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I have not played the original RE3. Throughout my playthrough I could do nothing but compare this to Resident Evil 2 Remake. In doing so, my thoughts on this game can probably be explained pretty well. This game was released just 15 months after RE2 came out. It’s clear that RE3 relies heavily on the systems and assets that were used in its predecessor, this shouldn’t be a problem as long as it feels like it’s doing something new with such systems, but it doesn’t really, and I think that’s the underlying theme of how this game generally feels incredibly mediocre, uninteresting or unmemorable to me.

I would say about 30-40% of the game was actually really good, it had tension and interesting interconnecting level design. The rest, while still somewhat engaging in terms of gameplay, felt lacking in any sort of real survival horror excitement.

The story felt very barebones (yes, even for an RE game), Jill and Carlos did not take my interest very much at all. If the game was longer this certainly could have been different.

I give the game credit, a couple parts gave me some good challenges, more so than RE2 did, which was fun. I died a total of 17 times, although a few of those definitely felt unfair and frustrated me a bit, setting me back quite a bit, having to redo some of the more boring sections in the game.

And then there’s Nemesis. From what I have heard they really shafted it compared to the original, totally believable. Most of the sections involving it feel so scripted to the point of blandness. The actual boss fights are okay.

I realise this review is quite vague. I can’t really articulate too well why I was not resonating with RE3. It simply is a case of the vibes didn’t feel right ¯\(ツ)/¯.

Despite the linearity and short playtime, Resident Evil 3 is an absolute blast to play from start to finish. Great level design and an immersive atmosphere make this game totally worth your time. Buy it when it's on sale!

The old Resident Evil is dying, and a new Resident Evil struggles to be born; now is the time of zombies.

I don't think that this exists in the space that it wants to. It's too linear and not strict enough to play like Resident Evil 2; it's not fun and frenetic enough to play like Resident Evil 4. It exists in this in-between area of not really living up to what came before, and it fails to sufficiently set the stage for what's to come. Between the linearity, the immense amount of resources you're constantly being given, and the frequent scripted sequences that consist of little more than holding forward and the run button, Resident Evil 3 Remake more closely resembles Resident Evil 6 than it does any other game in the series. I hope you haven't gotten sick of the words Resident Evil yet.

This is a game with zero restraint. Jill walks into the sewers with a full stack of shotgun shells to pump into the faces of the hunter gammas with their instant kill attacks. Carlos starts his side of the story with an assault rifle(!) that holds 30 rounds in a magazine(!!) and a reserve 200 rounds(!!!) in his pouches. Both characters rely on a counter mechanic that's both completely broken and often useless in equal measure; either there's a swarm of zombies in front of you and dodging one will throw you directly into the next one, or there's just a single zombie and there's no reason not to fish for the perfect dodge so that you can auto-aim onto their heads for easy crits. Just about everything that isn't a standard zombie or Nemesis — yes, Nemesis is only about as dangerous as a standard zombie — has an attack that instantly kills you, but typewriters are fucking everywhere. Often the most optimal play is to walk through an area, fish for as many dodges as you can get, and then save for free once you clear a couple of rooms. Sure, you'll probably fuck your dodge up and die, but dying will never actually cost you more than a couple of minutes. Nothing is threatening, mechanically or narratively.

I've seen a lot of complaints that the remake ruins Jill's character, and I'm not entirely sure that's true, because Jill Valentine is a different character in every single game that she's been in. I'm not convinced that Capcom has ever had any idea what they want her to be. The deepest characterization she's ever gotten was in the original Resident Evil, where she was a sort-of parallel to Chris; she was smart, and a skilled pianist, and vaguely nice. From there, though, I don't think she's ever had anything consistent enough that you could call a "character": Resident Evil 5 turns her into a brainwashed babe in a bodysuit; Revelations makes her into something akin to Batman from the Arkham games, complete with Detective Mode; Death Island ends with Chris remarking that he's glad to have "the old Jill back", but which Jill he's talking about is left as an exercise for the viewer. And, in keeping with this pattern, she's a different character in Resident Evil 3 Remake as well. I've given you a lot of preamble to lead into the fact that I don't really care for the way she's written here. There's just something about the glib quipping that constantly undercuts the severity of the situation everyone is in. Nemesis stumbles out of a burning alleyway into a river and Jill practically looks to camera like Office Jim and says "bitch can't even swim". She doesn't really seem to give a fuck about Nemesis at all. I mean, I get it, considering how you can lob one grenade at his feet to instantly down him, or just walk away at a brisk pace to lose him completely, but I'm hardly sold on the idea that I should be afraid of him when our protagonist is rolling her eyes whenever he's on-screen. People say that she swears too much, or that she's too rude to Carlos when she finds out he's Umbrella, but I don't think those are at all the problem. It's no surprise that everyone seems to have universally attached themselves to Carlos, largely because he's always ready to throw himself back into the fray, he can crack a joke, he's a stone-cold professional — all things that I imagine Jill isn't in this solely because they didn't want to have two characters with the same personalities, and not because they thought it made sense in-universe.

