Reviews from

in the past

Está entretenido y se maneja bastante bien, aunque el boss final me ha parecido el más desbalanceado hasta ahora, lo cual arruina un poco el resto del juego.

Um dos melhores Tekken até os dias atuais, top 3 facilmente. Um jogo fácil de se iniciar, mas bem complexo de se aprimorar, com uma alta diversidade de combos e estratégias.
O modo história tem uma história e rival para cada personagem em específico, o que motiva a rejogabilidade com cada um deles (Apesar do último boss ser bem apelão com suas bolas de fogo)

Não sou mt fã de jogo de luta porem dos de todos que já joguei ele é disparado o melhor. tentei jogar o 7 porem perdeu mt da essência tem mt coisa vibrante mt informação perdeu a graça para mim.

Tekken 5 ile çok ciddi sorunlarım var. Birincisi Jinpachi denen dallama senin sülalenin amına koyayım. Orospu çocuğu seni. Seni tasarlayanların anasını sikim. Üst üste 5 defa stun attığını hatırlıyorum bu piçin bir tane fightta gamepadi parçalayacaktım sinirden. Orospu çocuğu her boku yapabiliyor amına kodumun oğlu. Bir de Tekken Lore'u için en azından birazcık da olsa sempati duyabileceğin bir karakter yazmışlar bu piçe etkilenmedik de değil. Ha benim yeteneksizliğimin de payı var bu oyundaki aşırı zorlanmamda. Ve boss'un karakterinden tasarımına kadar olan her şeyini düşünürsek yaptığı her şeyi yapabilmesi de mantıklı ama bre orospunun evladı MEDIUM'da oynuyorum ben piç 5 kere üst üste stun atmak ne? Canı azken stun atıyor piç sonra geri çekilip ateş atıyor üstüne kalktığımda bir tane daha atıyor ölüyorum amk. Stundan kaçabilmenin veya onu engelleyebilmenin bir yolu varsa onu da bulamadım bilmiyorum. Yani bir tek ben sadece spam hareket yapıp yeniyo olamam bu piçi, başka yolu yok. Spam yapmak zorundasınız ki bence bu da sorunlu bir şey.

Olumlu yanları da çok güzel ama. Tekken 4'den sonra daha akıcı bir aksiyon, daha iyi bir hikaye anlatımı ve aynı zamanda hikayenin tonunda da eski oyunlara dönmüş seri. Yeni karakterleri oynamak çok zevkli, mekanlar ve atmosfer harika. Müzikler serinin en iyisi herhalde şimdiye kadar. Bu pozitif yanları yüzünden olumlu denebilecek bir puan verip geçiyorum ama en nefret ettiğim oyunlardan birisi oldu bahsettiğim piçliklerden dolayı.

Isso fez parte da minha vida, moldou o q eu sou hoje e com toda certeza não teria nada o q mudar nesse jogo, me fez ter amizades e criou memórias. Sinto falta dessa época.

Amazing! One of the best fighting games of all time!

A short while ago I read that article about Naughty Dog and how they literally suppress use of the word “fun” within the studio. I think it paints a picture of a company so up its own ass, so out of touch with the medium they’re working in, and I think it stands in stark contrast to a game like Tekken, which is so unabashedly a video game above all else. It’s combat is refined and technical, yet accessible enough that a new player can jump in and jazz up combos on the spot. It’s got a full roster with all my favourites from Tekken 3 back. It’s full of customization options, side modes like the arcade mode, Devil Within (which isn’t as good as Tekken 3’s Tekken Force, but it’s still a fun little bonus) and it even comes with the first three Tekken games. It’s so full of content, creativity and fun-loving character, and I love it.

It was also neat of them to give the final boss a move that straight up just wins him the round, fucking Jinpachi with your fuckass stun and your fireball.

This is another one of those Video Game Hall of Fame games. Tekken 5 was actually a breaking point in my gaming career. I had played fighting games before, but this was the game that forever got me into the fighting game genre.

This game truly had it all. Great characters, great stages, an INCREDIBLE story mode, arcade mode was tons of fun. You could even play all the old Tekken games within this game. OH DON'T FORGET THE LEGENDARY SOUNDTRACK. The Devil Within was also a fun game mode as well.

I will forever miss playing this game with my brothers/friends almost every day for years. It's too bad my main from Tekken 5 Christie Monteiro is just a relic of the past now.

Não joguei muitos tekkens mas definitivamente é bem melhor que o 7.

Definitivamente meu jogo de luta favorito. Todos os personagens são divertidos de usar, tem um modo por níveis no melhor estilo beat em' up, gráficos e trilhas sonoras lindos e com customização de acessórios.

