Reviews from

in the past

Um grande jogo de shooter para atari, senão o melhor da plataforma, mas que já estava atrás para outros que estavam disponíveis pro arcade.

Nota: 5/10 (★★☆) - Jogável

Maybe one of the first examples of a risk-vs-reward mechanic in a video game. Fuel canisters serve two purposes. You can either fly over them to gain more fuel which you'll need to continue playing. Or you can blow them up for extra points, though this prevents you from getting fuel. Do you risk destroying the fuel to gather up more points and hop you can fill up when the next rounds come along? Or do you play it safe and try to keep your fuel as high as possible at all times? I'm amazed because this is the most I've thought about anything when playing these old ass Atari games

playing it when i was abt 3/4 yo on the console at my grandparents' house 😭🙏
it still gives such a vibe

A solid vertical shooter where you can adjust your speed as your work your way up the river, destroying other vehicles and obstacles in your way. You also need to be careful with the fuel depots as you can destroy those as well which gives the game a second layer of complexity. A lack of variety in the obstacles and no other dangers to speak of keep it from being more engaging.

This is one of my earliest childhood memories, and it's a game that ticks "all the right notes" on this console. Since every Atari game plays out like a loop, they could easily become tiresome, but that's not the case here. It's still enjoyable to play every now and then.

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Jogava muito esse jogo quando era criança em uma espécie de dvd emulador pro PS2, mas nunca tive a menor ideia do que fazer. Não é fácil e definitivamente não vai chegar num "final" de primeira, mas de fato o melhor jogo do Atari 2600

Notable for being the first game with random level generation, long before the age of roguelikes. Female developer too, back when they were rare. As for the game? I thought it was just okay, while it was one of my older brother's favorites. Being able to shoot the fuel for points was a neat bit of risk/reward. Also, the reason you play as a plane was because the developer couldn't draw ship graphics that were easily recognizable as a ship, so she went for a plane. Some fun facts you might find interesting.

A base para se jogar os demais games desse segmento de aviões!!! O melhor é que ele tem um final!!! Nunca cheguei, alias kkk

Quando não era Pitfall, era Frostbite ou River Raid.

juego creado por una mujer y de los mejores juego de atari 2600 juego platinado en retroachievements.