In a series that already isn't renowned for being well-written, the writing in this is poor. There are just so many bad lines in this. The aforementioned quip about bitches who need to be taught how to swim is one, but it stands shoulder-to-shoulder with other complete misfires like "get off my train, shitbird!" and "I'm goddamn Nathaniel Bard!". Bard himself is easily the worst part of the game; it's not enough that his rant to the nurse is written like a PSA about workplace harassment, but his voice actor is fucking terrible. The lines he's given are trash, but he is giving by-far one of the worst performances I've heard in a AAA game in a long while. It's no coincidence that Mikhail is also doing a really bad, forced Slavic accent, because it's the same fucking guy doing both voices. I don't know how he made it through casting for two different characters. It probably shouldn't be a surprise that this is a Bang Zoom! production, because this is dubbed exactly like a bad seasonal anime, all the way down to the lip flaps regularly not even matching up. Half of the in-engine cutscenes look like Kung-Pow.

The game as a whole isn't terrible, but I would have been nervous if I had played this after the Resident Evil 2 Remake and before Resident Evil 4 Remake. It's clear that the team who worked on this didn't really understand why Resident Evil 2 worked. It wasn't just because the hallways were tight and the inventory was restrictive; it was how it kept making safe areas unsafe, how Mr. X was practically invincible and constantly pursuing you so that you couldn't afford to take it slow, how one zombie represented a drain on your limited resources even if you played it optimally. The irony that the game that introduced Nemesis does Nemesis worse than its predecessor.

It's not really worth recommending to people who liked Resident Evil 2, and it's not worth recommending to people who liked Resident Evil 4. It's a game that doesn't know what it should be, and some very obvious budget and time restrictions make this feel more like a bad piece of DLC rather than a standalone sequel to one of the best releases of the past decade.

I'll have to check out Resident Evil 3: Nemesis now, because I'm curious just how much was lost in remaking it.

The gameplay is for the most part the same as Resident Evil 2, but it’s shorter, more linear, less puzzle focused, and I’m disappointed in how it handles the Nemesis. His encounters are all very scripted and easy to predict, I think he goes down too easily, and don’t even get me started on all the “hero throws.” This is in stark contrast to RE2’s Mr X who actively hunted you, roamed the map randomly and, even in the few cases where he actually was scripted, was far more unpredictable. It is ultimately still a decent game that’s worth playing, just a slightly underwhelming one coming off of it’s predecessor.

Estou cansada de saber que o RE3 Remake foi capado, mas pra preservar minha felicidade vou apenas ignorar e continuar achando um jogo divertido.
Obviamente tenho certeza de que ele não faz jus ao seu original, e me arrisco a dizer que se RE3R tivesse todo o seu conteúdo, seria bem melhor que o RE2R.
A parte que mais me agrada nesse jogo são principalmente suas sequências de ação e lutas.
E Nemesis é definitivamente muito mais interessante e amedrontador do que aquele parasita do Mr.X
Sem contar que jogar de Jill Valentine e Carlos Oliveira é um dos prazeres da vida.

Em resumo: Resident evil 3 Remake BRILHA como jogo, mas infelizmente falha como Remake.

Playtime: 6 Hours
Score: 4/10

The scariest part about this game is how mediocre it is. So this was the last of the RE Engine, Resident Evil games for me to play as I have wanted to play it for a while, but was never going to buy it with how short it is and the fact that they cut out so much content from the original. The game got added to game pass this month which is how I played it. So what did I think of it?

As you can probably tell from the score and my first written line, I didn't enjoy this at all. I put off playing this game for so long, even playing the RE4 Remake before playing this because it just seemed like a glorified DLC or stand alone expansion being sold to us at full price which just put me off from playing it, and I was right! Now to clarify, I never personally played the original game but I did watch my parents play it as a kid and and while I don't remember much of it, I do remember Nemesis and how he was just this unstoppable force of nature, with his iconic "STARSSSSSSSSSS" line. I don't need to have played the original to tell you how much they botched this remake.

Graphically and gameplay wise, this looks and plays almost exactly like RE2 remake pretty much to a fault. The original game from what I have researched was designed to be a spin off from the original RE2 and they did that again here, even down to you revisiting some of the same locations from the RE2 remake. It makes sense from a story perspective as much of this game takes place before RE2, but from a level design perspective it's really damn lazy because they don’t do anything to change up the location to make exploring it feel new really.

Gameplay wise, it's basically RE2's combat but with a dodge button and some more punchy weapons like an assault rifle. It plays fine for the most part but it just feels like this remake is borrowing too much from the other, better game. The combat has much more of an action focus and it's fine at doing that, but I feel like they needed to do more to make it feel good to play. RE2's combat was slower and more methodical because it was a more classic survival horror game, and not really meant for an action orientated title. If you think of something like the OG RE4 or Dead Space 2, those games do a good job of being action oriented and making the player feel powerful. Here it just feels clunky as all hell for that style of game. The enemy types are also just very limited (and recycled from RE2R) with their only being basic zombies, gammas, hunters and then Nemesis. Action games need more enemies than this. It just felt like I was going through the motions and focusing on taking out enemies quickly rather than using the full combat kit.

The horror is basically non-existent with what little there is with Nemesis, but he lost his luster pretty much almost immediately. You know what would have been scary? If Nemesis was an actual stalker enemy and not limited to just scripted events. Even going outside of the Resident Evil franchise, when I played a game like Alien Isolation, the tension that I felt whenever the xenomorph was nearby as I hid in lockers or under tables was iconic. That would have been great here since Nemesis is such an iconic horror game villain, but here he’s just an annoying monster who just never dies and keeps coming back constantly.

