Reviews from

in the past

O primeiro jogo que zerei, lá no PS2, tenho um carinho enorme por ele.

The Dynamic Camera makes this game such a slog

"Casi todos creen que el tiempo es como un rio que fluye seguro y veloz en una sola dirección. Pero yo, le he visto la cara al tiempo, y os puedo asegurar, que están equivocados. El tiempo es un océano en la tormenta."

Está muy viejito. Los controles son muy simples e hijos de su época, casi toda su dificultad radica en el lamentable control de la cámara que tenían los juegos de la época.

Pero la historia es perfecta de principio a fin. La evolución del príncipe, la historia de amor, que todo sea un cuento que nunca ocurrió... Ojalá no le cambien ni una coma en el remake. Kakolookiyam.

Sigue sin gustarme nada el sistema de combate, y el prota a veces me cae demasiado pesado

8/10, Got me into parkour and Persian history

i got stuck bc i had too little hp and whenever i tried to advance i died by fall dmg, but i couldnt go back either

This game didn't feel like a 2003 game at all, it survived surprisingly well the passage of time...because of the dagger you know and all the stuff with was a joke...whatever

Will probably wait for the remake to come out in 2060. Shit PC port.

Definitely remember completing and enjoying this. Absolutely no specific memories though.

really cool at the time (hehe), some mechanics are aged a bit, overall solid game

Ubisoft çatısı altında çıkan en iyi oyunlardan biri. Hem dövüş hemde platform öğelerini bu kadar iyi yapan çok az sayıda oyun var. Oyunu diğer platform ,hack and slash oyunlarından ayıran en önemli özellik ise ana karakterin zamanı çeşitli şekillerde manipüle etmesi. Prens prensi oyunun başında ele geçirdiği zamanın hançeri sayesinde zamanı yavaşlatabilir, geri sarabilir ve buna benzer yetenekler ile düşmanlarını alt edebilir veya zor durumlardan kurtulmak için kullanabilirsiniz. Bu zamanı manipüle etme mekaniği sadece düşmanlarla girilen dövüşlerde değil aynı zamanda platform sekanslarında ve bulmacalarda önemli bir yeri var. Bir mekanizma sayesinde açtığınız kapının yavaş yavaş kapanması nedeniyle kapıya tam kapanmadan ulaşmak için zamanı yavaşlatmak gerekebiliyor. Hazır platform üzerinden konu açılmışken oyunun bir diğer önemli kimliği olan duvarda yürüme mevzusunu da aradan çıkartalım. Prens oyun boyunca yüzleştiği engelleri akrobatik yetenekleri sayesinde aşabilecek yetenekleri mevcut. Duvarda yürüme olayı prensin normalde zıplayamayacağı veya normal yollarla ulaşamayacağı yerlere ulaşmasını sağlamaktadır. Prens duvara dikey ve yatay boylamda yürüyerek ilerleyebilir, duvardan duvara atlayarak yukarı doğru çıkabilir. Bunun yanında havada asılı direklere ulaşarak kendini bir sonraki platforma atabilir. Tabi duvardan yürüme sadece platformda değil aynı zamanda dövüşler de bile kendine yer etmiştir. Prens duvarlardan destek alarak kendini düşmana bir mızrak gibi atarak hasar verebilir yada kaçabilir. Oyunun dövüş kısmına gelecek olursak ana karakterin iki çeşit silahı bulunmaktadır. Biri kılıç diğeri ise zamanı geri alan zamanın hançeri. Bu iki silahın birbirinden farklı işlevi bulunmaktadır. Kılıç düşmanları yere indirmek , zayıf duvarları yıkmaya yarıyorken zamanın hançeri ise yere düşen düşmana son darbeyi vurarak işini bitirmeye ve zamanı manipüle etmeye yarıyor. Oyun boyunca zamanın hançeri aynı kalsada kılıçda bir değişim söz konusu oluyor. Dövüş ve platform mekaniklerinden bahsettikden sonra bulmacalarada değinelim. Oyunda ilerlemek için çeşitli bulmacaları çözmeniz gerekiyor. Bunlar gerekirse zamana karşı yarış , ışıkları yansıtarak doğru yöne göndermek veya ilerlemenizi sağlayacak kapıları açmak için kullanılan düğmelere taş,kaya gibi ağırlıklar koyarak açmak gibi bulmacalar mevcut. Atmosfer olarak 1001 gece masallarını kendine temel alan bu oyun bu konuda oldukça başarılı bir iş çıkartıyor. Arap,Pers ve Hint kültürlerini bu kadar iyi yansıtan çok fazla oyun bulamazsınız. Ay ışığı, saraylar ,dev salonlar,tablolar, kıyafetler hepsi iyi tasarlanmış. Oyunun müzikleri oryantal ve rock müziğin karışımı ile mükemmel bir iş çıkartılmış. Hikaye adına çok bir şey yazmaya gerek duymuyorum. Oldukça iyi bir hikâyesi var oyunun onuda oynayan kişiler deneyim etsin.

