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It's written league better than the base game but that's not saying much. It's a fun DLC but the main villian is honestly incredibely lame. Moxxie getting ex-lover revenge is a rinse, lather, repeat thing they do with her. Wish she had more to her.

Story - while I enjoyed it for what it was, and it was funny at times (ironically released sround the same time Rick and Morty was making fun of heist movies and both follow the same formula) thie story leaves me conflicted. It's...a mess. Like the base game. Continuity is again shat on for the sake of whatever they are trying to do now and so much makes no sense and/or is impossible to be done within the timeline of the franchise.

BL3 has an obsession with retconning anything with Handsome Jack and I have no clue why except to make this DLC work and it's not worth it.

This is just some of the weird points/retcons/inconsistencies:
-Jack and Moxxie are said be have been married but based on Borderlands 2 (BL2) and TPS they never made it that far.

-Timothy and Moxxie are stated to have romantic history but based on the timeline between the TPS and BL2 this is not possible. There’s no time for this to happen.

-Jack hoarding a bunch of doubles at the casino/inserting his dna into them because "they were his" makes no sense given why he wanted doubles in the first place (he surgically creates Timothy in TPS to protect himself so hiding them away makes no sense). He has digiholo-doubles in BL2 (the tech used is Timothy’s digijacks in TPS) and made them after perfecting the technology, so he didn’t have to spend money to make more like Timothy (through permanent surgery) so the idea he had a bunch of them like this already and not using them is dumb.

-The winning hands (access cards for Jack’s doubles at the casino) do not make sense for the doubles to have the same reason it makes no sense that they have Jack’s dna. Jack did not trust people easily and had Timothy as a double because of that. He did not 100% trust Timothy either since he had a bomb implanted in his face should he go rogue at any time. It seems counterproductive for someone this cautious to give access to people who would not trust right away. Places in the casino are locked away that can only be accessed with the hand and/or Jack’s dna and he basically gave them free range despite wanting them out of some areas as well.

-The existence of the casino at all tests my suspension of disbelief personally (given the timeline between borderlands 1, borderlands 2 and TPS). It’s said to be something Moxxie planned with Jack as a joint project but this is not possible. In TPS the two are long time ex-lovers and this is while Jack is still just an engineer. He did not have the money (nor Moxxie) for the two to make this a thing when they were dating. This is also why them being married doesn’t work either since Moxxie claims she dumped Jack when she witnessed him burn down a town while they were dating (which also means the sympathetic hero bl3’s base game tries to build up falls apart when you learn he was broken long before getting his scar/TPS or bl2).

-Having a secret loaderbot army in the casino. There was no time for him to make plans to make this especially when after getting Hyperion (in TPS) then retrieving the H-source (in TPS dlc) he puts his entire focus on Pandora. Mining eridium, building Opportunity, finding a way to open the vault since he could not get Angel to no matter what he did. The story expects people to just think all this could be done in 1-2 years and in BL2 Opportunity was not even complete and the vault closed. He had to deal with Roland and crew as well. He had no time for this.

This DLC has a reoccurring theme is a lot of issues has a lot to due with there being no breathing room timeline wise or disregarding previous canon completely. There is more and is even worse with BL3’s base game but those are some points I recall. The writers did not give a single fuck about past canon and every time they release something new with this franchise it shows.

this dlc is pretty great, but nothing crazy

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This quote sums up my feelings towards to this DLC.

Would you like to stay for dinner?

Would you like to stay forever?

This DLC has one of the best OSTs I've heard and I've wiled away many hours just listening to it, and it doesn't surprise me that Handsome Jack would make a place like this. But this DLC great for photomode (which I am guilty of using) anyway this DLC is short and sweet and worth investing in because to me it's an aesthetically pleasing place and revisiting it from time to time is worth it to farm money.

É divertido, não muito além disso.

Moxxi's Heist is super fun! it has a great setting that feels unique to anything seen in the main story which is always something i look for in a DLC. The story isn't exactly the greatest, still better than the games main story but that isn't exactly hard, but i really enjoy the whole heist vibe they have going on. All around i think the first story DLC for BL3 is a really solid way to kick it all off.

Playtime: 4 Hours
Score: 7/10

Pretty fun DLC with a cool storyline added. I loved seeing the return of the Handsome Jack voice actor as he provides just as good of a performance as he did in Borderlands 2. The story of this DLC was already better than the base game story for me as it felt more zaney and to what I expect from these games. Plus Ava isn't in this DLC which is already a bonus! The only problem is this DLC is incredibly short, only taking me 3-4 hours to finish. Some will say that's the standard DLC run time, which I don't agree with as many of Borderlands own DLC as well as other recent games have shown how you can add way more value into DLC. I'd say wait until more DLC is out before buying the season pass or anything.

All DLC I have Played and Reviewed Ranked -

this dlc sucked tbh. I liked the heist mission part though, it was really clever

A largely unmemorable DLC. The casino is a fun setting but it falls into the trap off looking too same-y and I never found Timothy to be a particularly interesting character so most of the story kinda fell flat for me.

+3 stars for the absolute fucking BANGER of a battle track that is "the compactor will junk you" holy SHIT what a fucking crazy track

+0.5 stars because I'm something of a fucking SUCKER for casino heist settings, no matter how good or bad the execution ends of being

outside of that heist prep sequence there's not much here.

While it does just kinda feed into the Borderlands 2 nostalgia with Handsome Jack, it's an alright DLC. It doesn't really have any good moments (except for the heist prep sequence), any good bosses or any good anything. It's very meh. Only good parts are some of the side quests and getting to see Timothy again.