The story was okay but I honestly stopped caring after a while. Jill Valentine is a cool and iconic video game protag, but the characters around her are just bland in this game and the story is just the usual Resident Evil story, without any real surprises or tension filled moments. I know the series often has cheesy, B-movie plots for their games, but here it just felt like the boring kind and not the it’s so bad, it's good kind.

This is just the type of game that makes me cynical about the AAA game landscape, until I play a good one or a creative, passion project indie game that makes me feel better. RE3R is just a huge disappointment.

All Games I have Played and Reviewed Ranked -
RE Engine Resident Evil Games Ranked -

Like a falling kid at the family gathering, that grabs the table cloth on the way down and sends the dinner down with them. The potential was there, but now it's just a sad mess.

I am not the action horror genre's biggest fan but found a ton of enjoyment out of Resident Evil 2 Remake so I was hoping that trend would continue.

This game unfortunately suppressed all the best parts of that game and injected the worst parts with steroids. I really liked avoiding enemies and playing the puzzles in the first two games, but this one is all action, action, action. You'll be in a room filled with enemies to the brim and the only way to get out is to kill them all, leaving you with little resources all the time since they don't drop ammunition or health like in the 4th game. I hated that, man. I get that it was supposed to be a wild night in Raccoon City so, sure, I get it, but I'm just not scared by it because it annoys the crap out of me just like it does in any other action horror game.

All of that combined with the extremely short runtime made this game be pretty forgettable once the credits ended. Jill is still my wife though.

Eu, @cellerepe e você já sabemos da reputação desse jogo. Já comentei que preciso da presença dela pra me dar um empurrãozinho em jogos survival horror, mas sabendo o que sei sobre ele, dessa vez seria diferente. E foi.

O ritmo mais acelerado e com mais ação me agradou e me fez achar que eu gostaria mais desse do que do anterior. Por bastante tempo, isso foi verdade.
Com o passar do tempo, percebi que não adiantava fazer mais o meu gosto se não fosse bem feito. Ao terminar, digo que tive uma experiência mais "feliz", mas nunca tão marcante, nunca passando sentimento de excelência como o RE2.

Quando ele foi anunciado tão rapidamente, tava na cara que ia dar merda. Saímos de um remake revolucionário em sua categoria e fomos pro que parece uma DLC rushada.
É engraçado como as ideias de RE3 original são bem melhores em RE2R, principalmente o Mr. X. Nemesis é um dos inimigos mais lendários dos jogos e aqui sinto desrespeito mesmo sem ser fã. Depois de zerar, descobri que ele te persegue de certo ponto até o puzzle da linha do trem (e só tem mais um no final) mas nós não o encontramos NENHUMA vez!

Conteúdo cortado, reutilizado, sem todos aqueles modos extras, tudo já foi falado ao extremo. Mas ainda me impressiono como vacilaram tanto com a cidade, que deveria dar uma sensação de "finalmente" após ficarmos presos na mansão e na delegacia, mas parece só uns corredores genéricos.

Jill é carismática, mas Carlos é mais. Não me conectei com ela, e refletindo sobre, percebi que sou apaixonado pelos comentários que o Ethan faz nos itens no RE7 e adoro como os personagens reagem aos acontecimentos no 2. Senti a falta de algo no jogo inteiro, e era isso. O Carlos pelo menos fala um pouco.
O vilão começa padrão, mas um pouco interessante, e depois se torna idiota num nível ridículo. E o Nemesis sequer é memorável.

Com tudo isso e tudo que você já sabe, ainda curti a experiência por ser curta e direta ao ponto. Mas que desperdício!

É dos remakes já feitos né?

Na historia do game, nós jogamos com a Jill Valentine e temos que escapar de Raccon City, que está sendo invadida por zumbis. Os eventos do game se passam antes e após o 2 (isso se a minha memoria estiver correta :v).

O que eu reclamei no game anterior de não ter uma esquiva, aqui tem (pelo menos né, pq no jogo original eu nunca entendi como que fazia a esquiva). Mas em compensação, os itens que nós usavamos como auxilio quando alguma criatura nos agarrava, viraram armas normais aqui. Não sei pq fizeram isso.

O game é bem mais linear do que o anterior. Alias, o que eu elogiei das similaridades e diferenças dos cenarios do 2, não se aplicam muito aqui. A ordem de alguns eventos mudou e até uma parte inteira foi cortada aqui (no caso a torre do relogio, só tem a luta com Nemesis).

E falando no Nemesis...que decepção hein. Ainda é o boss final e tudo, mas nao tem mais aquela vibe assustadora.

Assustador mesmo é enfrentar Hunters com o Carlos e sua metralhadora, que inferno essa merda.

No final, não é um game ruim, mas tambem não é nada espetacular. É só um jogo bom, mas com potencial desperdiçado.

4.5 saat boyunca jill valentine'ı izlemek harika bir deneyimdi (っ^◡^)っ 💙

Bunun dışında, fanların neden beğenmediğini anlayabilsem de, bence eğlenceli bir tps oyunuydu..

