Reviews from

in the past

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Nemesis really chose to fight you in the one room with the weapon that could defeat him lmao

fawk nemesis. a rlly great game with nice graphics and the chase scenes omg!!! stressful. even with the locations and story overlapping with re2 it never felt repetitive at all claire and carlos are so likeable!! even with annoying villains the game is definitely a new fav

A lot of people understandably really don't like this game and the original RE3 is way better. Definitely not worth 60 bucks but I got it for 20 and had a blast. Carlos is so good in this game and I love the new Jill. But unless you really really love this game do NOT play on Nightmare and Inferno, sucks all the fun out of it

this is still a good game, but fuck this game for ruining such a great classic. even RE2make didn't spit all over the source material as bad as this game did

Ai ai... por onde começar? Eu diria que quem espera um jogo fiel e semelhante ao original deveria evitar esse aqui, aqui tivemos vários cortes de conteúdo em relação ao game original mas também tivemos algumas coisas boas...

Primeiro as coisas que eu gostei:

Eu diria que curti muito mais os personagens nesse remake, a Jill ta maravilhosa, o Carlos então nem se fala, no original era só um maluco genérico mas aqui ele ficou muito foda, os outros personagens, tipo o Tyrell, também ficaram legais.
O gráfico do jogo é o mesmo do RE 2 Remake, ou seja, muito bom, a performance também e boa (eu não presenciei nenhum bug), e o som das armas e inimigos está ótimo também, a trilha sonora não é tão boa quanto a do original mas mesmo assim é boa (ao contrário do RE 2 Remake).

Também gostei da jogabilidade, melhoraram ainda mais a jogabilidade se comparado ao RE 2 Remake e adicionaram novas funcionalidades que deixaram o gameplay mais fluído.
A parte do hospital e da delegacia ficaram muito boas, nesse dois locais eles acertaram.
Todos os locais que jogamos com o Carlos e ficou muito bom, ele tem variações na jogabilidade que ficaram bem legais, como eu disse antes o Carlos é uma das melhores coisa desse Remake de longe!

Agora oque eu não gostei, foram MUITAS COISAS:

Nemesis aqui não tem metade da carisma e nem é tão implacável quanto o original, a maioria das aparições são scriptadas e na metade do jogo fizeram uma transformação nele que ficou horrível e estragaram o monstro.

Praticamente METADE do conteúdo da cidade explorável que tinha no original foi cortado, o trecho de leva e traz dos itens é minúsculo e nem um pouco orgânico, o jogo é extremamente linear, tem menos armas, inimigos e até mesmo funcionalidades que o original.
A escolhas foram retiradas, o mundo semiaberto do original foi retirado, vários locais tipo a torre do relógio foram retirados, as boss battles em sua maioria foram chatas (inclusive duas são extremamente iguais), mas como retiraram inimigos, também retiraram bosses aqui.

Eu sei que a proposta desses Remakes é meio que reimaginar tudo, mas aqui exageraram demais, mudaram muita coisa, cortaram muita coisa e tiraram algumas das melhores coisa do game original, não tem como perdoar alguns cortes de conteúdo aqui, poxa, até o Mercenaries foi cortado.
O game original já era curto mas com os cortes o Remake ficou ainda mais curto, e como o jogo é linear e sem variações não tem muito motivo pra ficar rejogando ele, só se a pessoa quiser ficar caçando Conquista/Troféu (oque não é o meu caso).

No fim eu posso definir esse jogo como um grande potencial desperdiçado, se ele tivesse sido feito com o mesmo carinho que outros 3 Remakes da franquia ele poderia ser um excelente jogo, mas no fim ficou só uma versão capada e menos legal que a original

Nota: 6.5/10

Complete este juego dos veces en un día.


I finished this game Blind in 2 and a half hours....

Short and sweet, not really any complaints beyond the voice audio quality sounding weird but that could've been on my side of things.

its fine, looks nice, plays good, but its way too short with not much room for exploration, puzzles or anything, alongside it not being scary at all, something 2 remake did super well, I get they wanted to go more into action with this one (and to my knowledge the original was also like this) but i didnt feel like it worked as well as it could have, given the game throws so much ammo and health drops at you i never felt like I was ever in danger

nemesis is also so underutilized to the point where I forgot he was in the game for the 2nd half, the first half is actually great with him chasing you and you having to find a bunch of shit and explore the city streets, then it turns into a hallway simulator with zombies and it gets way less interesting, especially with how bad of a villain nikolai is and how nemesis is basically relegated to boss fights that are not very good and just serve to be bullet sponges and nothing else

solid game overall, just really wanted more of it

Após a ótima recepção do remake de Resident Evil 2 em 2019, não demorou muito até ser anunciado um remake do 3 jogo da saga, de 1999, que é considerado por muitos um dos melhores Resident Evil. Resident Evil 3 clássico foi o meu primeiro contato com Resident Evil, eu achava o jogo bem bacana, apesar de depois o 2 se tornar o meu favorito, o Nemesis tinha um potencial gigantesco de ser um vilão ainda maior em um remake com as capacidades de hardware atuais. Pena que... não foi isso que aconteceu, deixaram esse remake para um grupo secundário, tentaram lançar o mais rápido possível, cortando trechos e "linearizando" totalmente a exploração que tornava o clássico tão memorável. O jogo não é ruim, mas é um desperdício enorme e um desrespeito aos fãs que esperavam algo semelhante ao remake do segundo jogo.

