and engaging shooter with a crazy theme. Personally it's my favorite Postal game now and I highly doubt 4 will take that place whenever I get around to it. It's definitely the most functional Postal game despite that bug I encountered as it at least never crashed or dropped in performance by 105% for no reason, not to mention that it's a more traditional kind of game so it's definitely going to be appealing even to those that hate the usual Postal brand. I recommend this game to any FPS game player that doesn't mind edgy jokes that are already aging in relevancy, really, it's just good.

been playing lots of postal recently love this series so much fun and brain damage is no exception. as someone who has played boomershooters in the past like doom2016 & doom64 i enjoyed them for what they were but never outright finished the games. postal brain damage was something else tho it has the charm of postal and unique level design to make an amazing experience. i did also 100% the game which wasn't hard at all but annoying in some levels like "fluffy friends festival". while this was way different than any games in the postal series this was a very fun experience.

Postal but boomer shooter, really fun.

For some unfathomable reason, RWC decided to turn Postal into a boomer shooter. But by god does it work pretty well. The weapons are quite funny and satisfying to use, with a dildo bow and arrow, a cat vacuum, and the shamelessly ripped from Doom Eternal super shotgun. The thing that really stops this game from bringing out its full potential is that the stages are just not that funny. From dated references to Covid-19, Trump's wall, and furry conventions??

Put demo version pick-up voiceover line here.