Impressionante como uma visão negativa sobre uma obra pode molda toda sua concepção antes mesmo de consumir o produto, primeira vez que joguei Re3 Remake foi numa maratona Resident Evil, onde eu só queria parti para o Re4 o mais rápido possível, zerei esse e não absorvi nada, mas é um jogo verdadeiramente bom, linear e com bastante ação, mas isso não o torna ruim como todos fazem parece
E como eu nunca experimentei o original não tenho nenhuma memoria afetiva com algo sendo cortado do game ou não, então hoje, depois de alguns anos e mais amadurecido, eu posso dizer que esse sim é um bom jogo, tem a dose certa de ação e terror que um Resident Evil precisa ter
Minha única reclamação é o Nemesis, que eu queria ter sentido medo dele ao decorre do jogo, mas eles não trabalham isso bem, de qualquer forma foi só isso

Um ótimo jogo e provavelmente a melhor porta de entrada para a franquia, curto, linear e tranquilo, o que é algo totalmente diferente do Re2 Remake, que também é uma ótima porta de entrada, vai depende apenas do gosto pessoal.

hey guys did you know jill has some HUGE bazoongas???? pretty nice BACKPACK am i right fellas????? xDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD

-Capcom, probably

É muito bom sim. Nao entendi essa galera falando mal dele. É divertido, o nemesis ta incrível. Vale a pena jogar.

Just a complete downgrade over the original, I played this before the og and I knew something felt off about this game and playing through the OG proved I was right.
People always talk about the clock tower section but i didn't realize just how much stuff was cut especially all the cool moments in the original where you get a choice that makes scenes play out differently
Im still shocked at how capcom took an already short game, cut out like 30% and thought it would be alright to release it like that. If you bought this at full price you were scammed

Mesmo estando ciente de todos os problemas que envolvem Resident Evil 3 Remake, preciso ser justo com minha própria experiência com o jogo. E partindo do ponto de vista de alguém que não tem ligação com o original, devo dizer que me diverti bastante com o que experienciei.

De início eu realmente tive a impressão de que as coisas estavam acontecendo rápido demais, sendo até difícil de acompanhar e digerir, mas logo o ritmo se tornou mais agradável nessa curta campanha de mais ou menos 4 horas.

A jogabilidade se manteve extremamente satisfatória, com pequenas adições que mesmo não tão impactantes, agregaram bem ao conjunto.

Dessa vez, pude conhecer uma nova protagonista, que me fisgou sem grandes dificuldades. Jill Valentine é incrível, e sua reimaginação visual ficou impecável.

Junto ao Nêmesis, a dupla de caça e caçador tomam o brilho do jogo como um todo, sejam nas perseguições ou até mesmo nas bossfights.

Consigo compreender a revolta e decepção por parte da grande maioria dos fãs em relação a esse remake, principalmente pelo conteúdo cortado, mas como mencionado, acredito que ele funcione muito mais com novatos na franquia do que apreciadores de longa data.

Were it not for Code Veronica, Resident Evil 3: Nemesis would be the RE game that needed a remake the most. While it was a fun, hectic survival horror experience, it also suffered from a couple of downright unfair boss fights and puzzles (I have never managed to beat Nemesis at the clock tower without breaking his AI). It also doesn't feel as replayable as the first two entries. Hot off the heels of a smash hit in the Resident Evil 2 remake, Capcom had the opportunity to 'fix' RE3 and ensure it would be as beloved and alive in the public consciousness as the games on either side of it.

Well, now we know why Capcom calls them 'reimaginings' instead of 'remakes.'

R3make is not a bad game. It's a thrill ride with a breakneck pace and gorgeous visuals to boot. Raccoon City feels more real than ever as it burns down, and there are plenty of tense escapes to be had from the iconic Nemesis. During my first sitting, I played the game until my wrists hurt, and for a while I was convinced that the game was even better than RE2make.

Which is why I recommend finishing the game in a single session if you can; even at a relaxed pace, it should take five hours at most. If you don't, the flaws will start to show. You'll notice how much of the game revolves around wresting control from the player to deliver scripted setpieces, which while gorgeous do often veer into the routine of 'cutscene -> walk a few steps -> cutscene.' You'll notice that for some odd reason, the danger of RE2make has been cut out - it's extremely easy to tell when a zombie is truly dead here, because they stop ragdolling; Nemesis is easy to escape and only shows up when he's meant to. You'll notice the lack of open-ended exploration; organic discovery has been eschewed for tightly controlled 'moments.' And perhaps you'll get over how beautiful Jill looks in this game to realize what a cranky bitch Capcom turned her into.

The designers giveth, and the writers taketh away. While Carlos has been granted a much-needed glow-up that transforms him from a bland stereotype into a likable co-protagonist, Jill's characterization has been butchered. Not only did she go to the Tomb Raider Reboot school of 'falling from heights the entire game,' but she's distinctly more generic and 'stock' than her previous incarnations. Her attitude during her first encounter with the Umbrella security team may be justified; the rest of the game, less so. Some of the writing, especially at the conclusion the game rushes into to keep from unravelling completely, is enough to make one wince - not charming enough to be campy, and not mature enough to be realistic.

