Reviews from

in the past

Honestly an insanely good game for such a simple concept. Absolute time thief.

Pocas veces calificaría un juego de perfecto pero Rimworld es uno de ellos. Cuando consigues superar la pequeña barrera de entrada que supone entender como funcionan sus sistemas, es un juego que te da tantísimas opciones para desarrollar tu colonia que si eres fan de la gestión te va a encantar como poco. A parte de ser un generador de historias al nivel de dwarf fortress.

Rimworld is the game I talk about the most.

It is a surreal, funny, sad and engulfing game that makes you choose between starving to death or sacrificing your last cow. It is a game that helps you learn to cut wood, stockpile it, and build a base out of that lumber, only for you to watch as a lone bandit burns it all down and kidnaps your colonists.

There is far too much to say about this game, other than it will consume your time and sanity to play it. One of the best games I’ve ever played. A million mods. Updated to this day. THE story generator - even if recalling those stories will make you sound like a madman.

A real modern masterpiece of gaming.

Hardly scratched the surface, but this game is actually really fun, just need the right mixture of high proof alcohol and hallucinogenics and I'll play this game a hell of a lot more.

basically The Sims meets Dwarf Fortress in a hard sci-fi universe. 90% of the value is the insane amount of mods in the communtiy

My colonies always end up becoming warmongering drug cartel empires, maybe it is a sign...

Rimworld is a fantastic platform for telling many different kinds of story. Add on to that the dedicated modding community and this is one of those games that about once a year I decided to get overly into.

While Dwarf Fortress is far more engaged and detailed, Rimworld remains my simulation game of choice. The sci-fi setting, the DLCs, and the amount of detail are just... fantastic. I love you Rimworld.

Rimworld is life.

I've been playing Rimworld since its alpha days, and was hooked the second I got into it.
It's so much more than a colony-sim, it's a storyteller, and it truly lives up to that title.
I've clocked in over 2000 hours, and continue to do so on a daily basis.
Not only is it supported by a VAST modding community, it's got a range of incredibly fun DLC's and settings that allow you to play as a teenage lord of the flies spacecamp, cannibalistic beavers herders, or pacifist pigmen with a penchant for potato farming.
I've cultivated legacies of families, generations of heroes. I've lost colonies to ashes as mechanoids descend, only to reclaim the fallen ruins and start afresh.
I've played solo colonist playthroughs, massive city-sprawling challenges.
I doubt I'll ever stop playing.

One of my most fun games that I'd been playing on and off for a very long time! Despite the number of hours that I have put into the game, I've still not finished it, often because I either mess up in regards to resources, get my ass kicked from a raid or something else happens that makes me just give up and attempt another start up. Mostly I save scum anyway, but it also helps to start up again when you download as many mods as I do!

The game itself is a colony management game, similar to other games that are similar to games like Dwarf Fortress, which is often referenced and other similar type games.

The basic vanilla story/starting you can choose gives you three space explorers crash down to the named world, RimWorld. The goal now being to set up a home, build up enough technology and resources to create a new space ship and then launch off to escape the planet!

Thanks to the developers being such cool people and being so supportive and welcoming of the modding community that the number of mods is close to limitless! Mods that give new wildlife, skills, objections, weapons, technologies, game mechanics and completely new endings making RimWorld become your own blank canvas for whatever you wish to do with this world. Do you wish to simply leave this world or stay and attempt to unlock the Archonexus? Maybe you don't want to leave at all but create a empire of your own and wipe out all other groups? Maybe abuse the tribals to take part in your unethical butchery and removing their organs to sell for huge profit.

There's even mods to set your colony up as a hospitality centre where you make money by renting out beds and selling all kinds of items to the guests and any others who might come passing by. It's insane the amount of stuff you can do in this and how fun and valid any play style you choose can be achieved.

It's a game I love and still play on and off (until I get my PC back, it'll be off for the moment) and the DLC that's been released so far has only just added to the game and brought some real tangible mechanics that others have built upon in mods too, but I'll cover those individually in the DLC listings.

Because of my love of this game and how welcoming the community is, I'm planning to get into modding and adding my own content to this game at some-point in the future to add more fun to this fantastic game.

Here's a stream where I was experimenting with the Twitch Toolkit, allowing viewers to interact with the game on stream and make it that much more crazy and fun!

I would not continue to play it or have as high of an opinion on it as I do without the amazing community created mods.

