Reviews from

in the past

Uma experiência esquisita, no qual me senti enjoado, no bom sentido

Atmospheric masterpiece as far as visual novels go, from the writing and great prose from Urobuchi to the amazing soundtrack and sound design. Some parts of the plot could be better though and the endings did not click with me too much. Short and sweet still, great visual novel for beginners in the medium and also play the uncensored version (found as Director's Cut on GOG) to get the full story, raw and disturbing as it was meant to be.

I'm so happy that I finally have time to play it again, and this time really finishing the game!
It has three endings and they're all simply perfect, even that HW, which isn't my favorite.
Saya no Uta obviously isn't the most disturbing VN we have and I know my perception is a little distorted but it's undeniable a masterpiece, Lovecraftian horror is always a chef kiss.
I'm so happy that I finally have time to play it again, and this time really finishing the game!
It has three endings and they're all simply perfect, even that HW, which isn't my favorite.
Saya no Uta obviously isn't the most disturbing VN we have and I know my perception is a little distorted but it's undeniable a masterpiece, Lovecraftian horror is always a chef kiss.
Also, oh my god the soundtrack??? It tickles my brain, I love it!!
Just take care playing it if you're a sensitive person, because it has some really heavy content, even in the censored version on steam!
Just take care playing it if you're a sensitive person, because it has some really heavy content, even in the censored version on steam!

ignoring the lolicon, the story and concept is actually so great

this is bad because bad stuff happens in it and the main character is immoral and not a good guy.

so disturbing and weird ans fucked up... 10/10

short VN,life long trauma
(but it is very good,hard to explain why its a strange story but good one )

good VN, had some very interesting hours with it and was actually my introduction to the real disease which led to me a whole different rabbithole. the steam version is the censored version so make sure to get it somewhere else

Saya no uta, é uma obra bem direta então é meio difícil eu tentar tirar uma filosofia dela, mas a forma que ela toca na arte é insana, como que os olhos e seus sentidos acabam fazendo você mudar completamente, e isso faz até você duvidar da sua consciência, veja bem, a saya tecnicamente só tem uma "alma" pois adquiria o ensinamento humano, teve gostos como literatura e matemática e diversos conhecimentos, a cultura para o humano é tão importante que o maior choque desse jogo não é somente a "maldade" do protagonista, mas sim como é grotesco tudo isso, como que a saya é na realidade, e os sentidos dele foram tão perturbados nisso que ele conseguiu amar a saya, partindo de um ponto superficial ele não amaria a saya eu creio se visse ela com a visão normal, porém tecnicamente terá que amará no final verdadeiro, creio que o final verdadeiro tem como o objetivo uma agnosia em todos os seres humanos ou não, apenas fazendo eles se tornarem grotescos e o mundo ao redor, é uma grande obra, mas eu não consigo citar diretamente o porquê disso, é uma experiência incrível, você se sente ali dentro e tem empatia por todos e ódio por alguns, as emoções se deixam levar nosso, porque é algo que entra em uma pauta estranha, a aparência, importa sim, se não importasse a saya não teria problema em ter conseguido o plano dela, a aparência dela é estranha aos seres humanos, imagine ter que viver como um fumanori da vida, que tem essa agnosia totalmente problemática que engana os sentidos dele, é estranho pensar nisso de fato, não consigo discernir o certo e o errado nessa obra, quando é ruim para alguns é bons para outros e vice versa.

I don’t even think you can call this a porn game because it somehow is gross, disgusting, and vile and makes all of that look genuinely beautiful.

Aside from the key moment just prior to the first choice you make in the story, Saya no Uta is masterful. Every route actually worked for me surprisingly enough, the OST lent itself fantastically toward the atmosphere, the sex scenes were perfectly uncomfortable and felt at home in the narrative, and Saya is honestly adorable. I'm a known lover of gap moe, especially moe horror, and this occupies that tiny space that my weird ass actually finds most enjoyable.

The people who praise Saya no Uta are the same people who will tell you to watch Elfen Lied, and those people are not to be trusted.

Almost a perfect visual novel really

Un juego horrible sobre gente horrible que hace cosas horribles

i have the same problem as fuminori but you don't see me whining about it, grow a pair

Urobuchi es dios.
Se volvió una de mis historias favoritas ni bien la termine. Sinceramente me gusta todo lo que intenta. Es tan cruda, tan carnosa, representa la locura tan bien, maneja las emociones y las tensiones tan bien, te hace pensar en tantas cosas, la música es tan buena, todo esta tan bien ejecutado que no me queda más que halagar a los malditos japoneses, simplemente son los mejores a la hora de crear historias inolvidables.

not an hour into the game and the mc is having sex with a child

My first real visual novel, and one of my favorite stories I've ever experienced. I feel like every aspect of the game perfectly compliment each other to deliver an amazing experience. The first half of is basically perfect in terms of my enjoyment. However, after you are given the first choice, it feels like the story slowly dips in quality. In the the end it's still a fantastic experience and I wouldn't change any of the endings even if I was given the choice, but it's definitely not perfect.

Ca ma marqué, mais pas avec les bonnes choses, c'est assez dérangeant. (La scene Hard entre sayu et son voisin me quitte jamais(aled))

the osts are sooooo fucking good, cant say the same about the game.

Meu coração doce definitivamente gostaria muito desse jogo mas tem aquela coisa que eu odeio serio eu odeio que nojo

To me this was my first true Visual Novel and my god is it amazing.

While yes, its basically just gore porn, I felt it more as an Eldritch Cosmic Horror with its gruesome imagery, unimaginable beings and a hopeless & cynical protagonist spiraling to insanity.