Reviews from

in the past

este juego fue el que mas fichas le puse muy divertido , se podia jugar hasta 3 player éramos mi padre mi hermano y yo jugando este juego

Great Retro Brawler. Immediately fast and snappy action. Pick a shotgun off the floor and instantly send a guy across the screen, its great. It slightly drags by the end with limited variety in enemy or stage interaction. The one time you're actually in a titular Cadillac it’s like a turbo lawn mower fucking up every thing on the screen. Another one of these in place of a standard level would’ve rounded it out better.

One of the toughest beat 'em ups in history, but also one of the coolest. Choose one of the four characters (three tough machos and one tough chick) and beat up enemies in a post-apocalyptic wasteland. This game has a lot of charisma and personality. An absolute classic that is a must-play, any day.

Much as I hate its single driving section and a couple of its bosses, it's one of the most aesthetically delightful Capcom arcade titles. It's also the game you want if you love weapon pick-ups and dropkicks.

Global Warming has swallowed up the earth. Pollution has made most environments uninhabitable, and nuclear war has made sure to turn the rest into a wasteland.
After spending 500 years underground, humanity reemerges to find dinosaurs once again kings of the planet.
Mechanics and engineers are revered for their technological knowledge, and that's where the Cadillacs come in.

Essentially, this is Mad Max with dinosaurs, and child me could not be more captivated by a premise.
I played this game religiously back then, and it's a real shame that it never got a rerelease on anything other than the arcade, since being based off an animated series based off a comic book made dang sure navigating the licensing and rights required to publish this again damn near impossible.

It's sad especially because this is still, in my mind, the best beat 'em up Capcom has ever produced.
Cadillacs & Dinosaurs was the second game published for the CP System Dash, one of only five games, and it sits at a half-step between the CPS1 and CPS2 arcade boards.

While Warriors of Fate, the previous title for the board, was a feast for the eyes in terms of color, it didn't really innovate the genre, mostly cribbing ideas that were already established in the previous, hugely influential beat 'em ups Final Fight and Knights of the Round. It crucially omitted one of the best things Capcom brought to the genre, that being the 8-way dash first pioneered by Captain Commando.

As a result Warriors of Fate was a very slow and methodical beat 'em up, not that it's a bad thing, but I'd argue Final Fight was still on top in terms of design in that specific style.

Then came Cadillacs & Dinosaurs, and this time, they decided to go all out.
Not only was the 8-way dash brought back, but now we had the throw combos that were so sorely missing from Captain Commando, giving us a way to get invincibility periods while beating the shit out of enemies with our main string.

The music was vastly improved, with incredible percussion and great instrument samples, the graphics were more detailed than ever before and the animation and game-feel incredibly fluid.

Weapon pickups included firearms and grenades that would gib the opponents and send blood spurting everywhere, air strikes were called on the player's position on every respawn and it all felt so gosh darn empowering.

This is the first Capcom beat 'em up that feels truly freeform and improvisational, chaining grounded strings into throws and then into your special input move (done with down, up, attack), or flying across the screen chasing down enemies with your incredible dash attack, or grabbing enemies and being able to follow up with throws, input moves or superjoy, they got it all so RIGHT.

The last time I ran through it with a friend, he managed to punch a knife that was thrown by an enemy out of the air, then pick it up and use it as a weapon, to the hootin' and hollerin' of the both of us when we realized that was a possibility.

The characters are 4 this time, with Cody Jack, Hannah, Mess and Mustapha.
Jack, as the name suggests, is the balanced one, pretty decent range, strength and speed, and his dash attack can be a great tool to get enemies off of you since it's a low slide to the ground that can go through a lot of stuff.
Mess is the grappler, he gets two different throws, although no Haggar piledriver here.
He has some funny momentum stuff with his dash jump attack, and one of the most ridiculous dash attacks I've ever seen.
Hannah is the fast one and she gets the good stabbys with knives. Her input move is basically Claw's rolling crystal flash from SF2, and is very satisfying to land.
Mustapha is also kind of like Jack but completely bonkers strong, both his dash attack and input move are probably the best in the game. He has the Guy walljump too.

Enemy variety could be improved, something a lot of the genre has always struggled with, but the combat is so fun that there isn't really any enemy type that makes you groan when having to deal with them. C&D has a very good difficulty curve all around, and is on the easier side of the genre.

This game stands head and shoulders above the rest of the genre, with only Streets of Rage 4 managing to surpass it in my eyes.

Play it, by whatever means.

One of the best beat em ups of all time and arcade classic.

A classic for my father and a new taste for me

Um dos melhores titulos do CPS1, um jogo que acerta cheio na tematica, nos graficos, design, sons, ambientação, além dos personagens ter gameplay diferente, mas todos tem certa facilidade em fazer os golpes.
De negativo, fica a movimentação estranha, parecem manequins se movemento, os golpes as vezes tem um hitbox estranho, e claro, a dificuldade artificial que estraga todos os jogos de arcade da epoca, por mais qualidades que tenha esse ainda é um jogo de arcade.
Pra mim, esse game vale a jogada, não é dos meus preferidos mas da uma diversão rapida, poderia rolar um reboot da serie, mas lembre-se, ainda é um game de arcade com seus problemas.