I learned how to make a colony!

Je n'en ai rien a foutre que vous trouviez le jeu "moche" ou je sais pas quoi, avec une communauté de modders et des DLCs pareil, l'essentiel, c'est que je puisses perdre des centaines d'heures de ma vie à commettre des crimes de haine, à manger des bébés, et à repartir à la maison pour jouer au billard.
Un système de santé et de gestion de base parfait, et un excellent générateur d'histoires

Que ganas de iniciar una secta marciana en medio de un planeta olvidado de Dios.

I think this may be one of the best games of all time, solely for the unforgettable stories that emerge from it. There's a reason it is described as a storytelling simulator almost more so than a game. It has those dwarf fortress vibes but in a more digestible form in my opinion, and the modding community for the game is incredible. If you've never played this game, you owe it to yourself to try it just once.

I've spent endless hours on this and still keep coming back to do new runs

I've been on and off with this game for a number of years and after my most recent binging of it, I get it. Before the game was a 8/10 for me, but only after getting into this last run do I get it. Games a 10. Let me explain this last few days.

I've been playing with friends in call, and they've seen the terrible stuff and the blessings, and there was a point during day 3 where I lost 7 our of 10 of my colony in two hours, from back to back events. Everyone was saying RIP run, and it was super demoralizing but I stuck with it. Then, an hour or so later the remaining 3 were down from an spider that began hunting one of my colonists out of base to mine steel.

Enter scene, the mysterious stranger. He came in and killed the enemy, and succeeded in bringer all three downed colonists back inside, however, one died before they could be brought back. I was down to one of my original colonists, someone I picked up along the way, and the mysterious man. HOWEVER, I don't even think 2 days in game passed when the mysterious man insulted one of my colonists, and faster than I could react he was punched and died before I could even bring him to a hospital bed. Down to two colonists. At this point, again, my friends say RIP run, start over. A part of me wanted to, but there has been so much that'd happened and me and that one original colonist had come so far, so I powered through. I clawed back from hell, I built defenses, I prepared, I captured as many wild people, enemy soldiers, and animal allies as I could, and where am I now?

On the space side of the tech tree, an extremely defensible base of operations, and 10 colonists that all tolerate one another. I'm still struggling now and then, especially when the larger raids happen, but the struggle makes it more exciting. This game is all about the struggle, about the risks and overcoming them. This game is about climbing through hell, dragging yourself from total despair, and overcoming all odds and succeeding. I actually love this game, it's a 10/10. To explain all the drama and story that happened in about 20 hours of playtime would take pages of writing, and that's awesome.

i am addicted to this game and it’s not healthy

El argumento en contra de que diga que no tengo adicción a los videojuegos es la existencia de este juego.

This game offers a brand new experience in every single playthrough! Incredible how this amount of replayability and surprise can be obtained from procedural generation. Always a lot of fun to play, and the multiplayer mod makes it even more fun!

the random story building, the pure content, all the interactions, all the communnity made stuff,.. is mindbogling. Only spent 10h in it so far but definitely have to put more into it once i have more time

I played this on a console before. While I prefer the UI there, I can't go back now; mods are just too useful to ignore.

Even without mods, Rimworld is the premier colony sim. Your pawns will get up to the dumbest stuff, but you'll always be there to help guide them back to the right path: whether it be getting them to stop breaking your components on a tantrum or getting them to stop crying after harvesting a prisoner's organs.

Man, I need to get back into this.

Um sandbox perfeito, ver sua civilização crescendo de pouco a pouco é extremamente satisfatório, você chega a se apegar com os moradores, que quando morrem você sente falta.

O jogo apresenta uma pancada de conteúdo, você vai ficar horas e horas entretido, perdendo e recomeçando, fazendo desafios ou até mesmo um RP. As possibilidades são infinitas.

Joguei o jogo com todas as Dlcs disponíveis, mas ainda sim prefiro o jogo "Cru", as expansões são boas, mas para um jogo com tantos mods elas acabam ficando de escanteio.

muito brabo, pena que nunca tive muita paciência pra jogar por muito tempo

joguei pirata, infelizmente o preço é muito salgado principalmente para um jogo de 2021, é um excelente simulador de colônia bem divertido e desafiador mas com opções ótimas pra relaxar enquanto joga

Jogo mais gostosinho pra passar o tempo