R3make also precipitated an outcry over its omission of certain sections of the original game. I have mixed feelings about that. On one hand, it keeps the game moving along at a frenetic clip that's ideal for playing through in a single sitting. On the other, some of the cooler portions of the original RE3 have been lost. The lack of any gameplay modes besides the campaign is also a disappointment; I'm aware RE: Resistance came bundled, but I'll be reviewing that as a separate game. What I'm really asking is: where the hell is Mercenaries?

This is a fun game that controls well and looks gorgeous, but it doesn't live up to its potential. Somewhere in development, it was rushed. Unlike the first RE game's remake, which for casual players rendered the PS1 iteration obsolete, R3make feels neither definitive nor essential. I recommend buying this only at a hefty discount.

Meu Deus, que jogo maravilhoso! Comecei a franquia pelo ''Resident Evil 4 Remake'' e de cara amei o jogo, desde então fui atrás de jogar os outros jogos dessa franquiam maravilhosa. Amei ''RE2 Remake'', e agora fui de cabeça no ''RE3 Remake''. Não sabia nada da história, mas sabia que muitos não gostaram do jogo, pois é muito curto e modificaram muito do original. Apesar de tudo isso, amei minha experiencia, me diverti muito do inicio ao fim. Amo o estilo dessa franquia, um ''Survival Horror'', cheio de ação, tensão, terror, zumbis, puzzles, tudo feito com maestria. Os gráficos desse jogo são maravilhosos! a gameplay, os personagens, os inimigos e principalmente a história, que é perfeita! Ainda não cheguei a jogar o RE3 antigo, porém adorei jogar esse remake. Realmente o jogo é muito curto, esperava aproveitar um pouco mais, porém acabei sendo pego de surpresa pelo final inesperado. Tirando isso, o jogo para mim é perfeito. Super recomendo jogarem essa maravilha!

i actually liked this one a lot more than i expected i would based on what others have said about it, i genuinely had a lot of fun. i cant help but feel like part of why i enjoyed re3r so much is because i haven't played the original yet, but i'll see about that soon enough. i feel like my main complaint is that it takes a bit for jill to get endearing and nemesis becomes a lot less interesting as the game goes on, but even then he at the very least stays my favorite creature design in the series throughout the game. i felt like the length of the game was fine but i'm the type to prefer games to be shorter so i'm not too surprised that it wasn't as big of an issue for me as some other people. i also feel like resident evil has a bit of problem of dragging on after a certain point but i didnt experience that much if at all with 3 just because of how short it is

You ever liked a game that you were also really disappointed by?

That basically sums up my experience when playing RE3 Remake. I remember seeing this game first get announced and I was unbelievably hyped, but then the reviews came in and everyone said the game was a huge letdown so my expectations going into it could not be lower.

I enjoyed it decently enough but the game did nothing that I hoped it would do. I was hoping it would make the cast more interesting, maybe give Brad and Jill more time spent together so Brad's death hits harder, Nope. Maybe make Nicholai more interesting but no, he still just exists and is overshadowed by Nemesis. The only character that's improved here is Carlos and to be fair, his interactions with Jill are the highlight of the game for me and I actually really grew attached to them by the end of the game unlike in the original. His sections are also pretty fun since he can actually defend himself unlike Sherry or Ada and seeing how Marvin got bit and exploring the RPD before the events of RE2 take place was also really cool to see. But that brings me to another issue I have with the game, they remove areas that were unique to RE3 like the Clock Tower, Park and Dead Factory in favour of adding a Sewer and an RPD section, both of which were already in RE2. This ends up making the game feel less like an RE3 Remake and more like RE2 Remake Lite, with a slightly more aggressive Mr X.

The game just lacks identity and a big reason for that is that the element that should've got the most attention barely gets any. Nemesis sucks here. In the PS1 Original, you really feel like they did as much with him as was possible with the hardware, here he basically only shows up in cutscenes and any surprise factor he had in the OG is completely absent here. He should've been Mr.X on steroids but instead he's just a poor mans version. His bossfights are some of the most fun ones in the series though but still, relegating a character that should've been re-introduced as an icon of survival horror to basically having the same role as Birkin in the 2 Remake is a crying shame.

To sum up, RE1R is the type of remake that replaces the original, RE2R is the type of remake that sits alongside the original and RE3R is the type of remake that makes you appreciate the original way more. I liked it decently enough for the 5 hours that I spent on it and I'm giving it a 7 because I went into it with basically no expectations but realistically, this is probably a 5 or 6 at best.

Resident Evil 3 Remake

Por um bom tempo fiquei pensando que seria um bom jogo. Como não gosto do clássico por achar muito datado achei que essa versão me agradaria, mas infelizmente o jogo parece incompleto, basicamente você só avança corredor e corre do Nêmesis, os cenários não são nem um pouco bem projetados ou caprichados, é tão sem graça que nem com as boss fights tive emoção. Comparando com RE2 e RE4 Remake esse fica MUITO atrás, os outros melhoravam e muito as versões anteriores, mas esse parece que só cortaram o jogo todo e colocaram de qualquer jeito, os desenvolvedores não tiveram carinho algum com esse clássico.
Não achei horrível como falam, mas é um jogo bem foda-se.

Eu esperava o mesmo carinho que tiveram no remake anterior, mas acharam melhor passar um dos títulos que possui um legado imenso para um time secundário de devs, assim utilizando do sucesso de vendas de 2019.