100% a let down, only reason I mustered the will power to platinum this game was the moding community, so many amazing mods.

que jogo bosta kkkkkkkkkkk n da pra tankar

Ok, eu comecei esse jogo e zerei no mesmo dia. A campanha é realmente muito curta, mas em nenhum momento parece rushada. O jogo é bem divertido. Tem umas mecanicas novas que fizeram falta no RE2, e isso é bem legal, mas não se compara ao antecessor, principalmente no quesito terror, que era bem presente antes, aqui é quase inexistente. É tiro, porrada e bomba e pronto. Não vale nunca a pena pegar em preço cheio, mas na promoção por +/- 37 reais, vale dar uma chance.

Depois de ter zerado The Evil Within 2 eu percebo o quão pobre RE3 é. A tristeza toma meu coração.


a galera não recebeu bem o RE por ele ter cortado mt conteudo, eu divido da mesma opinião, mas tirando esse fato eu achei um jogo bom

Idk if it was RE burnout or if this game just kinda felt unfinished

Todo lo bien que se hace el remake del 2 este se esfuerza en hacerlo como el culo, logran que dos elementos tan importantes como son racoon city y nemesis se sientan artificiales y molestos, tiene cosas que me gustan, pero en si lo siento como un juego vacio

nemmy go awooga (but less this time)

Audiovisuaalisesti ja visuaalisesti melkoista karkkia. Miinuksena vaatimaton tarina, liika toimintapainotteisuus, heikohkot hahmot ja puzzlet puuttui lähes kokonaan. Silti pelasin mielelläni seitsemäntuntisen kampanjan läpi. Kaukana parhaista Resident Evil -peleistä.

Was expecting the worst from the hearsay about this remake, but came out after having finished the game overall very pleasantly surprised.

I haven't played the original RE3 so I don't have the framework to compare this game with it, but I really enjoyed Jill as the protagonist (and Carlos as the deuteragonist), the overworld, puzzles, and the enemies, though Nemesis hardly felt like an imposing threat throughout the game.

I can't complain because I had a really great time, and (if I can ever get past the tank controls and fixed camera in the OG) I would love to play the original to see what all the fuss is about.

a pretty big disappointment, especially after re2 remake knocked it out of the park on almost every front. the game in general felt very loosely tied together, such as the dodge being almost completely unnecessary outside of the boss fights or the game's main antagonist being one of the least compelling i've ever witnessed in a shooter. the nemesis parts were probably my favorite parts of the game, it's just a shame that one of resident evil's most iconic enemies gets shafted in his remade debut :/

honestly don't get all the hate, i just played through all of it and felt it was a very solid and fun item management survival game.
sure it wasn't as intricate and interconnected as remake 2 but what is here still felt just as solid and enjoyable to me, as for the cheesyness of the characters i mean come on, name a single resident evil that doesn't have cheese. even ethan falls into the biohazardness sometimes.

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Resident evil fans will eat a poo and say its good.

"wow, he RUNS in this one"

Bought this for 8 quid 75% off sale and somehow still feel scammed

While this isn't as terrifying as RE2R, it still nails the execution and is a solid experience with much needed improved gameplay elements.

As a game itself, it's great, the time I spent with it was pretty enjoyable and I quite liked all the environent set pieces, in specific Raccoon City which was by far my personal favourite in this franchise so far, just behind RE2R RPD however.

As a Resident Evil Game? It's not really that challenging at all, I breezed right through this without many inconviences at all. The tone is pretty well done, the horror elements are still great and it still has somewhat of an essence of dread, specifically in the Hospital and being chased by Nemesis, but it doesn't quite match with it's predecessor. Something about Mr. X was just absolutely terrifying and the fact that he followed you pretty much everywhere helped in solidifying this dynamic, however, Nemesis felt much more scripted? He didn't really feel as much of a threat but was still pretty fucking awesome regardless in any case. I really liked how his theme was reminisctent of Termaintor, it felt more like a behemoth villian than what Mr. X was and that's fine.

As a remake... well, not having played the original myself, I didn't mind the changes because I wasn't aware of them aside from the clock tower being cut and in knowing that while playing, it did feel like a bit of a bummer. By remake standards, objectively, it isn't the sharpest tool in the shed but I think it's a decent remake in any case.

In contrast to RE2R, the narrative here I was much more into which was on itself pretty interesting and I really liked seeing how things pieced together and preceeded the events of RE2R so that was nice to see.

Overall, is it the definitive way to experience RE3? Definitely not and it's reputation already resounds that, but it's a great alternative if you don't really have the means to play the original. As a game itself, as mentioned before, it's still great... I can't give it anything lower or higher than four stars though.

Weakest of the RE remake games compared to 2 & 4 but I still have fun with it regardless so I give it a pass.

Kill remakes. Behead remakes. Roundhouse kick a remake into the concrete. Slam dunk a remaster into the trashcan. Crucify filthy remakes. Defecate in a remakes food. Launch remakes devs into the sun. Toss remakes enjoyer into active volcanoes. Feed remakes to piranhas. Curbstomp demakes. Judo throw remakes into a wood chipper. Karate chop remakes in half. Pee in a remakes gas tank.

Seriously I gotta play RE3 original sometime to understand why everyone was upset. For now though, I had a fuckin blast playing this game.

Feels like the missing link btwn RE2R's puzzle-horror and RE4R's action-horror. Also Nemesis feels like he fucking HATES you, like personally. Good villain.

Wished it was longer and you could actually explore the city. It’s shorter and more scripted. But hey, it’s still hella fun and a great game.

Was hoping for much more from this remake after how good 2R was but they flipped the switch and did the opposite. The amount of content they cut out for this game is a mess it truly shocks me how much they let go. Sucks this is supposed to be Jill’s game when it feels like glorified dlc to 2R I wouldn’t even have been mad if that’s what they made it instead of it’s own game but I understand why they didn’t. I hope they give her a bit more to do in 5R to make up for this game.