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in the past

Olha, não achei tão ruim quanto falam. Deve ser pq n joguei o original. Enfim, eu achei bem divertido. O Nemesis te perseguindo te deixa tenso

Playing this only for Jill.. <3

I need to start this review with a large disclaimer. I have never played the original Resident Evil 3 game and so my review is specifically reviewing the RE3 Remake as its own game, and not as a comparison to the original. I also need to state that I did not buy this game at launch when it was $60 and if I had, that perhaps would have altered my opinions on it because of how short the game is.

Story and Characters
-The story of Resident Evil 3 is very much a familiar Resident Evil story. Without going into spoilers, the story follows Jill who is still in some ways dealing with the horrors that happened to her during the events of the original Resident Evil game. While she is in her apartment, a massive outbreak occurs in Raccoon City with people being turned into zombies and chaos erupting in the streets. She is quickly ambushed by a massive, relentless monster that pursues her through the streets and seems to be unstoppable. She meets up with Carlos, a mercenary for the Umbrella Biohazard Countermeasure Service (UBCS) and together they try to help some people get out of the city and stop the virus from spreading anymore. This story isn’t anything all that original and in some ways it feels pretty similar to the story 2, but I think it is mostly effective. The story is not usually the strongest aspect of the Resident Evil games and that is no different here, but I think it is still enjoyable enough.
- The shortcomings of the story are slightly alleviated by the greatness of the characters in my opinion. Jill Valentine returning from the first game is a great character here and her voice acting is much improved from the 1996 original. She is a badass STARS member who has dealt with the zombies before so she feels much more confident in going about her mission. She also has a fun level of sass to her and she drops some great one liners throughout the game. Carlos is the other main character that you play as and he is also quite likable and charming. I thought it was cool playing as someone who works for Umbrella, who doesn’t yet realize all the terrible things that the company has done. It allows for some good character development and watching Jill and Carlos bond as the game progresses is fun to see.
-The voice acting across the board is really good, even for the side characters you meet like fellow UBCS members Mikhail Victor and Tyrell Patrick or the secondary antagonist of the game, Nicholai Ginovaef. The side characters don’t get too much screen time, but they are all good and Nicholai serves as a great villain in the game.

- The gameplay shifts a bit in the 3rd game from the gameplay in the 2nd as there is a lot more action and the game is more linear as well. The player now has the ability to dodge and timing it perfectly can help you better position yourself to take out approaching enemies. You are also given a lot more ammo and you are given far more damage heavy weapons earlier in the game. This gives the game a much faster pact to it as you often have to deal with larger groups of enemies and enemies that can take a lot more hits. I actually like this change because while you do lose some of the horror the second game had with its bigger emphasis on ammo preservation and threats behind every corner, this action focused shift works on a narrative level as well as a gameplay one. Jill and Carlos are both trained fighters who know how to deal with threats and dangerous situations. Jill fought tons of zombies and a giant snake in the first game, it would feel odd to have her slowly sneaking around and being incapable of effectively fighting back. In the second game, Leon was a rookie cop and Claire was a college student with some training from her brother, but neither of them had ever been in a situation like that before. It is cool that new mechanics like the dodge demonstrate a difference in skill level in the series’ protagonists.
- The gunplay feels quite similar to how it did in the second game, but it also feels like the zombies go down a bit quicker. This could also be a deliberate choice to show that the protagonists are more skilled fighters. Having the grenade launcher, shotgun and the assault rifle make you feel way more confident and as mentioned before, the game is far less scary because of that.
- Unfortunately, the game is far more linear than some of the other RE games and while there are sections of the game where you are exploring different areas by getting new supplies and keys, these sections are all fairly small. For example, the first area you are in after the exciting opening sequence is downtown Raccoon City. This location is really cool and looks incredible, but it is fairly small and the whole section can be completed in under an hour. Compared to the police department in RE2, it just feels a bit disappointing because there isn’t the same level of exploration and there are no real puzzles in the game.
- Nemesis is a big focus in this game and unfortunately, he is kind of a mixed bag. On one hand, it is a cool story idea to have this relentless monster chasing Jill through the city and he serves as an unstoppable force that you just can’t seem to kill. The various boss fights you have with him are all pretty good and I think they tend to be a step up from the boss fights in RE2. On the other hand, I found him to be far more annoying than scary and he was just kind of frustrating to deal with. While Mr X was a slow moving stalker enemy that you constantly had to worry about, there is only one section in RE3 where you are actually pursued by Nemesis and it feels more awkward than scary. He jumps around the city chasing you but he is also quite fast and can sprint at you so you are kinda just running around and trying to dodge attacks that you can’t see because he is off screen behind you. You can also be running away from him only to have him randomly jump right in front of you again. I never really found him to be very scary outside of a couple jump scares and I almost wanted to just rush though the sections when he was following me because it was annoying.
-The rest of the enemies in the game are all pretty good, it is mainly a lot of zombies, but there are some new additions as well. There is a section of the game where you are navigating a disgustingly overgrown power station that is full of these creatures called Drain Deimos and they are pretty freaky. You also have creatures called Hunter Gammas that would come out of the walls in the sewers and I liked learning the backstory on those. The coolest new enemy though are probably the Hunter Betas, they are fast and tough and have an attack that can instantly kill you if you aren’t careful.