Decepção é a palavra que melhor define aqui.

Resident Evil 3 (Remake) feels a little like one of those side-games you get while waiting for a mainline sequel rather than a marquee entry in the franchise. Kind of like a Dishonored: Death of the Outsider, a Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel, or even something like The Walking Dead: Michonne. What I mean when I say this is not that I think the game is bad or anything like that, but more-so that it just doesn't feel like a mainline game.

Resident Evil 3 feels like a side-game. Exploration is much weaker in this entry, with what feels like a lot less focus on the areas that you end up exploring. In a way RE3 felt a lot more linear than I was used to from RE2, with much less optional exploration content and a very A-B flow to the game.

Following on from that, gameplay also felt a lot more action based. Where I felt Resident Evil 2 shined in its slow and methodical approach with constantly building tension; RE3 felt more like a mainstream action movie with slick dodges and a plethora of cinematic combat scenes.

Another strange thing is that this game is very short. Now I played Resident Evil 2 and that game wasn't exactly long. Even accounting for the dual-campaign I still spent around 7 hours on my Leon hardcore playthrough. In contrast it only took me 3 hours to finish RE3 on hardcore... that's less than my Claire playthrough!

I will say though that the story was quite interesting and the characters were great. Jill is a very charismatic protagonist and I was very interested in going back and giving Resident Evil 1 a try (I'm currently holding off on it due to the camera angles). Carlos was also a great deuteragonist, routinely feeling just as important as Jill while never taking away too much of the spotlight. There was also a nice layer of banter and chemistry between the two -something I think RE3 did much better than RE2.

Despite my misgivings though, RE3 was still a fun entry into the Resident Evil franchise. I appreciated callbacks to RE2 and even the few RE1 callbacks that I understood through context. While yes maybe it felt a little bit lackluster compared to RE2, RE3 still shined at what it attempted to do and never once overstayed it's welcome.


PS: This Nemesis guy needs to get a life.

Esse jogo tem a batalha final mais insuportável que eu já tive a tristeza de experienciar, um cenário podre, personagens medíocres, e inimigos que provocam lobotomia só de estar perto. É divertidinho.

yknow on a strict gaming sense i kinda get why everyone would be angry about this game i didnt actually play the original so i cant fully participate in the general hate about this so yeah i do understand the backlash this game got the majority of the game is cut and the remaining parts do get kind of samey after a while even though the game is fucking SHORT like this is incredibly short people i think i finished it in like 4 - 5 hours is that even possible istg this game is incredibly short

i do believe this feels kind of rushed even for me that i have no idea how the OG game was but it is actually a legit great game yknow did you see the beginning of this game it felt like the silent evil 4 segment UNTIL Jill gets in the bathroom and everything turns 3rd person and THATS absolutely fucking unbelievable maybe this is because i have no experience with the material this is based off so im probably just going omg fancy graphics and cool mechanics and omg zombies this is sick and shit like that

now this plays out as a classic resident evil and its pretty similar to resident evil 2 from the gameplay experience to the way everything looks and the character models and you can basically tell that capcom saw how well the re2 remake sold and said ok lets just rush another one and get that fucking money that we so need for the re4 remake

and they did it

lets just talk about the elephant in the room and unmistakably the greatest aspect of this entire game: carlos

people in this room i invite you to just get a drink and sit back because this is gonna be long so apart from the main character jill valentine who you would also know for her protagonist role in the VERY FIRST resident evil game alongside hot and sexy young chris redfield and shit like that you can definitely understand how she is not targeted to me because her partner exists so you are introduced to the second main character carlos oliveira who is as for my humble opinion possibly the hottest character in the entire resident evil franchise and thats incredibly flattering considering that chris redfield is just sitting there waiting to be sucked dry so if you had told me in 1999 that carlos was hot i wouldve laughed at your face because lets be real OG carlos is kinda ugly and im not gonna lie about this i am not a liar he looked weird he looked out of place and he looked like he did not get pussy for 2 decades but guys . guys remake carlos is something else i was not ready to see this man in action AT ALL i will be real with you i was not unaware of his existence due to rule34 and other stuff like twitter porn section and all that shit so i knew very well who carlos oliveira was and the chokehold he had on me so i was PREPARED but not as much as i shouldve because seeing him get all hot and sweaty shooting zombies in the face . i am in love guys like look at his curly hair his cute smile his charisma his humour his big and strong and beefy arms did you see those arms oh my god im dizzy when he said I know. You want to ask me out. All the foxy ladies love my accent. It drives them crazy. i was IN LOVE i swooned i blushed i was not joking this man has too much power on me and i dont like it he could ruin my life and my hole and i wouldnt say a thing im so sorry mom

umh so umh sorry about that so as i was saying the story revolves around these 2 people they get into the racoon city zombie havoc and stuff and they gotta escape thats the main gist of it all and it is interesting to traverse racoon city it has some interesting locations here and there and you can see people going absolutely crazy over it and honestly wouldnt you too if zombies were going around killing people and a big humanoid monster chased you around i dont think you would have so much fun if i can have an opinion about this so

