Reviews from

in the past

Embarrassingly mindless gameplay even for a game meant for killing time. Also addicting, which is not a good combination to have

Best mobile a.s.s. game and vampire survivor-methadon.

Now after playing it about a year, have milked all the freemium potential out of it.
Tried ignoring all of the random additions such as fishing or Spongebob minigames. Now that the progression has slowed down too much and I am not really getting my dopamin kicks out of it anymore, It leave this app companion behind, on lvl 65.

fun time waster for when you have like a half-hour to kill

Pretty fun little indie game with good gameplay depth and just the right amount of challenge to keep you coming back if survivor games are what you're into. The annoying energy/cooldown system and some microtransactions keep this from being a better game, though.
Still quite fun for brief play sessions.