Reviews from

in the past

Triste não ser uma obra-prima, foi ambicioso demais pra época, os diálogos, roteiro, introdução e principalmente ambientação são perfeitos, a estética me agrada muito com essa coisa meio Nu Metal com Evanescence e Neo-Noir, é também um jogo muito bonito em valores técnicos, o rosto e as expressões faciais são mais bem feitos do que em jogos lançados ano passado, gosto também dessa mistura de gêneros, um immersive com possibilidade de jogar como FPS e ainda sendo um CRPG com uma pegada bem clássica só que em 3D, tipo, o jogo não tem mapa, tu é sempre guiado de forma orgânica e com o tempo tu te familiariza completamente com todos as 4 regiões de Los Angeles.

Um dos grandes brilhos com certeza são as formas variadas de lidar com as quests e como elas conversam com o ambiente e a protagonista (joguei com uma Gangrel), ela é uma recém abraçada que não conhece a sociedade vampírica mas, o destino faz ela entrar numa literal espiral de merda, o ápice disso é em Hollywood, não apenas adentrando mais ainda no submundo dos mortos mas também no dos vivos, questões envolvendo celebridades, intrigas, strippers, prostituição, pornografia e filmes snuff são colocados em primeiro plano e tudo isso conectado de forma maestral.

Por se passar em lugares como Hollywood e Chinatown é claro que é repleto de referências, principalmente ao cinema, tem um vampiro muito bom que deixa bem claro que está por trás dos grandes cineastas americanos do século passado, tem uma side quest envolvendo zumbi que é baseado num filme giallo e tem um personagem chamado Romero, mas tem um lance que me chamou muito a atenção, talvez não seja uma referência, provavelmente é só uma coincidência, mas a forma que algumas questões dos vampiros é tratada me lembra muito os X-Men, tem uma situação em específico na main quest que é exatamente igual ao massacre dos Morlocks.

Mas chegando na parte triste, é de conhecimento geral que a Troika faliu na reta final de desenvolvimento, isso é o motivo de todos os problemas do jogo, a versão base não da pra jogar sem o UF por causa da quantidade de bugs, mesmo com o UF teve side quests que não pude terminar e teve 3 main quets no final que tomei softlock e tive que usar console command pra poder prosseguir. O combate é terrível, principalmente corpo a corpo, se tivesse lock já ajudava muito, o melhor a se fazer é investir em armas de fogo e nas disciplinas, isso até não é tão problemático, Planescape Torment, por exemplo, também tem um combate ruim e mesmo assim é um grande jogo, acho que o maior problema mesmo acaba sendo algumas quests na reta final que acabaram não sendo bem desenvolvidas e polidas, algumas feitas de forma corrida e outras simplesmente apelando pra ondas e mais ondas de inimigos, quebrando muito a questão do immersive sim que regrava o jogo de tu ter formas diferentes de fazer as coisas, a última quest é só tiro e foda-se, ainda mais sendo um rpg aonde tu não ganha xp derrotando inimigos, tu só enfrenta eles pq faz parte da quest ou são obstáculos ou apenas pelo roleplay de matar todo mundo mesmo.

Basicamente é isso, uma obra fantástica que, por uma infelicidade, não conseguiu alcançar todo o potencial que tinha de talvez ser um dos melhores jogos de todos os tempos, só resta lamentar e aceitar o fato de que nunca outro jogo nesse universo vai ser tão bom assim.

Vampire the Masquerade: Bloodlines is like an early 2000s emo/rock vampire version of Cyberpunk 2077, but better in a lot of ways, in my opinion.

The story and characters are very interesting and are some of the best qualities of this game. I really didnt expect some of the crackhead interactions I have gotten and I'm very pleased with how a lot of quests had some very unique interactions. The dialogue in this game is fucking hilarious. The NPCs with their silly mannerisms and most importantly, the main characters dialogue choices in response to those silly characters, even responses to the serious characters/situations were very unhinged. Dialogue choices ranged from the standard "yes man" to the "hell no" to "im gonna kill you because i feel like it" to "early 2000s political commentary", and more out of pocket ass responses. Even your characters vampire subspecies affects dialogue. I was a Nosferatu, a notoriously hideous vampire. So many NPCs will comment on my disgusting figure, from shock/disgust to concern, and the response back from my character is always a delight to see.

The combat gives you many tools to your arsenal to approach fights, especially with the powers your characters vampire subspecies inherits. These powers can greatly change and enhance how you play the game, or you can choose to ignore them for simple run around and shoot people/hit them with sharp stick. Beware though, those boss fights are tough! Bring lots of blood bags.