ok whatever resident evil plot always gets infodumped in the end and its always the same shit oh no there was a biohazard around a biological weapon from a pharmacological company that was used because of MONEY and suddenly it spread and everyones a zombie now and thats fucking it experiments on people virus infecting everyone trying to create the ultimate humanoid bio weapon or some shit like that its always a plot like this and never carlos fucks me in the ass pornhub gay

so apart from the usual storyline the game itself is incredibly gorgeous every scene is great theres no scenery that wasnt absolutely breathtaking even though its literally a town in ruin but what do we care when RTX is on

people complained about the fact that nemesis encounters are scripted and dont last long and again since i havent played the original i cant agree to this criticism BUT i did enjoy the different boss battles and the fact that slowly and steadily nemesis evolved into a more disgusting and heinous being by the end of the game so yeah and the final fucking boss fight with the huge gun fight is too fun to be real

umh i mean not too much more to say about this game apart from the fact that those bug like zombies who deepthroated jill were the grossest thing ive ever experienced since heather vomiting the fetus so i can say for sure that this was done for fetish art i cannot overstate i fetish ey this looks oh my fucking god that segment doesnt feel real it was literally deepthroat green herb vomit deepthroat green herb vomit who thought about that honestly i need to talk for a sec forreal

GG i dont remember any ost rn but i do remember some banger songs so i will just trust my memories all in all a great experience i would rate it carlos/10 thank you everybody

Primeira bomba do ano.

Vou ser bem sincero aqui, não curto as mecânicas do original e acho elas super datadas, porém uma coisa que eu gosto muito é a história dele, e, nesse remake eles simplesmente picotaram tudo e lançaram aos ventos. As primeiras horas do Nemesis perseguindo a Jill na cidade são legais, porém é uma coisa muito scriptada e rápida, e quando ele vira um cachorro tudo termina de ir pro ralo. A gameplay boa dos RE feitos nessa engine é o que salva um pouco esse jogo.

this is the last of the new RE remakes i have to play since i had put this off forever from poor word of mouth regarding its length and cut content. i never played the original so there’s no way for me to tell you what’s gone and what has been added but as a base product this is across the board disappointing. i knew playing RE4 remake beforehand probably set too high expectations for the previous game in the remake series but even comparing this to 2 it’s a downgrade by nearly every measure. new additions like the dodge mechanic hardly function and lead to frustration rather than feeling like you just scraped past death, coupled with what felt like significantly worse level design with 50 zombies in each open area that just sort of stand there until you enter their range where they pounce on you into a mashing contest that doesn't seem to do much of anything. the stalker character in this game compared to mr. x in 2 is significantly less imposing even though he is a third larger than his predecessor. there are numerous things that lead his presence to barely registering any tension. firstly, this game is too heavily reliant on scripted linear set pieces that don’t make any of the nemesis' actions feel unpredictable or scary to deal with. In comparison to mr. x who felt like he was his own force to be reckoned with, stalking whatever areas of the map he wanted at any time until he found his prey, nemesis feels like a dog that runs wherever the developers throw the ball. he sort of spawns in whenever it would best fit for another chase sequence and it’s in that predictability that the main anchor of this game fails drastically for me.

nearly all of the scares register as predictable and each one you can see coming from a mile away. what makes matters worse is the absolutely terrible audio which is something i almost never notice. i played on a speaker setup at a loud volume and from what I gather this game uses a directional audio system that only makes things loud when you’re looking directly at the source of the noise, so during dramatic chase sequences with nemesis tailing me with a bazooka, i barely heard any of his thundering footsteps or even his rocket being fired until it hit the ground next to me. i still have PTSD flashbacks hearing mr. x charging towards me with the anger of an abusive father but here i end up only confused with nemesis as he appears out of nowhere due to the inconsistent sound. this could just be a me problem and maybe my setup is botched but my sound issues extended to out of sync jumpscares and bullets that didn’t match up with the screen that ruined the impact of many scripted moments that weren’t already diminished by the game’s overreliance on them. on top of that, the voice acting sounds like it was recorded through a nokia brick a lot of the time despite the actors putting in good work underneath it.

the level design is uncharacteristically simple for the most part, requiring barely any thought process. if the chase sequences didn’t feel dodgy enough with the terrible roll mechanic that barely works as intended, it brings no delight that the map itself hardly makes up for any of this frustration as everything is a clear path forward, with an always convenient barrel or fire blocking every alternate route so that you’re immediately aware of the right way to go to trigger the next cutscene. it feels more like an interactive cutscene akin to the early portions of the game in the opening apartment block set piece than anything capcom would conjure up in RE4 and had already done in RE2 with mr. x, mendez or the black robe. yet again, this is a huge problem of the game since the game’s main crux is your relationship as a player with nemesis being the advertised threat he is. he’s the title screen, he’s the box art and he shoehorns himself into a cutscene every 30 minutes to remind you he still exists since his presence is totally forgettable until you have to laboriously outrun him again or unload thousands of bullets in repeat boss battles.

it sounds like i hate this game but i didn’t. it’s a byproduct of me already playing better entries in this RE engine series of remakes that makes every core decision made here poorer by comparison. briefly aware of this game being a noted rush job and it’s length being an issue for most, which i have to agree with. there just isn't enough meat on the bones of this one. clocking in barely above one half of the split campaign in RE2 which has and will understandably leave people feeling quite robbed of their money for half the game they remember at the full price. on the flipside there is a slight satisfaction in being able to blitz through a game at a constant pace which i will praise the game for (this could be just because i’m feeling some gaming burnout lately but it wasn’t the worst thing in the world to blaze through something short). thankfully, i’m checking this one out on game pass so the sting isn’t quite there for me, but i am walking away from this more let down than i went in so everything does in fact have a price.

