Reviews from

in the past

não lembro se é bom, mas achava legal fazer parkour e poder voltar alguns segundos no tempo com a adaga

This game is so good. The combat is broken, time mechanic is so good, platforming is super linear But it flows so good.

Can't explain why I couldn't get into this - I think it was the combat; too clunky.

Good platforming, terrible combat especially on PC

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The chad classic PoP: has to commit to everything he does with everything being extremely dangerous to him all under an hour (or two) to save his beloved

The virgin trilogy PoP: uses a time machine dagger to turn back time if there's a mistake (unless there's cutscene stupidity at play) and has the chance to erase whatever investment you had the past 8 hours of play by doing a time reset at the end and not having to face any consequences to his actions other than not ending with the girl he knew in the timeline where she warmed up to him.

I especially find this aggravating because this game brings the divide between the two focuses I had with classic PoP, where I really liked the set piece feel of the platforming but didn't enjoy the clumsy combat (apart from the gameplay, the animations looked kind of dumb). Here the game forces you into extremely repetitive fight sequences which due to the 3D space could easily be bypassed if it wasn't for locking progression arbitrarily. However the game brings about the idea the prince is battling the possesed soldiers because he wants to end their misery, which makes the protagonist be a little more morally interesting and not be a stereotypical ultraviolent macho man like Doom's (where I always felt weird killing the possessed companions of the Doomguy and how sadistically he smiles while killing them). Everyone he once knew has to be ended, and the girl becomes his only solace which builds up a fun chemistry, and the narration reflects on his feelings on this, but then the time reset happens at the end and all those forced encounters and that connection with the woman didn't matter since everything ends up retconned and never happened.

Such a shame because the game looks aesthetically gorgeous with a nice color direction which helps make the parkouring sections stand out as impressive set pieces, the game mostly set on a huge castle which proves to be an architechtural masterpiece of map design and you can even see the times of the day changing, also just look at some of these screenshots I took while playing the game. The narration and the chemistry between the two main characters really build up to a curious identity as I said too, but I'm disappointed that Mechner took the story in this dumb direction

Thanks Nahuel all the same because the game was fun to play just for the platforming sections

Satisfying combat and platforming(according to 2002)
Beautiful story and OST

The Game has few issues such as lack of enemy variety and bosses.

Um dos maiores clássicos do PS2 e um ótimo jogo no geral. Bem fluido, divertido e desafiador. Com uma ambientação muito boa, uma história bem simples mas que funciona e jogabilidade meio datada mas fluida.

Resumindo, é um jogo redondinho sem muitos erros. Uma das únicas coisas que incomodou muito na gameplay foi o diabo da câmera. Tentar mexer esse troço é pior do que bater na mãe.

Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time holds up astoundingly well. The platforming and accompanying level design is honestly still some of the best in the business, all these years later.

I was surprised how light the game is on storytelling; it's mostly just the beginning and end that double down on it. What's there is simple but really good - especially the ending.

Another thing I love is the music, which elevates an already enthralling atmosphere and makes even the most annoying fights feel epic.
Annoying is indeed sadly how I would describe the combat. There is some cool stuff you can do but the camera is an absolute pain to deal with and the game actually bombards you with enemies - who also delight in stun-locking you.
The camera issues extend to the platforming, though to a slightly lesser degree.

I won't lie, I got quite frustrated by these things but I could barely stop playing this game regardless. The vibe is immaculate, the platforming timeless (pun intended) and little things like drinking water from basins and streams to heal just cool.

Dated now, but still an absolute classic, hurry up with that remake Ubisoft!

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bad game

OH DEAR THE COMBAT IS BORING. The platforming/traversal puzzles are SO good however that it made me even more annoyed the combat sucked so hard. Just take it out!! If this game was just the platforming sections I think it could be like, 4.5/5 stars.

The experience of this Prince of Persia is one that I will unfortunately have tainted with a bad memory, but one that I will forever recommend to those who enjoy a great story and a gorgeous atmosphere.

gördüğüm en kötü final boss bu oyundaki olabilir

damn ubisoft sure did just say "heres the next 20 years of video games" and then release this huh

This was such an amazing game. The time rewind mechanic was so cool.

epic timey-wimey- stuff with some cool sword combat gameplay. I enjoy.

Apesar de achar o combate extressante eu gostei bantante, me lembrou os jogos que eu jogava quando criança, tenho certeza que se tivesse jogado ele na época teria adorado, no geral é um jogo bem simples, meio que não entendi qual foi a do hype mas deu pra se divertir

Combat system definitely aged not the best, sand-time rewinding mechanics are slightly clunky to activate if you let pass few seconds.

Decent parkour game beside all that.

Despite having a underwhelming combat system, it excels in every other area. Brilliant atmosphere with engaging parkour system and fantastic music.

Honestly, this was a pretty solid platformer. The writing is solid and the environments look really good for the time.