Side Content
-The main game doesn’t really have any side content except for some optional loot that you can go back and try to collect. They do have a shop in the main menu where you can purchase special unlocks for future playthroughs which is a cool idea, but I wouldn’t really consider it side content.
-This game does have a multiplayer side game that came with it, but I did not play that so I cannot give my thoughts on it.

World/Level Design
-The level design here is pretty solid, but as mentioned before, I wish the levels were just a bit bigger so they didn’t feel so linear and would make the game a bit longer. My favorite area of the game would be the downtown sections as I thought it looked really cool and it was fun to see the main city, especially since Raccoon City is such a key location to the franchise. The other standout location to me was the hospital that you explore as you play as Carlos. It was a bit creepy and was fun to explore and read the notes from the people who died there.
- I also want to mention that I did think it was cool to see the RPD again from the second game and I liked that we went there before the actual events of RE2. Funnily enough, I actually think this game serves as a better kind of “B run” than the one we got in the actual game. I just liked seeing how certain things in RPD became damaged or what happened to certain characters and I wanted more of that in the B run of RE2, but that is a different discussion.

Graphics, Music and Glitches
-The graphics are legitimately very impressive, especially the faces on the characters in all of the cutscenes. I think they are probably the best looking character models in any RE game and they hold up very well. The locations are all very well crafted and I loved seeing the lighting from the fire and police lights in areas like the downtown section.
- This game actually had more music that I noticed then RE2 did, which I really liked. The save rooms had an ominous score that would play and certain parts of the game had creepy music that would play as you explored. It definitely added to the atmosphere and made for a better experience.
-I did not have any glitches on my playthrough.

Main Positives of the Game
- The characters of Jill and Carlos are very likable and I liked their chemistry throughout the game. It was cool playing as characters that are more capable fighters and I liked how the gameplay reflected that.
-The boss fights were an improvement over RE2 and I really liked how all of the action felt. The dodge button was a very nice addition and really added to the faster pace that the game has.
-Some cool locations like downtown Raccoon City, the hospital and the return of the west wing of the RPD. While I wanted to get more from many of the locations, the stuff we did get was all very well done.
-Phenomenal graphics, especially the face animations, they all looked really incredible.
-There are some fun, memorable sequences such as the opening Nemesis attack, the hospital zombie horde survival and the ending sequence.

