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in the past

A pretty flawed game in terms of how it handles quests and story but an incredibly ambitious one. I can't think of anything else that would make you wait 30+ hours to unlock one of the main selling features, but there's something about working your way up as a blade on that harsh planet that makes the moment you finally get a skell license and eventually take flight so special and satisfying... It completely changes the world you've come to know so far. Soaring around an exceptionally designed open world fighting monsters in the sky with Hiroyuki Sawano music blasting is something you won't find anywhere else.

So many things about XCX make it feel like a true evolution of XC1, in gameplay and art design, complex mechanics, intricate area layouts, so much customization and freedom, that were all just thrown out of the window for the next entries. The whole thing feels genuinely impossible to pull off on this toaster of a console, its scale and visual fidelity impressed me more than anything on Switch ever has. In the best way it doesn't feel like a Nintendo game at all.

I really enjoyed spending most of last month chilling exploring this alien planet. It's just been sitting on my shelf for years unplayed after I failed to get into it before, and it ended up being my most enjoyable Xenoblade experience since the original. 1 and X truly feel like they're in a different series from 2 and 3 to me. Had I played this back in 2015 I don't think I would have been nearly as impressed by BOTW, or any open world for that matter. I would recommend checking it out now because any future port is going to be missing some stuff, it's very tailored for the Wii U unfortunately.

Xenoblade Chronicles X is a gargantuan JRPG boasting a breathtaking alien world to explore. With its expansive map, layered combat system, and the eventual thrill of piloting customizable mechs, it delivers a unique sense of freedom and scale. However, the narrative can be disjointed, menus are convoluted, and progression is sometimes bottlenecked by poorly explained mechanics. Xenoblade Chronicles X offers a deeply rewarding adventure but demands patience and a willingness to overlook some frustrating design choices.

Un très bon jeu en soi, je suis pas le plus grand fan de JRPG classique en temps normal mais celui-là m'a quand même bien embarqué (pendant longtemps certes, j'ai pas eu souvent accès à la Wii U d'accord).

Le Gameplay est vraiment pas simple à aborder, il y a énormément d'éléments à prendre en compte qui sont peu expliqués (ou alors ils l'ont été mais comme j'ai commencé il y a 4 ans ça remonte juste un peu), à terme on s'y fait mais il faut vraiment être prêt à s'intéresser au système de combat et à comment fonctionnent les mécaniques du jeu.
On notera quand même des soucis d'ergonomie, chercher 5 minutes un PNJ à ajouter dans son équipe parce que le sociogramme est pas capable d'avoir un bouton "aller à l'emplacement", les allers-retours incessants à l'allée des armes, les très TRES nombreuses missions qui demandent de choper un élément à la con sans que tu n'aies aucune idée de où le trouver ("c'est en Oblivia" SUPER MERCI c'est immense Oblivia tu sais ??), ou cette curieuse idée de mettre une page "unités en réserve" mais où tu ne peux mettre personne en réserve c'est juste le temps de choisir qui remplacer quand tu recrutes quelqu'un.
Ca et je déteste Cauldros, niquez-vous les sentinelles qui te repèrent à 2km et te lâchent pas avant d'avoir parcouru une moitié de continent.

J'ai précisé qu'il y a un petit jeu de gestion avec le système de rentrée d'argent du jeu ? Non juste au cas où hein voilà.

L'histoire en elle-même est assez classique avec quelques éléments uniques qui la distinguent du reste, et c'est très grandement aidé par un univers super intéressant qui donne une SF très plaisante à découvrir (affronter des pontifes limaces de l'espace ça reste très drôle) à partir d'un point de départ qui sort de l'ordinaire.

Sans Spoil la fin, je dirais que quelqu'un parmi les scénaristes a regardé du Tarkovski il y a pas longtemps, et que c'est pas pour déplaire.
Fin un peu chargée d'ailleurs, c'est révélation sur révélation sur révélation sur combat mal équilibré, un peu bordélique mais bon, beaucoup de jeux à scénarios subissent ça malheureusement.

L'Open-World est vivant et réussi et la technique...fait ce qu'elle peut. Ma pauvre Wii U souffrait en arrière-plan pendant chaque minute de jeu ça fait peine à voir, et ça se ressent en jeu : temps de chargements très longs, textures qui chargent pendant les cinématiques, chutes de FPS (pas trop courantes mais il y en a eue) et des textures bien baveuses un peu partout. C'est le prix pour un monde aussi grand je le sais, et franchement je pense que ça valait le coup.

La musique est bonne, mais je dirais trop présente, ça nuit un peu aux passages dialogués par exemple qui ont en plus parfois des problèmes de mixage où on entend mal les dialogues, ça passe parce qu'il y a des sous-titres mais ça ne devrait pas être là malgré tout.
Pareil le piano tire-larmes sur les scènes tristes je crois que c'était pas nécessaire.
C'est pas un problème en jeu, on est plus dans le Rock que dans l'épique du premier opus (pas un souci pour moi le metalhead héhé) et ça convient bien à ce qu'on recherche en combat. Mention spéciale à la découverte de Primordia avec son thème d'anthologie et aux deux versions de Sylvalum qui sont magnifiques.

