Reviews from

in the past

A testament to 2009. You can pretend that it was never funny, or that it was an anomaly that everyone hated at the time. This was what we were. This is what you were like, if you were around online. There are posts you, the reader, made from around that time that are indistinguishable from any of the unfunny or problematic bits still in the game as of 2023.

I've found a lot of cool tracks through the in-game radio, and the actual mechanics of the game aren't balanced, but they're thematic and require more player engagement than a lot of board games I've played.

Bear witness to what the internet used to be like, it wasn't very good but at least it didn't cost nearly as much to have a decent time.

plus two stars for the jukebox

Fun if you have friends but not something you go back to constantly. Just a silly and funny game from 2009. I wish the UI was more simple and easier to look.

It has that charmingly sincere late 2000s-early 2010s humor. The game has a little strategic depth but you're mostly playing for the silliness.

bro you had sex with santa clause and got fucking AIDS xD

give me a break

Absolutely insufferable to play. I definitely like the idea of this game, a super shitposty, rpg-like board game. Problem is the game has the worst UI I've seen in my life and it's not even close. It's a browser game from 2009 and it SHOWS. Playing the game once and laughing at it is one thing, but if you're like me and have friends who insist on playing it and, for God-knows what reason, are actually GOOD at it, then it's an absolutely miserable experience as a newcomer. Nonsensical visuals, constantly being assaulted by visuals and prompts relating to the game's many mechanics, and little to no indication for WHY things happen when they do. I've played the game like a dozen times at this point and I still have absolutely no idea what's happening when I play and the game doesn't seem interested in the slightest in helping me understand. Especially when there's one FUCKER in my group who always picks the "illusioner" class, which places fake items in other players' inventories that kill them when used (if you're reading this, you know who you are, fuck you). Because that's nice, as if I didn't already have little idea of what's happening, now I can't trust ANY items that get randomly put in my inventory. When I have had multiple instances of using a spell/item on another player, it reflecting back at me, and I so thoroughly had NO idea why it happened that I spent several minutes Ctrl-F searching through the past 10 minutes of the chat log, only to never find out, that is a sign of such MONUMENTAL failure in UI and visual design that it's genuinely impressive.

I use Objection! on John O'Keefe and he gets really angry