Reviews from

in the past

It's funny how a Wii exclusive title (at the time) held the world record for most F bombs dropped in a game. It's very obviously grindhouse influenced in every regard and I do love how unique and different it is compared to the other entries. The Wii version is superior since it retains better gore, and the Wii-mote is better suited for light gun games.

Grindhouse of thee dead. It's something that's so obvious that it'd be a no brainer to see it thru. Can't say that I don't get tired of it by the carnival chapter though, particularly thee dialogue. Rowdy vulgarity can't hold its own against a sluggish trawl. While each level has a plethora of variety in terms of set pieces, thee complimentary hokey pokey gun & gore does it no favors. For a game that lifts everything it can from exploitative film genres, staving off general boredom shouldn't be a trait here.

Some positive perks though. I enjoy distinction in level design & this game is stuffed with it. Being able to upgrade + purchase new weaponry also feels like a logical step in light-guns & it was a noticeable difference in every incremental tune up. Not enough to keep me engaged thoroughly enough, though.

Part of my Light/Rail Shooter list.

At the time, this game was the talk of the town! An uber-violent Wii exclusive installment to House of the Dead, a series that laid dormant for years at that point! And, being from a European studio, it feels like a funny pastiche on violent American media, seeing as it was clearly inspired by Grindhouse films. This is probably the best aspect of the game, as the cutscenes are fun to watch, the chemistry between G and Isaac is delightful.

However, the core gameplay itself is kind of weak. It doesn't have a good pace like the original arcade games, and the zombies have little to no personality behind their designs. You don't have a lot of unique zombies that share a visual style that attack in their desired methods. Just about all the enemies attack the same way, and the most unique ones have these really awful cut-aways that feel like they take forever to deal with. This is one of numerous issues where the pace just kind of sucks from beginning to end, and the boss encounters aren't very interesting either.

This is one of the better home console rail shooters, I suppose, but that isn't saying much, as I don't think it holds a candle to the original games preceding it.

Cheesy as hell, harkens back to some old b movies, but god the shooting is so satisfying and there is genuinely some good horror. The dialogue is very questionable but I can't help but love it most of the time.

High 7 to low 8/10

Quentin Tarantino would be proud.

if we hadn't found these miniguns just lying around...

Fun, with lots of personality. I think this might be censored tho.

Recomiendo la versión de Wii.

Los niveles son como películas de serie B, lo cual me encanta.


Scared me shitless when I was younger but never the less it’s amazing

Having a good time with this campy rail shooter. I like solo two player with one light gun in each hand. I'm hoping to play through the campaign and unlock all of the guns, then if I have a friend over we can play and everything will be unlocked.


This game is peak fiction. No more needs to be said.