Um amigo sempre me falou desse jogo, como ele adorava isso desde pequeno e eu não sei por que demorei tanto pra terminar isso. É um dos briga de rua mais divertidos que já joguei. Tudo é divertido, desde os controles à arte, amei de cabo a rabo.

Joguei com minha amiga Rayssa numa madrugada pós show de metal. Zeramos rapidinho e a diversão foi quem deu o clima da jogatina. Gostosinho demais esse jogo.


Meu Cadillac, bi-bi
Quero consertar meu Cadillac.

Tá aí um beat n’ up que me surpreendeu muito positivamente. Sei lá sempre ouvi uma galera falando deste game então decidi dar uma chance e a supresa foi boa:

Cadillacs and Dinosaurs entrega tudo que um bom jogo beat’n up precisa. Sprites lindos, uma fluidez bacana nos golpes e na movimentação, armas legais e um roteiro maluco e divertido digno do nome do jogo.

Fora que o mundo do jogo é muito bom, meio que mistura a era dos monstros com um cenário futurista e quase cyberpunk, onde os personagens andam com um cadilaque por aí. Outra coisa bacana é que os dinossauros que aparecem pelas fases podem ser atacados ou não! A escolha é do jogador e isso pode influenciar nas batalhas.

Pra um game Arcade de 1993 isso daqui envelheceu igual vinho.

- Armas do jogo divertida.
- Ótima ambientação.

- Chefes fáceis demais (Até o Boss final).

Una loca aventura en arcade... sin duda muy buen juego! Hace poco pude disfrutar del final, ya que cuando niño fue imposible acabarlo con fichas, no había mucho dinero en ese tiempo.

Jogão Demais!
Top Beat 'em up já feitos, senão for o Melhor.

Yes, it’s pretty much Final Fight, but it’s Final Fight with dinosaurs, being able to ride a Cadillac in one level, and a continue screen where a dude who was going to shoot you, a rather cruel continue screen to say the least, gets punched in the face when you press start. Very good for a playthrough.

Uma amostra de como fazer um bom briga de rua. Quer motivos pra jogar? Tem Cadillacs e tem dinossauros.

Awesome fucking beat 'em up. Dinosaurs, Cadillacs and ass kicking people, yeah!

Um dos melhores jogos de arcade da época. Ainda é muito divertido. Ótima ambientação, personagens, jogabilidade, tudo nele é bem feito.

A capcom acertou em tudo nesse jogo, desde o principal que é a jogabilidade até a soundtrack que é muito boa. É fácil um dos melhores beat up que tem

Muito bom, era um dos meus favoritos quando criança

jogo excelente para a época, muito viciante e divertido

I liked this a lot. It didn't feel as unfair as many of these games feel. It was still difficult in the end but I can see how someone could get at this game.

Divertidisimo juego arcade, con una premisa muy original.

Story: 9
Sound: 9
Graphics: 10
Gameplay: 10
Characters: 9
Replay Value: 10
Overall Enjoyment: 10

I give Cadillacs and Dinosaurs a STRONG 9!

Cadillacs and Dinosaurs. What a mouthful of a name, yet so interesting. I've been branching out into other kinds of games recently. I'm appreciating the Sega Genesis for the first time ever, but now I'm moving into beat 'em ups. I've played a few in my life, but I heard of this hidden gem the other day.

First of all, the character selection is great. I really like playing as all four of them. Secondly, WHY DON'T MORE BEAT 'EM UPS USE GUNS?!?! I know the up-close melee is what makes the genre up, but using pistols and shotguns on these enemies was so damn cool. I love it.

The combat is slick, and I never got bored of it. The game ended and I was craving more. I'm going to replay it, probably several times. Grabs and melee jabs all felt smooth. If only we got more of the Cadillacs. There was one real level where we got to pummel enemies with one. Bummer.

The dinosaurs are sick, and yes I am biased to this game because I love dinosaurs so much. I need more dino games! The models all looked great, and the abominations that some bosses fused into were badass.

I think it helped too that I played on an arcade cabinet. I spent 7 dollars on my own machine. Not a bad bargain for the entertainment. Playing on a joystick and arcade buttons definitely added to the experience, and took me back to the 90s even though I wasn't born yet.

I'm going to do some thinking and replays of this game to see what I truly think, but in the heat of the moment, I think Cadillacs and Dinosaurs is an utter masterpiece, and easily my favorite beat 'em up/arcade game.

its a pretty decent beat em up all things considered, I played this off its title alone I wasn't aware this was a comic series originally. only rating it lower than I want to for its lack of Cadillacs.

One of the best beat em ups capcom has ever made. It was known as Mustapha in my country. Almost every kid played it back then.

Creo que el hecho de que estuvieramos un buen rato intentando arreglar la rom de este juego es digna de mencionar

En fin, muy buen beat em-up con una música que me ha sorprendido y unos personajes con un moveset que ha dado más de una sorpresa. No me extraña su estatus como clásico de los arcade, la verdad.