Main Negatives of the Game
-The game is far too short in my opinion. Now, most Resident Evil games aren’t that long and probably clock in close to the 10 hour mark, but RE3 Remake I finished in under 7 hours. It also doesn’t have the same replayability as 2 as that one had two different characters you could play as with their own stories, even though the levels were mostly the same. I think adding more to some of the areas that they already had could have added more to the playtime, especially more in the downtown section.
- Nemesis isn’t really all that scary and he ends up being more annoying than anything. I get that they wanted to make him feel like an unstoppable threat that is always hunting you, but he gets old pretty fast, especially since the game kinda front loads a lot of the stuff with him so in the first few hours, you feel like you are constantly having to fight him or run away.
-I kinda already mentioned it, but the game is far more linear than 2 and I missed some of the puzzles and exploration that was present in that game as well as many of the other games in the series.

Overall Score: 7.5/10

- Too short, disappointing and feels very shallow.
- Bosses can be frustrating.
- Nemesis is wasted potential, there was no space for him to truly be a hunter enemy through the game, only at the beginning sections.

quick, fun and nice call backs to re2

Eu nunca joguei o 3 original, e, mesmo assim, conseguiu ser o jogo mais decepcionante que eu já joguei na vida. Ele claramente só foi feito rushado pra lançar ainda dentro do hype do remake do 2. Ainda tiveram a coragem de lançar o jogo sendo FULL PRICE.

I'm aware of all the issues, but I can't deny that I love this game.

might be lower if i play the og

Achei maneirinho até, não tava esperando absolutamente nada e não paguei um centavo porque tava na Plus, então pra mim esse jogo é só uma dlc curta do RE2 que veio de brinde, não consigo odiar um gameplay gostoso desse. Só acho que ele é meio medíocre demais em questão de narrativa e personagens, as cutscenes são muito bonitas e bem feitas mas são mal escritas e tirando a Jill e o Carlos acho que nenhum outro personagem funciona bem.

I don't think it is as bad as people tend to say, but it ain't that good. It's an okay game.

Somehow the same game as RE2make but worse. Boss fights tend to be the worst part of any RE game, and RE3make asks you to hold its beer. I liked the hospital section the most except for the end of it.

I can't say it's not much like the original RE3, but Nemesis being a fake pursuer compared to what he was hurts the vision a lot.

This review contains spoilers

Um completo desperdício de potencial. Tinha tudo para ser o melhor Resident Evil já feito e acabou sendo um dos piores e, por muito, o pior remake da série. O que mais me irrita nisso é a preguiça que tiveram pra fazer o jogo, os devs se apoiaram demais na desculpa de “reimaginação” pra simplesmente ignorar muitas ideias boas que tinham no original, algumas não tão bem executadas, outras muito bem executadas.

Antes de começar a jogar, eu já tinha algumas expectativas, porque havia jogado o remake do segundo jogo, então sabia do potencial que esse jogo tinha. O início aumentou ainda mais as minhas expectativas, mostrando um bom exemplo de “reimaginação”, já que no original, o apartamento da Jill era apresentado apenas por fotos em uma cutscene, enquanto no remake você podia explorar o apartamento dela, lendo os arquivos e observando o estado psicológico dela e o quanto ela estava obcecada em desmascarar a Umbrella, além do jogo, visualmente e graficamente estar muito bonito.

Só que a parte boa já para por aí, fazerem o Nemesis ir direto até a casa da Jill, matarem o Brad do jeito mais foda-se possível, ignorando uma das cutscenes mais impactantes da saga, transformarem o Nemesis em um cachorro na metade do jogo, ausência da clocktower, do cemitério (com uma bossfight) e de alguns locais da própria cidade na primeira parte do jogo, ignoraram todo o aspecto urbanista do jogo original, repetindo praticamente a mesma fórmula do outro remake (RE2: RPD, esgoto e laboratório subterrâneo / RE3: Raccoon City, esgoto, hospital e laboratório subterrâneo) e a linearidade excessiva do jogo são alguns dos vários aspectos que poderiam ser melhor aproveitados no remake, mas escolheram ser ignorados. A primeira vez que zerei o jogo, demorei 6h, o que já é um tempo curto para um jogo de R$200+, já a partir da terceira vez eu estava fechando o jogo com mais ou menos 1h / 1h30 tomando todo o tempo para explorar e pegar itens extras.