The only and major downside to this game for me is the traveling. Your player character is SO slow and there is no sprint. The fast travel is barebones and meant to be immersive I guess, but ends up being a pain. The traveling is especially painful late game when you have unlocked all the areas and side quests make you run back and forth between them. It burnt me out to the point I had to take a break from the game.

Will note: I played this game on PC with an Unofficial Patch mod installed to fix a lot of bugs. There were still quite a few bugs, even progress blocking bugs. You should save often and make a lot of seperate saves.

I really enjoyed my time with this game, way more than I thought I would. I honestly only played it because Funhaus (RIP) played it in one of their videos and shit on it, so I thought I would do the same. This game honestly blew me away and was a treat to play. I highly recommend playing this game (with the Unofficial Patch installed if you're on PC) if you are a fan of Cyberpunk 2077.

- One of the best written games of all time.
- Fun to replay as different clans for either different gameplay elements or different interactions.
- Requires modding it to fix it.

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Whatever way you imagine it, Vampire the Masquerade Bloodline is a really interesting game to think about. I'm drawn to messy transitional games that are polysemic in nature and Bloodlines fits that to a tee. A game that is all at once a CRPG adaptation of a complex and unorthodox tabletop rpg, a source engine FPS and an immersive sim lite. A game that marked the death of a continuous tradition of mainstream non-indie choice and consequence heavy rpgs while also highlighting how it might have continued to evolve. Its a game that is impossible to break down into any one thing and its for that reason I believe it has endured past its launch as a cult classic among so many different audiences.

I only wish it was as interesting to experience. I say 'experience' rather than 'play' because I'm well used to a lot of my favorite rpgs having less than stellar individual systems, my favorite rpgs offer a holistic experience that surpasses their many shortcomings. I think even Bloodlines biggest fans would say the same thing about this game. I was prepared to accept the wonky gunplay, stealth and melee but the overall experience never came together the way it has for my friend and many others.

I'll talk a bit first on what did come together. I think Bloodline's execution of character building comes together brilliantly well and offers a genre high creation screen with its (seven!!!) playable races each moulding the player's journey in big and small ways. I got Malkavian during the intro quiz and got a lot of mileage out of the dementation skill unique to them, whether that be spamming veil of madness to suck people to death or using the voice of Bedlam to cause chaos among crowds. And outside of combat I had just as much fun trying to determine what my character was trying to say and chatting with stop signs and a monitor bound news anchorman. I played this as part of a monthly gaming club me and my friends do and it was thrilling to hear how differently other peoples playthroughs were. If I ever play this game again, seeing how the other clans play will be my primary motivation.

I also adore the setting and all the early noughties grunge that comes with it. I could never get enough of the sights and sounds of Santa Monica, Downtown and Hollywood. The Piers alone took me back to a place of deep nostalgia. Bloodlines often fixates on the minutiae of mundane urban spaces and more broadly a melancholy and even ominous sense of aimlessness and alienation. It is felt most keenly in the many one-off mission spaces. Oceanview Hotel is often praised as the best of these but honestly I loved nearly all of them. Whether it be continually descending through a parking lot or traipsing through a near empty apartment block, I wish the game had emphasizes these smaller spaces more at the expense of the hubs. They are more distinctly themed and paced, functioning as bespoke little challenges in which the game's systemic opportunities and more immersive sim qualities shine the brightest.

As for everything else the operative term would be 'unfinished'. Virtually every other facet of Bloodlines' design feels either unfinished or unrealized to a substantial degree. I enjoy the theming and atmosphere of the hubs but beyond that they are static and bare in contrast to the more dynamic and denser mission spaces. Past the first visit there are no new encounters or changes that make them anything more than avenues for backtracking. And though I enjoyed most of the mission spaces, the Nosferatu sewer is easily the worst dungeon I've played in a game this year and the endgame dungeons are of a similar unfinished quality. The main narrative for the most part railroads the Fledgling into working for LaCroix and thus there is little actual politicking in a game that emphasize the inter-clan intrigue and conflict. LaCroix himself isn't a particularly nuanced figure and while I came to appreciate his punchable nature, the slack isn't really picked up anywhere outside of the Voerman sisters and Nines. Characters like Ming Xiao feel more like sketches than complicated people with their own agendas. And it all unravels in the last third of the game into a series of heavily telegraphed betrayals and double-crossings that make the protagonist seem like the most inept vampire in existence while also perpetuating a very ugly Yellow Peril message that I hope was done out of unintentional ignorance. I generally enjoyed a lot of the side quests and individual characters but by the end they weren't quite able to make up for a narrative that is half-sketched at best and kind of misanthropic and outright racist at worst.