Fuck les nopons.

Un bon jeu, je dirais pas une raison d'acheter une Wii U non plus mais si vous en trouvez une pour pas trop chère allez-y y'a plein de supers trucs à faire avec particulièrement légalement HMMM et ce jeu en fait partie, recommandation chaleureuse si vous pouvez mettre 100h dedans.

I loved this game so much. I'd honestly never heard of it, until considering buying a Wii U a few months ago. Spotted this out in the city, picked it up and tried it out.

Xenoblade X is such a beautiful game. From the enemies, the characters and their personality to the world you're set to explore, I loved every second of it.

I didn't do much beyond the main story, but I do hope to go back. Now, with the Wii U online services shut down, there will be quite some experiences you're missing; but know that I had no idea how to set up online and loved this game all the same.

If you can find it, I wholeheartedly recommend this game.

Porfavor sacadlo de wii u ponerlo en switch anda que es una jodida masterpeace, no entiendo cómo este juego funciona en wii u, es enorme, con una magnífica historia, personajes, banda sonora 10/10

The highlight of this Xenoblade entry. In the endgame you are given so many options to create your own builds, it's actually quite daunting. The game doesn't do a particularly fantastic job of teaching any of its intricacies, so I had help from friends who taught me about good builds and what things like colour combos were. Once I got the hang of it, initiating Overdrive, chaining certain arts together, doing aerial combos were some of the most fun I've had out of a Xenoblade game's combat system. One annoying thing though are the huge (B) prompts that can interrupt gameplay, and the trouble is they're vital as its one of the best ways to regain health 😑
As for the Skells, they're okay. Flying and just the general feel of them is super fun, that's true. However, in battle these Skells feel so slow and "eh". Given that I had a grasp of Overdrive long before getting Skells, I would often just leave my Skell to take on enemies on foot. The one thing about Skells is that you can create a build using Disk Bombs that'll result in you annihilating enemies in seconds, or even less. That's goofy and helps with high level monsters but yet again not as fun as on-foot combat.
One other aspect of this game I'm not a big fan of is how grindy it becomes late-game. Need money? Grind enemies. Need affinity? Grind enemies. Need resources? Grind enemies. Want to just buy the resources? Use Reward Tickets. How do you get those? Grind enemies...

I forgot how good this game looks, especially for a Wii U game. The environments look stunning, as has become expected of the series. I agree with the criticism I've read that characters' faces look plastic and stiff to move, meaning they aren't as expressive as they can be. But honestly that's the only thing I can think of at the moment, otherwise this is a great looking game.

Having vocals in the battle theme when first playing years ago was a surprise but it's something I've grown to really enjoy. However, unfortunately you very rarely hear any battle theme outside of the "Wier fliegen" when you get a full grasp of Overdrive gameplay; it becomes so much better and more fun to use Overdrive on enemies that you'll never hear the regular enemy and boss themes. "Wir fliegen" is an amazing track, but it does make it monotonous. Otherwise Hiroyuki Sawano's music fits amazingly and it's all bangers (yes, I even find the NLA themes kinda charming now).

Sadly the one thing this game lacks, that all the other games on the Xenoblade series are known for. This is more than made up for by this game's gameplay, exploration and surprisingly very interesting and entertaining side quests. Seriously, some of the stories in these side quests are so much fun and are worthy of replacing even one or two of the main story's chapters. Back to the main story though, it's very stripped down and basic. The plot twist pertaining to mims caught me off-guard when I first played the game in 2015, and the revelations towards the end are fascinating; the lore behind Xenoblade X's world is also a highlight. It's simply a shame it goes nowhere and is merely a shell of itself, knowing that MSI had a major change of plans midway through development is written all over its final story. I only wish they were more confident in their initial plan for the game and created both these amazing gameplay elements and an amazing story that would be up there with the other games. Had they achieved that this very well could've been my favourite of the series.

While its story is average to perhaps below average, it fills these gaps with plenty of other aspects that are even better than the games that came after it. It's super ebpic 😎 (I only hope it isn't left to rot on the Wii U, I hope it comes back in some form at some point).

I doubt I'll ever finish this because of the grinding, but I appreciated how the NPCs felt (selfishly) human, it made this world feel real. And the amount of control you have over this world is crazy too, flying around in your Skell with Don't worry playing on loop
But damn, when you get into a cave, things just get five times harder lol

I liked this game but my god is it a grindfest.

The only reason to own a Wii U.

What this game lacks with the Xeno series traditionally amazing narrative, has been made up for in SPADES with possibly the best open world exploration and world design I have ever seen. Every single continent in this game was a treat to explore, giant mechs to explore them with was amazing, and a much farther lean into the MMO style gameplay the Xenoblade has was incredibly fun, if not a bit under explained.

This truly is how it feels to be stuck on a whole different planet, and you should absolutely play this when it gets ported to the Switch.