The combat and some of the platforming challenges towards the end kinda suck, and the last boss is especially a let down but it still ends up sticking the landing.

Love it! Love it! Love it! Love it! Love it! Love it! Love it! Love it! Love it! Love it! Love it! Love it!

I have really fond memories of playing Sands of time with my dad when I was little. He would let do all the wall running and platforming while my dad did the combat section (He was a real soldier). For the longest time I never really replayed this game, but I decided to change that and finally completing this game on my own for the first time and was blown away.

Sands of time is an achievement not only in story but in game design as well. You play as the prince as you steal the dagger of time and accidently release the sands of time dooming your father and everyone you know to death. Thankfully the princess of nation you plundered the dagger of time from joins you in a journey to set things right by setting back time.

This game focused on the three core pillars of prince of persia which are platforming, puzzles, and combat which are all done really well. My favorite has to be the platforming challenges that take you all different part of the castle you are trapped in and are really fun and challenging. Since you have the dagger of time you can also rewind time in case you miss a jump or input a command as long as you have charge in your dagger. This makes the platforming difficult, but not frustrating.

The puzzles are great as well as they often involve the entire area to solve the puzzle and really require to think outside the box. Combat is often cited as the weakest part of the game which I can't really disagree with. It's not bad but often just devolves into freezing enemies with your dagger and jump attacking enemies. It's cinematic and cool looking which makes the combat more fun from a spectacle perspective.

Prince of Persia is worth your time and is one of favorite games of all time. The gameplay and story is top notch and I don't want to spoil the story as it is best enjoyed blind. This is one of the most important Ubisoft title and reminds me why I love video games.

Good start of the franchise.
Amazing story, decent game mechanics.

les combats manquaient un peu de peps mais pour autant pas mauvais jeu

Un muy buen juego, que no ha envejecido muy bien.

In the pantheon of seminal masterpieces that shaped the industry which Weatherby completely slept on (I was too busy playing Sonic Heroes, probably) The Sands of Time has been among the most interesting to finally loop back to. Nowadays, it might be easy to take what it's doing for granted. Clambering up crumbling ruins, dashing across walls, and swinging along busted piping is pretty bog-standard movement tech, but Sands of Time established this type of traversal so well that in terms of responsiveness and feedback, it doesn't feel like the industry has come that far since 2003.

The Prince's movement feels precise and deliberate, and progression is dependent entirely on how you position him and the timing of your inputs. Really, there might be an argument here that games have moved backwards, as titles like Uncharted come with far fewer fail states, and parkour mechanics in games like Assassin's Creed feels more automated. However, those games have more going on, whereas Sands of Time firmly roots itself in exploration and movement, making it a far better translation of the "cinematic platformer" to a 3D space than games like Tomb Raider. Which are bad. Evil, some would say.

Unfortunately, combat is the polar opposite, being a grotesquely clumsy affair. Geometry frequently obstructs the camera, and the Prince will too often fixate on enemies and fight back against your inputs as you try to point him towards a more immediate threat, resulting in this feeling of whiplash as you no longer feel in control. Combat is rarely challenging outside of these annoyances and remains rudimentary throughout the entire adventure, and in addition to just being boring, the game also likes to dump an obscene amount of enemies on you during every encounter. You run into combat encounters more and more as you near the end of the game, and at a certain point they feel less like a pace breaker and more an outright impediment, keeping you from the parts of the game that are actually fun. I'd prefer a more complex system with a greater enemy variety, but in lieu of that, I'd rather nothing at all than what Sands of Time actually provides.

It's such a shame, because the rest of the game is pretty damn good and would otherwise be one of the easiest 4.5/5's I've logged on the site. An endearing masterpiece that has weathered the test of time. But ah, whoops, I gotta jump off this guy's head and slash him in the back- oh wait there's another guy- oh wait there's another guy- oh wait there's- oh wait...

If I keep harping on it, I might sound as bitchy and ill-mannered as the Prince himself, who spends most of the game being a misogynistic pissant. Look, he grows by the end, it's about the journey. Yeah ok sure he forcefully kissed a woman who (at that point in time) did not know him, then rewound time to undo it, but that's because he knew it was wrong! Uhh... I'm not gonna think too hard on that one. I'm not saying you can't have your protagonist be unlikable and learn nothing - hell, I love Popful Mail! - but I did find it a little funny how many times I leaned back and thought "wow he really said that." Dudes need to be in therapy, but they too busy playing with their daggers of time.

I could definitely see myself revisiting The Sands of Time in the future, even despite how much I think combat steps all over the experience. It feels as good to play today as any of its imitators and there's no denying its significance in gaming history.

I first played it on the PC thanks to my cousin and I got hooked pretty quickly.

I had to get the PS2 version and play it for myself; I actually got pretty far but I don't think I ever did beat it.

This game was good and kind of the whole reason Assassin's Creeds games exist in the first place. I want to revisit it someday and actually get to the end.