No geral, boa parte das coisas que tem no jogo, eu gostei, como a reimaginação que fizeram do Carlos e as partes que você joga com ele, a primeira parte do jogo, aliás a única parte não linear, onde você tem que explorar a cidade com o Nemesis te seguindo, porém, tanta coisa foi ignorada e reduzida, que acabou fazendo com que o jogo não tivesse quase nada para apresentar.

Hacéis un tráiler enseñando la torre del reloj y luego la quitáis entera del juego.. ahí arda Capcom y su puta madre

REmake 2 but worse in every conceivable way: a shorter campaign length, cut content from the original RE3, worse level design, less horror elements, inability to shoot off zombie limbs, etc.

Also, and I never thought I'd say this, but Nemesis was outdone by Mr. X in the previous title... and this is coming from someone who always had a soft spot for the original RE3 on the PS1.

I've always considered ol' Nemmy to be one of the greatest horror icons up there with the likes of Pyramid Head or the Alien Xenomorph, so to see him in a more scripted and "action role" had me sorely disappointed. He should have had me "shitting my pants" in terror like Mr. X did...

Alas, it isn't all bad though. The game is still overall enjoyable, as it mostly keeps the same gameplay/engine from RE2 Remake. So, it is still a fun horror/action game that I didn't regret playing... I had a decent enough time with it anyway, but if I ever want to return to Raccoon City, you can bet this won't be the game I'll be pulling out first (or second, or third, or fourth)...

I just wish they gave us more time in Raccoon City proper - I think the beginning section of the game was by far its best part. They just needed to dedicate a little more time to it and expand it out.

This game gives me the feeling, being released only a year after REmake 2, that it was rushed out the door. Tis a damn shame... Jill deserved better than this.

a ver si no hubieran omitido un montón de cosas del original sería juegazo

This review contains spoilers

Two things before the review:.ive never played the original and this is my first survival horror experience cause I've been too much of a baby till now so I may be a bit biased.

(Also I feel like this is a good game to start for newcomers like me)

First of all loved both the main characters
Carlos's bravado was fun. the games not very stingy with resources you just have to explore and backtrack a bit.
(For newcomers)
it dosent send u into full horror directly the starting areas are more tense than scary but it cranks up the scary meter after a few areas
But you would have gained some courage up to that point so it'll be fine(hopefully)

The soundtracks also nice especially when nemesis chases you it adds to the tension and the soothing sound of the safe rooms is just always delightful to hear.
also fuck the final boss fight I like it but fuck it.

Any tips I would give are:
You don't have to fight every enemy
Be tactfull with resources not stingy
Hit a dead zombie with the knife to sew if they are actually dead
And headshots don't hit anything except the head

Solid game, great remake and boy is it fucking HARD. Nemesis is a cool antagonsit but man has he whipped me so hard to the point I yelled in frustration.
Carlos is a dreamboat and golden retriever boyfriend I want.

mano? esse jogo é tão curto que parece dlc

Antes de dar a minha opinião, vale ressaltar que eu não joguei a versão original no PS1. Quando eu finalizar, volto e faço a análise de forma mais detalhada.

Dito isso, curti muito o jogo. Os cenários, a ambientação é digna de um filme de apocalipse dos anos 80-90. As referências a cultura da época também são muito bacanas de se ver. Os personagens são maravilhosos, dando um grande destaque a Jill que é maravilhosa e ao Carlos que é de longe um dos melhores deuteragonistas que eu já vi dentro da Saga.

Gráficos maravilhosos, gameplay incrivel e a trilha-sonora é de cair o queixo. Eu amo o tema do Nêmesis e sempre que eu escutava a música começando, junto com o: "STARS!!" eu me arrepiava todo. Infelizmente o jogo é bem curto, eu finalizei a campanha principal com 05:30 na minha primeira jogatina, o que é muito pouco se compararmos com outros RE que eu completei. O próprio Village que eu já havia zerado antes, levou cerca de 8hrs. Isso é um demérito, mas não necessariamente é algo que eu me importe tanto, afinal, eu já sabia que não era muito longo antes mesmo de começar a jogar.