Genuinely the most baffled feelings I’ve ever had on a game. Like the first 20 or so hours just dicking around and exploring is fun, then It gets sooo boring and repetitive with only a few high points sprinkled in. After the Wrothiens the story looses all momentum and the finale/ending might be the worst I’ve ever experienced. Genuinely the only thing I know for certain about this game is that it’s the worst in the series.

The gripping narrative one expects from this series is traded out for an unparalleled sense of freedom. The wealth of systems, content, and options for approach you have is about as overwhelming as the untamed planet of Mira is to the characters, if not more so. This game is so heavily weighted in one direction its insane. Even ignoring the story, there are a myriad of smaller issues I have that really add up. Yet in spite of them, exploring all this game has to offer was still so satisfying.

One of the best and most underrated games of all time - its brilliance will most likely continue to go misunderstood and underappreciated forevermore. Easily the best "Xenoblade" game imo.

Fait chier j'arrive pas à avancer...

How Final Fantasy XIII's exploration should have looked like tbh.

I lost interest for this game for some reason but i'd give it another chance if it releases on a console i'd actually give a s*** about. The gameplay was great just like Xenoblade 1 on Wii, but the mediocre story couldn't hold my interest to keep playing longer than 55 hours unfortunately.

1. Awful as it is, I doubt I could have finished without the shutdown deadline. Xenoblade X took me 180 hours over two years - 30 with COVID in 2022, and 150 to get ahead of the shutdown in 2024. Maybe it was a good thing!!

2. I got really stuck in Chapter 10. I felt I had intuited combat, so I looked online for some advice. I realised I had absolutely no idea how the self-healing mechanic worked. It's easy to be annoyed when you have a moment like that, but I like it.
I don't understand why I win encounters, because the game doesn't want to tell me that. What I do understand is what to do to win, which is what the game actually taught me. Because I never managed to kill Xenoblade X, it feels more alive. Fights could always go either way, so I try my best to survive with the tools I have. I think that feeling is perfect for this game. I definitely think it's why I kept feeling tense in fights for 180 hours.

3. I was disappointed that after your mech starts flying about 120 hours in, the area themes all get replaced by a jaunty Sawano track. But I realise now that the Skell flying theme was actually a valiant, self-sacrificing hero, protecting the area themes from being zoned out by the player after 180 hours. Thank you, Monolith. Thank you, Sawano.

4. It's fascinating how good the side missions & affinity missions are. Xenoblade X's narrative is about a merc exploring a whole different planet, taking on the wildest sicko-inclined jobs, and spending time with their cool friends while nasty things happen to them. Xenoblade X is not about the main story, which is about 5% of the runtime. The moment you realise and appreciate that, you recognise how great it is to be engaging in X-Files nightmares through the cockpit of your giant mech.

5. Worth noting you only enter that cockpit after spending 60 hours on the ground earning your license. This is the true face of pinnacle.

This is incredible. The biggest issue with this game is it's stuck on a system not many people have. It has a lot of flaws for sure, the story is weak with bland characters, it has tons of dull grinding with annoying monster types. But none of that is enough to detract from one of the best open world experiences. This is one of the rare games where you have total freedom to explore the vertical and horizontal space on the map: Not only is everything on the surface explorable, but the entire skybox, thanks to your flying Skell, has enemies, locations and secrets to find. The soundtrack seems weird at first, but you'll grow to love it. It is so out there and unique. This also has wonderful side-quests with interesting stories and Branching Paths! Way more than any of the other games. Gameplay is layered and engaging thanks to on the ground combat mixed with the Skell flying combat.

Just so much to love with this one. If it gets onto Switch, day 1 buy. This is leagues better than 2.

Cuando leí que tardabas 50 horas en conseguir una meca me dio curiosidad acerca de qué tan veloz podría ser... tenían razón. Tengo grandes recuerdos de lo bueno que es este juego, y para mí que lo terminé al 100% no sé si quisiera regresar a él para ver qué tan diferente es en realidad. Top juegos de Wii U.

my first xenoblade game, utter kino, one of the most fun games i ever played

its ok, best game if you wanna explore a world though its so addicting once you get the skell

Nintendo, please put this game on Switch 2 so it can run on hardware that can handle it. I fucking beg you.

I genuinely believe the world would be a better place if everyone owned a Wii U

Too many xenos (genuinely). I want to be racist towards them, but the quests force me to help. Unrealistic.
I like that, in the late game, all battle music is replaced with German.
One of the only games where "the meta" is actually fun to play and not just absolute cheese.

My Wii U gamepad has a broken screen, meaning I can't really play this game again atm, which explains a lot about my depression. Please put this game on Switch so I can have my fix, Nintendo.

Xenoblade X is a bit of a black sheep of the xenoblade series, being its lone spinoff with a larger focus on exploration and online elements with writing taking more of a back seat. Im not sure what black magic monolithsoft preformed but this is one of the best looking games ive ever played, on the wii u of all consoles. Mark my words one day they will remaster/port this game and actually finish the ending maybe even increase the text size.

I wish I played this back when I had more time on my hands. The game tries really hard to get you to go out and explore the open world, which is fine, but if you're just playing for the main story, the slow pacing and forced grinding can wear on your patience.