Reviews from

in the past

Como que uma desenvolvedora tem coragem de lançar uma porcaria dessas?

Um ótimo porte para o Arcade,achei que não ia decolar mas se surpreendeu de um nível absurdo, não é lá um dos melhores mas gostei,eu zerei com a personagem Sarah

what the fuck is the point of this. WHAT IS HAPPENING

Pretty interesting that there was a remake of a 3D fighter into a 2D one. It plays okay, jumping is a bit too floaty. Looks great though!

Why does this even exist? The point of Virtua Fighter was to prove to be one of the earliest (and kinda clean tbh) 3D fighting games that preceded even fucking Tekken. Did this necessarily had to do a 2D take? Then fine: it didn't land.

This was alright. Movement felt a bit clunky.

Even as a kid I knew having "Virtua" in your title and giving you ...this... was wrong.

Virtua Fighter 2 on the Mega was extremely dire. Absolutely a game that everyone should avoid. One question about this: why did this game, a 3D fighting game, deserve a 2D version on the Mega Drive? And why did this get placed on NSO? This game is terrible...the Mega Drive version that is.