Reviews from

in the past

Not a bad road adventure, big minus, only for one time.

Неплохое роуд приключение, большой минус, только на один раз.

This game goes in depth of how its like to be an illegal immigrant and does it well. The story path and amount of choices you can make can make a good relation to Life is Strange, and I love the soundtrack as well!

2 out of 5 runs ended with death. That's a number I can live with.

Had no idea what this game would be like but I actually love it alot.

This is a game I should honestly hate: a story about dumb Millennials with hamfisted and unsubtle politics. Yet there is something so charming and endearing about this game. I particularly like the concept of each run being similar in structure and going to the same end goal, yet the route is always different and there are tons of possibilities and things that can happen depending on where you go.

This is also just a really wacky and memorable cast of characters. The thieves are funny, the truck driver is cool. The cop is cool. The taxi driver is so unhinged and I love it. The geek I was not a big fan of... same with the reporter. But they all have a role to play in the story which helps.

The journey in general is fun, it has pleasant visuals and really good music. It just feels a really dynamic experience and it sticks with you. And it has really funny moments too.

That said, there are many issues. The voice acting is pretty bad and the story is cringeworthy at parts. So many liberties and leaps in logic, characters suddendly having a random change of heart. Etc.

Still, I can't bring myself to dislike the game. Again, I should hate this, but it was a really fun experience!

That was a fun 8 hours. I really like the art style and the way the game told the narrative, a beautiful little roadtrip and when you think about it quite a deep story about living in a tyranny. Looking forward to trying out the prequel soon

Road 96 wants to stand on it's soapbox and proclaim it's political message to the masses, but it lacks clarity and grace in it's delivery.

joguei faz tempo mas tinha esquecido de catalogar
mas eu amei esse game ai
cada viagem é unica e o estilo de gameplay é do caralho
play play play

Story was alright, hit hard in certain places, but otherwise, just kinda meh?

It is trying so hard to be deep. Contrived Life is Strange vibe - and speaking of vibe, the music is good, but I feel like the chosen track sometimes doesn't fit the scene. Otherwise, I actually enjoyed the gameplay loop. The ending scenario is pretty tense. Alex has to be one of the most annoying characters I've ever met, and I didn't care about Zoe. Finished the first go-around, and not interested enough to do it again.

I just finished a playthrough of the game. This was quite an adventure. I didn't expect to enjoy this game so much, as it lags actual fun gameplay mechanics but is more like a very interesting narrative adventure. Well, I'm hooked. I will replay it for sure.

first game i finished on my steam deck at work, fun but its just too short

Fun little rouge-lite game that's a very story focused. It's almost like a telltale game in a sense. However, for such a story focused game, I found the dialogue to be a little too on-the-nose and very straight forward in saying "this person and this thing is bad" and doesn't really leave any room for a gray area. I know it's a very specific commentary and message the game is trying to say, but I think it would've been a better player experience if there wasn't a very clear correct side to be on. I made the decision to play each run as a different "character" with different perspectives and views and reasons for doing what they did, and with no knowledge of the other runs I've done, and I believe that did make my experience better, but I wish that more was done on the games part of making me want to explore other options and moral dilemmas.

9/10 This game will hold a special place in my heart

legalzinho mas eu tinha muita expectativa

Um Grafico bem feito e um jogo de viagem sempre me pegam e essa mistura aqui é perfeita

Por favor joguem Road 96

Melhor jogos que joguei nos últimos meses.

Ainda estou jogando e acho que já é uma obra impecável, só não gostei MUITO da arte do game,

Mas eis um jogo que as escolhas parecem que realmente importam, IMPORTAM.

Es precioso. Tiene mucho que dar, es un juego que te hace sentir vivo. Una juego que todos deberían completar alguna vez.

Road 96 foi um dos meus mais valiosos achados na Steam. O jogo tem uma história e contexto perfeitos que, unidos ao gráfico e toda a sua estética, formam uma obra-prima dos jogos de produtoras independentes.

Road 96 é uma obra de arte que merece ser apreciada não só por todos amantes de games, mas também por todos amantes de um bom e profundo conteúdo de entretenimento audiovisual.

10/10 - PERFEITO.

Structure is like nothing else. Very emotional story that is also intensely political, almost topical to a fault. The non-linear, semi-random (really, there's nothing else like it) narrative structure is almost at odds with forming emotional connections with the seven major characters, but that is frankly saved by the strength of the character arcs and their intertwined connections themselves. If I had to complain about the narrative at all, it's at how little your player characters really develop as characters and therefore the lack of a singular "main" character.

There are also six major "skills" that unfortunately cannot all be taken advantage of to the same extent. The maximalist in me is disappointed about this, but the consequence-driven RPG character builder in me loves that randomness and choice have long-term, unseen affects on future gameplay decisions.

Hikayesi tatlı, grafik tarzı hoş, günümüz Türkiye'sini hatırlatır bir havası var. Oynamaya değer.

A walking simulator without a particularly strong overarching story. Characters are also hit or miss and even the good ones are just alright.

Some of the characters are kinda weird icl I would not trust any of these mfs for a hitchike I think theres like a 99% chance they MIGHT touch me

Sencillamente una experiencia muy variada, tiene de todos los géneros en un solo juego. Nunca olvidaré la tensión y el terror que en algún momento sentí. Una historia algo cliché pero bien armada.