Recomendo fortemente. Não é nem de longe o monstro que pregam ser. Pretendo voltar e Platinar no futuro.

It's not quite on the level of the 2 and 4 remakes but what's here is a fun, more action orientated take on that gameplay.

It's a shame Capcom didn't give this the same treatment as those other remakes but the more actiony approach is definitely worth trying for anyone who is a fan of the other games.

One of my video game hot takes is that this is the best of the Resident Evil remakes because it does away with all of the annoying puzzles and it ends before it has a chance to get rubbish like most Resident Evil games do.

Nunca realmente cheguei a jogar o re3 classico do pla1, então foi uma experiencia de alguem que ta experimentando o game pela primeira vez, oq me fez acreditar que teria uma experiencia boa com o game, principalmente depois de platinar e adorar re2 remake

O jogo diferente do 2 remake parece ser muito roteirizado, onde vc não sente que realmente precisa explorar o mapa para resolver os puzzles e avançar na historia, visto que o game inteiro diferente do 2 é muito linear, o nemesis diferente do misterX é muito roteirizado também, aparecendo em apenas algumas partes como perseguidor em horas que tem apenas uma unica linha que vc precisa seguir, os puzzles também n apresentam dificuldade visto que vc só precisa andar pra frente que vc os resolve, as batalhas com o nemeses não são assim tão boas, resumindo o jogo é bem mediando para alguem que não jogou o original do ps1, e fica pior ainda quando vc colocar ele de lado com o 2 remake, misterX é um perseguidor incrivel no 2, e o nemesis deixou muito a desejar nesse game

Too short!!! It doesn't deserve 3 stars, but I feel like it deserves more than 2.5. Give it 2.75.

Um remake ruim? Sim.
Um jogo ruim? De forma alguma.

É um passo atrás em relação ao remake do Resident Evil 2. O jogo ainda é divertido e a modernização da história é competente, mas o jogo regrediu em diversos aspectos legais do anterior, como no desmembramento de inimigos, falta de "senso de ameaça" do Nemesis e, principalmente, falta de variedade de cenários. O corte de cenários clássicos do jogo original foi uma péssima escolha de direção.

Argh! Esse jogo é bom! O que me irrita profundamente é o quão muito bom ele poderia ter sido! Me irrita também que ele não passa de um moneygrab da Capcom. Todo o cuidado e carinho colocado em RE2R simplesmente não está aqui! Esse jogo é preguiçoso!!!! E ainda sim, por se aproveitar de coisas que deram certo no título anterior, consegue ser divertido. A preguiça começa na tela inicial! Com 3 opções. Cadê o modo Mercenários, que surgiu no jogo original???!!! A preguiça continua com um roteiro extremamente preguiçoso cheio de explosões e cenas de ação pra distrair do ponto que ele é ruim. O grande vilão da franquia, Nêmesis, tem oportunidade de matar nossa protagonista bem umas 3 ou 4x e, ao contrário de RE2r onde o Leon se salva por ser um "sabonete" ou por ser ajudado pela Ada, aqui a Jill se salva simplesmente porque o roteiro precisa dela viva. Como fã, me diverti demais jogando mas também não consigo deixar de imaginar o que esse jogo poderia ter sido. Bom, nem preciso, pq o RE4r tá aí, pra mostrar exatamente isso.

feels super barren compared to re2r and doesn't have that same weight to it. a lotta big dumb action shit which is what re is known for yea, but compared to 2 it doesnt have that fear to it. spider enemies are freaky as hell. the villain in this game is a dumb ass dude what the fuck is combat data worth? what r u recording? moron. even for a more action-y re game the enemies still have like a million hp n ur constantly getting bit because you cant use ur knife or grenades anymore. shame. at least carlos and jill are hot and have enough charm to keep me going for this one. its short as hell too. wish this one had more time to cook cause i def know they wanted to do more but capcom had a release schedule they felt bound to.