Isso aqui já é elite, um dos melhores jogos de luta 3d já feitos, gameplay, música, arte e modos de jogo em seu ápice, o melhor até agora disparado

Now this is finally a worthy Tekken entry on the PS2, only took em 3 tries…

Tekken 5 picks up where 4 left off and pretty much tried to fix all of its flaws while filling some empty gaps like the lacklustre roaster and side content.
One of the main highlight of this game is actually one of its worst part, that would be the Devil Jin side mode which plays like a 3D action combat platformer? It’s just an awful mess with terrible controls and unsatisfying gameplay that gatekeep one of the coolest character unlock of the game (obviously Devil Jin).

Other than Devil Within there isn’t much new, the game offers the arcade mode of Tekken 1,2 and 3 for free and that’s such a fun addition which adds so much value to the package, it really reminds me of Smash bros Brawl masterpieces but this time instead of being a useless demo it’s a free game! Talking about free games you probably noticed the cool ass mini game that play when you start the game, it’s actually a game called Star Blade and I’ve honestly never heard of it but it’s really cool how you can unlock a full version of it if you finish the story mode with all characters.
Another addition would be the character customisation, it’s such a fun idea to unlock money by playing the game and then buy some stupid hats and moustache for your characters, in a way it really reminds me of Idolmaster with its own catalog of silly accessories even though the original Idolmaster wasn’t out when Tekken 5 was released.

About the story itself it’s the usual nonsense that we all love, though I have a deep hatred for the final boss that shows up at the end of all campaign, jinhachi is such an annoying boss with annoying quirks it’s not fun to fight him once so 10 + times? No thanks. It really makes me wish Tekken would go the smash way and try to make a full story mode for everyone rather than just make a fake story mode that is just arcade mode in disguise for all characters.

It’s overall a fun time and the most polished game of the franchise so far, I just wish it had more side content or at least more polished content but at least it’s the most quality we’ve seen so far for the main gameplay loop.

Probably the most quintessentially "Tekken" Game. Jam packed with features, fun characters, and amazing combat.

It's been a long time since I played this. If you're playing this for the story this is definitely not the game for you. I don't even think Tekken has a nice story but it catches people's attention because of its fights and the way you can battle with your opponents.

If I played it now I wouldn't like it as much as I did back then. Some characters had cool designs and combat abilities but that was pretty much it.

This game made me rage quit when I first played it many years ago, because of the final boss Jinpatchi Mishima. Replayed it again last year less angry this time round. Still hate that battle even now, my poor brother was the recipient of my rage quit unfortunately, but I'm still amazed that he stuck around and helped me beat this game.

During my replay of Tekken 5 there's a certain move Asuka Kazama has you can cheese the boss with, the Spinning Heel Drop.

You can also be dickish with Eddy or Christie with the Slippery Kick.

Esse é o jogo do sexo puta que me pariu

I played the arcade in many occasions and only few times the PS2 one, but I remember it was fun. Great 1v1s memories.

Slightly worse because you can only play as one bear in this game instead of two.

But actually better because you get to play as a Kangaroo with boxing gloves. What the fuck?

Hey uh....Mr. Jinpachi, could you pretty pwease not use that move that wins the game? I think that'd be really nice of you...


stuns me in place for five hours and proceeds to shoot me in the face with a fireball


Imagine keeping a human-shaped natural disaster in your basement, that's what Heihachi did apparently. Then Heihachi fake died, and then his dad who's been dead gets resurrected by an unexplained devil that isn't actually anything related to the devil gene despite being addressed as "devil" constantly, at least according to Harada, because he ain't pushing Tekken 5 anymore. Feel bad for him, Jinpachi is the only unambiguously good Mishima family member, and in his debut game you have to put him down otherwise his bout of food poisoning will destroy civilization after it ascends past making a rad stage to fight him in.

He's not subtle or an emotional cinematic masterpiece in fighting game boss form like T2 Devil Kazuya, he's a seven foot tall slab of aged beef that has a literal "I win" move at his disposal. Perhaps it plays into his inner conflict with his Not Devil gene, where he's struggling to not use his "I win" move against you, because he actually wants to lose and not just hit you with his "I win" move and kill you with his fireball attack right afterwards. He could easily play to win, but that's against his wishes. A man of honor, until he isn't. A true being of chaos.....

I don't have much else to say about Tekken 5, but it's pretty cool they included the arcade versions of the first three games with the PS2 release, as well as the one and only re-release of the original arcade version of StarBlade in North America that isn't on a discontinued mobile platform or cut down to FMV form for early CD-based consoles, suffice to say I booted up Tekken 5 after playing StarBlade Alpha a while back just to compare. Strange how that ended up happening. A nice little way to celebrate a decade of Tekken two decades ago. adjusts bandages, because I'm actually an ancient mummy

Jinpachi loved StarBlade, that's why it was in here. RIP old man. Hopefully Tag 3 comes in 2033 so I can use you again.

El mejor tekken de la historia, tenia el juego normal, un modo en 3d con Jin y podias jugar a los 3 primeros tekken + un juego de naves al arrancar el juego

Melhor de todos até agora, tão bom quanto o 3.