the game looks great as does everything the RE engine touches and i love all the characters. nemesis has a fire design despite my complaints with him (until the last third where he becomes the same as every other resident evil glob monster) and i do think the core combat of these games is by default always engaging and fun to some degree so there was never really a point in this game that i was completely bored. the puzzles are alright despite being a bit too on the simple side with a smidge too much hand holding. touching on the visuals, i wasn’t immediately sold on the crossover of the dark, grimy hallways of RE2 with neon signs of the inner-city but after a while it did grow on me a bit more and i think despite my misgivings with the overabundance of scripted content, the much more poppy presentation of this game did amplify the 80s blockbuster action-horror atmosphere it seems to be going for (nemesis is basically a tyrant Terminator). this only goes so far though, since behind the visuals there’s very little going on under the hood. the appeal of this game compared to RE2 and their shared timeline is the change in setting and the grander scale, yet besides more space to run around in there is very little substance hiding away. with most buildings being inaccessible and half of the street always being blocked by convenient rubble leading you straight towards story progression, it begins to feel even more shallow than one floor of the RPD building in 2. this point of comparison is even worse when you’re finally dropped back into the RPD building as carlos and the poor new areas are so much worse in immediate comparison. for me, it’s another nail in the coffin for a game so indebted to RE2 that seems to discard it’s incredible level design in favour of more dazzle than depth.

its standard thrills are all intact from previous entries and most would remain for RE4 with the welcome sanding of its rough edges but it’s a deeply frustrating experience coming back to this game after a real high and wondering how more time in the oven would have fared this one.

Actually enjoyed this way more than I thought I would having been aware of this games less than stellar reputation going in.

People sometimes refer to the original RE3 as an awkward cross between classic RE gameplay and action RE gameplay, which I definitely disagree with. RE3 (1999) despite having slightly more abundant resources than previous games along with the dodge mechanic always felt like OG Resident Evil and created the same tension and need for strategizing that the other classic games did. The same can’t be said for RE3R and the awkward in-between descriptor does fit it pretty well IMO. Combat mechanics and the scale of encounters are very similar to RE2R but now with very linear levels and significantly more action oriented resource balancing - you will be truly flush with ammo and healing items for your whole playthrough on standard. It seems truly impossible to run out even if you decide to fight every enemy the game throws at you. This is a far cry from classic RE games and even from RE2R, which has at times very strict resource balancing (I actually fully ran out of resources and had to reload because of the jail segment on my second scenario playthrough as Leon - something that’s come close to happening but has never actually happened to me in any other RE title.) All of these design choices make RE3R feel more like the post-game 4th Survivor mode in RE2R (a linear enemy gauntlet) than a modern take on classic RE gameplay.

That said I did enjoy my time with this game - it just definitely wasn’t what I (and apparently most fans) wanted from an RE3 remake. Some of the positives - this game like RE2R fleshes out the story with lots more character dialogue and adopts a similar James Cameron-esque action movie tone. This all works pretty well. I enjoyed Jill and Carlos’s relationship and the way they were characterized. Was also just glad to see Jill Valentine get more characterization and dialogue than in the original game since she’s probably my favorite RE protagonist. Side note this is for the dumbest reason ever: her outfit in the REmake with its beret and goofy shoulder pads was so charming to me that she instantly became my favorite RE protagonist. Very glad they put that outfit in this game and I switched over to it as soon as possible. On a somewhat related note I’m glad they changed Jill’s default outfit in this game to something less ridiculous. It fits the more serious tone of the game well, and the original one always struck me as a kind of annoying attempt at giving gamers that good ol’ low poly PS1 T&A, which I always find distracting and condescending to the audience when it doesn’t fit the tone of the game - which I didn’t think it did in the original.

I was a little disappointed by the lack of any post-game bonus modes, which is a staple of the Resident Evil series and something I always appreciate. The only game I can think of that doesn’t have any sort of bonus mode is the RE (2002). Most versions of the 1996 original didn’t have any bonus modes although the sega saturn release did have a post-game battle mode. The original RE3 was actually the origin of the beloved mercenaries mode, so it was disappointing to not see anything like that here. There technically is the bundled in online game Resident Evil Resistance, but I don’t really consider this to be the same thing as a bonus mode since it’s a totally separate piece of software from the main game. The devs apparently included this in lieu of bonus modes due to RE3R having less content than most RE games (take that justification with a grain of salt given the presence of micro-transactions in Resistance), but I definitely would have preferred a mercenaries or survivors mode instead.

Well anyway: I enjoyed this game far more than I expected. Was a short and fun romp that’s held up by the excellent combat mechanics of RE2R but now utilized in an action setting which is overall successful. I of course wish the devs had gone the pure survival horror route with this game, but what we got isn’t half bad.

Yes? Women protection services? I have a stalker, what should I do?
With a rocket launcher? Seems kinda drastic but alright.

Weirdly faster and more braindead compared to Resident Evil 2.

Painfully short too.