I enjoyed Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines. I get why people love this game so much, I'm glad my friend got to recommend it to me. I certainly vibe with how it looks, sounds and even feels. It makes me want to go the West Coast. It also never really rose above 'disjointed' and 'incoherent' for me. Deeply compelling and disjointed in equal parts.

I didn’t play this game till 2023 and I truly regret it. The game is SO good and thought through. I love it.

Jogaço, isso que joguei uns 12 anos depois do lançamento

great start, disappointing end

played as malk, atmosphere was great, good anarchist representation, tasty music, but i was fucking pissed at that level with those 2 legged shit nuggets sewer level when the game decided to become half life and couldn't get through even with noclip and godmode so i'm shelving this for now

VtM: Bloodlines is a game that I love almost in spite of itself. The vision at it's core is a compelling one - a goth CRPG heavy on dialogue and roleplaying, with deep character creation, a reactive take on the World of Darkness, and systems aimed at simulating the experience of being a vampire. When the game manages to execute on that vision, as it does for most of its first half, there's nothing else like it. There's a dark, palpable atmosphere as you explore the early hubs and dig up interesting sidequests, lure humans into dark alleys to feed, surf the local goth clubs and go through memorably creepy levels like the oft-praised, very haunted Ocean House Hotel. Depending on what clan you choose, your experience interacting with that world can shift dramatically - I played as a hot charismatic Toreador who talked her way through most situations, but I've still not dug into the Tremere (who wield freaky blood magic), the Malkavian (who get significantly different dialogue and hear voices throughout the whole game) or the Nosferatu (whose monstrous appearance requires stealth around humans). Even after 20 years, there still hasn't been another game like it, and it remains gaming's definitive take on vampires.

Unfortunately, it's all wrapped in the skin of a pretty weak Deus Ex-like with bad combat and unsatisfying stealth. While the game rustles up some memorable levels when those levels are focused on narrative, the stealth + combat focused areas are uniformly uninspired, full of repetitive corridors that fail to conjure a sense of place or put the game's systems to any interesting use.

That's fine during the first half, because the focus is much more heavily on role-playing, exploration, and narrative. But as you continue past that, the game's infamous development woes cause the game to start falling apart at the seams in real time. The later hubs start to shrink and become progressively less interesting to explore. There's an increasing reliance on long, repetitive dungeons, including a septic odyssey that ranks among gaming's worst-ever sewer levels. An increasing focus on combat culminates in a series of unavoidable, ultra-hard boss fights with damage-sponge bosses (even with a nearly-maxed out firearms skill, I had to turn on god mode and infinite ammo). The writing isn't spared either, partially thanks to an unpleasant late-game visit to Chinatown that's steeped in racism.

A decade ago, when I first played this, I was unequivocally in love with it. And despite the flaws, I still love it now - I was deep in its clutches until the last few hours, and even then considered starting another playthrough as a different clan. But this is a deeply frustrating game, with very high highs and very low lows. Troika got a raw deal from Activision, and deserved a chance to more fully execute on their vision

esse jogo curou a minha sindrome do pc gamer. queria ter terminado mas meu save corrompeu infelizmente

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i could've fixed lacroix

Not bad, in fact it's quite refreshing to seeing the early 2000's aesthetics translated into a game. It's funny, I would have probably thought it was total cringe back then but now seeing these scantly clad ladies dance to goth music feels me with a sense of immersion and melancholy, specially after using the money command.
Still, the game is far from perfect. While it has a great deal of roleplaying options combat just doesn't work very well, at least in melee, and specially towards the end (before that I would say it's fine, even good). Level design also sucks when it matters the most: hubs, bars, etc. all look great but the sewers? The hotel where you go kill the Sabbat? The asian vampire temple? Instead of being set pieces like, let's say, a Yakuza game, they simply suck ass.
I also felt like I made a mistake by focusing in melee by the end, made my experience a bit miserable with the combination of those 2 factors I have mentioned.
It's also rather buggy, even after all these years and even after applying most recent Unofficial Patch. At one point I couldn't even get inside my apartment in Downton due to the clutter having being transformed into giant boulders, not kidding. Or the taxi disappearing and leaving the driver floating in the air. The camera also goes insane rather frequently.
The endings I've seen are nothing to write home about sadly.
Overall I think that it deserves to be taken into consideration and recommended but I also think it might be a bit overrated.

Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines is an awesome game and it was love at first sight, of course, being launched at 2004 has a lot of aged things and some problems related to the game itself.
First of all, i think VTMB really should to be more appreciated, it is a very precious experience. Has a deep story/lore, characters are great, good quests(until end of Hollywood and Chinatown) and it's so immersive that is hard until nowadays a game to do.
Obviously, this game is not perfect. At the end, some things looks rushed, the paths which earlier looks so natural in the end this aspect disappear, a few new good characters appears. The worst part about this game is the combat, aged like milk.Both gunplay and melee are a painful experience to going through, but i think this game really deserves a opportunity despite its flaws.

Si no fuera por el ultimo 1/3 del juego, sería la obra maestra de troika games. Una lastima que no se pudo lograr.

I love this game It's an amazing RPG with many fun quests and characters until about 3/4 the way into the game where it starts to show how the game was not finished. This leads to a very rushed ending and boring levels.

Os caras conseguiram fazer animações faciais tão incríveis, mas uma animação de andar agachado é difícil demais pros cara

I want this game to turn into human form and penetrate every single hole of my body.

Canto de cisne da Troika. Ainda o melhor jogo ambientado no mundo das trevas já lançado o que diz algo de como é difícil o que eles conseguiram fazer aqui.

It's one of those games that, as soon as you think or write about it, you immediately feel the urge to install it again and play it till the end. For me, this game belongs in my top 10 best games of all time. Unfortunately, the game came onto the market as a buggy and unfinished mess, but community patches have brought it to a state where there are no more excuses not to play it.

The atmosphere of this dark vampire-infested L.A. is simply unsurpassed, the music and the graphics contribute immensely to the generally gloomy mood. The RPG elements, which may seem a little confusing to some players, also ensure that I can completely immerse myself in a certain role and give the game replay value.

Above all, the writing is THE key reason why I enjoy this game so much. The writers have done a fantastic job here. The dialogue is so incredibly good, clever, funny and believable, something I unfortunately miss in many modern games. The main story was also exciting and each side mission has its own little sub-plot that fits seamlessly into the world of Bloodlines.

This game is a masterpiece and an absolute must for any RPG fan, especially if you like dark settings and vampires.

um dos melhores rpgs da era 2000-2010
consegue te dar varias formas de resolver um problema e suas açoes tem peso no universo do jogo
a atmosfera é realmente bem anos 2000 e isso deixa o jogo bem nostalgico apesar de que essa é a minha primeira vez jogando o mesmo
os personagens são bem vivos e carismaticos assim como a cidade de los angeles
a historia é bem intrigante cheia de conspirações e tramas fazendo com que voce se posicione em uma das diversas frentes vampiricas que estão em L.A

nao tem como customizar o seu personagem e o combate pode ser um pouco estranho de se acostumar

one of the best vampire rpg's out there (until the final act)

played until i didn't know what to do or where to go anymore, had some fun moments

This game is stupidly janky and broken but it's hilarious and a very fun immersive sim.
I really did love this game.

Remarkable game! So deep dive in vampire's world. I've completed it by Gangrel.

This game isn't perfect, it's a buggy mess with several bugs.

Yet this is one of the most engaging RPGS i have ever played. I don't think we will ever get a game like this. The atmosphere, the design, the world are all a product of it's time.

This game takes early 2000s gothic culture and takes it up a notch. The writing is phenomenal and really carries the experience. This is a true RPG through and through.

Gameplay is dated and bad even by 2004 standards, but even so the experience is so unique it really elevates the game to a legendary status.

An incredibly flawed gem.

Bloodlines comes so, so close to being masterpiece, an RPG ahead of it's time, but it fumbles the ball in the final act. It starts off very strong, choices feel like they have weight, dialogue is well written and interesting, levels are designed in a way that feels like it can be approached from multiple directions.

The only things I could have initially pointed out as a criticism was that it was a little buggy (to be expected from a game on its 20th anniversary), and the combat. The combat is a little floaty and doesn't quite pack a punch, in the same way that Deus Ex's does. And that was fine, I believe it's meant to feel that way until you put more points into it.

What becomes a problem is when the entire third act is compromised almost entirely of combat. The final levels completely drop any guise of trying to be an RPG, choice disappears, level complexity vanishes, as you're forced through waves upon waves of frustrating enemies.

After three levels of this, mixed with just as many frustrating boss fights, I felt disappointed, I felt frustrated. There's so much unrealised potential here, it truly was close to being an incredibly memorable classic, but gets dampened by its finale.