This game has held up really well in so many areas it's platforming is still excellent and I can't think of many games that control in this exact way today, "Assassins Creed" went in a different direction with it's parkour that's not worse just different. I think the linearity of this game really benefits it, you have really well thought out puzzles and platforming segments that are just really enjoyable to work your way through. The only part of the game-play that feels a bit basic is the combat as there isn't a whole lot of variety, it works and there's enough to keep you engaged but by the end of the game many of the fights can become a little long and repetitive.

The story also holds up well, The Prince and Farah really work well of each other and have a lot of chemistry. The main strength of this game's narrative is the tone it goes for feeling like an Arabian Nights tale it's really unique as we don't have many games that goes for this setting and feeling and the game absolutely nails it. It's unfortunately something that I feel the sequels lost particularly "Warrior Within."

I don't know what's happening with the remake but there is potential with it and I'm hoping that if it's successful it'll revive the Prince of Persia series and we'd hopefully get some new games, there's definitely room for this and "Assassins Creed" a more linear action adventure game like this but on modern hardware would be really nice to see.

A Note: This is a cleaned up and expanded version of a previous review I posted on Steam

Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time is, in my humble opinion, a modern classic. It's combination of platforming and acrobatic combat has left an undeniable mark on video games as a whole, and it's influence can be seen everywhere from Batman to Uncharted, and more. Now, I won't deny, Sands of Time does have it's fair share of hiccups.

Besides the fact it was never meant to run on Windows 10 and the obvious problems this can cause(Some wonky physics and the like, as well as some problems with the water effects), the fights seem to run for at least 2 minutes too long at least, often having three to four more waves than feels right. In addition, some of the platforming and puzzles can feel unintuitive, especially on mouse and keyboard instead of a controller, as this game was clearly intended. Add onto this the rather wonky sound design, and the complete lack of subtitles, and it can feel as if you're ramming your head into a wall endlessly.

Yet, despite all it's faults, I can't help but adore this game. The story is fun with some rather sad moments thrown in, the Prince is an interesting and witty character, and the time mechanics, oh my lord the TIME MECHANICS! What a genius way of allowing players to experiment, have consequences, and yet still be able to avoid a sticky end.

So in the end, I give Prince of Persia: The De-Shirting of the Twunk a heartfelt 8/10

Prince of Persia: Las arenas del tiempo es uno de los mejores juegos de la sexta generación de consolas. Recuerdo jugar cuando era todo un renacuajo y maravillarme cada vez que me ponía a los mandos. Sin embargo, a la hora de hablar de videojuegos que ya tienen unos cuantos años a sus espaldas creo que podemos clasificarlos de dos maneras: los que han envejecido de manera agradable y los que no. Las arenas del tiempo da para debate en este aspecto. Pero lo que seguro no da para debate es, que aquellas personas que sepan transportar su mente al año 2003, se maravillaran una y otra vez con la historia planteada por una Ubisoft que, por desgracia, ya nada tiene que ver con la de hoy.

"Casi todos creen que el tiempo es como un río que fluye seguro y veloz en una sola dirección. Pero yo, le he visto la cara al tiempo, y os puedo asegurar, que están equivocados. El tiempo es un océano en la tormenta. Os preguntaréis quién soy y porque afirmo esto. Sentaos y os narraré una historia que nunca antes habréis escuchado."

you didn't actually love this game as a kid you were just horny and didn't know it

Look the platforming here is what makes this game shine, bouncing from wall to wall, post to post, flag to flag, all while seamlessly making yourself look like an absolute boss of parkour with the sand mechanic helping for when things get dicey and you want to try again. Its all smooth and wonderful.

The combat though can go do one as enemies take an absolute eternity to go down and every single time a fight breaks out, its just a big halt to whatever's going on. Its a SLOG.

So yeah. If I was just marking on exploration and platforming, I would be singing praises to high heaven. Instead because of the combat, I can only go so high.

To quickly get the port discussion out of the way, the audio mixing on the Steam version is terrible, but I actually enjoyed some of the dialogue from the prince in this one.

The game itself is... fine. It's just fine. It's good, probably. The platforming was fun enough and never really got boring, though it also wasn't anything too special either. But this game has a horrible, horrible flaw and that's the combat. It's dreadful, I don't care much to describe how it works because you need only watch some footage or play the game to understand how mind-numbing it is. I probably wouldn't hate the combat if it was used sparingly, but Ubisoft just had artificially extend the game's length so people couldn't beat it too quickly. Almost every fucking platforming challenge is punctuated by a combat room. Multiple enemies, usually spawning over and over, it was so so so tedious!

The game has a charm to it, though. It's quaint and largely inoffensive, something a compliment I can't offer to its sequel. I can only hope the remake addresses some of its shortcomings, though I'm starting to doubt we'll ever even see it.

I rented this with my friend and we had a fkn blast. Warrior Within was the best though.

Un jeu sympa qui pose les fondements de la licence mais qui a pas mal vieilli. Les musiques et le parcours sont sympa ainsi que les fonctionnalité lié au temps par contre les combat deviennent vite fastidieux.

Amazing environments, music, and platforming. Terrible combat and final act. Don't bother with this release, hopefully they'll remaster this one.

combat segments can be kind of rough but other than that this game is really cool the platforming and presentation were great glad i finally got around to this game
if you want to get it running on modern stuff heres the pc wiki and video

Play the original, HD remasters are botched.