Reviews from

in the past

Que jogo mentiroso, no Acre nem existem cadillacs

it has both Cadillacs AND dinosaurs, what else could you ask for

Hay tiros, explosiones, sangre, dinosaurios, bichos deformes, una señora hot, y muchos autos.
El juego más honesto del mundo.

This is the one arcade game I actually played in an arcade till my fingers bled and the only one I was even remotely good at.

I would play it with my brother all time time. I am so lucky that I got to play in an actual arcade as a kid since there basically never have been any around anywhere near my place.

And this game is the blueprint of 90s pseudo-coolness xD

It is dumb and hilarious and walks the line between unintentionally funny and actually awesome more expertly than any other game I have ever played except maybe Resident Evil 4.

And on top of that, it's also a damn smooth beat em up experience.

All around great, but nothing you have to play, especially nowadays.

... but totally do play it if you ever come across it in an arcade.

I get a lots of fun playing this classic, I just think there some enemies are so much sponge damage, but still a solid game, with cool musics, pixel art and a good gameplay loop.

I still don't understand why they call the game "Mustafa" in every freaking Asian countries.

An excellent and surprisingly fair beat-em-up, it's clear Capcom knew what they were doing at this point. Great fun and a real shame its been abandoned in license limbo.

Cadillacs and Dinosaurs is what happens when you mix Final Fight with freaking dinosaurs. You get the great mechanics of Capcom’s original brawling masterpiece, drive a cool Cadillac, and then mix it with a world-ending plot featuring dinosaurs.

The dinos are fun and all that, but you’ve come for the brawling—and in my opinion you get a great one. The game feels as smooth as butter, especially with Jack, Hannah and Mustapha; as they just glide through the levels with a variety of running kicks, slides and jumps—it’s really a joy to play. Items like guns, bazookas, explosives etc., and your usual garden-variety knives are fun to play around with and enhance the gameplay experience.

It’s the hallmark of a great brawler when you barely feel like using the special attack and this game definitely has that feeling in spades.

This game is called Cadillacs and Dinosaurs but the real highlight is Guns (tm). More beatmups should let you use pumps and uzis. No, I don't care if it violates the melee sanctity of the genre: I need to explode guts from full screen. I need full-throttle, lead-in-the-head crowd control.

Pretty easy (read: Humanly and Acceptably Fair) for an arcade brawler too, we didn't start adding credits until a bit past the halfway point. But damn Capcom, 8 stages? You did NOT make enough enemies to last 8 stages.

The only game to ever truly portray the American dream. Not killing nazis or fighting for independence, but riding in a cadillac and saving dinosaurs with the bros. It's a pretty solid but standard beat 'em up with bosses that are surprisingly not obnoxious and the guns are fun to stomp fights with.

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Perhaps the best beat ’em up that Capcom has ever made. A game that has devoured millions of weekly pays around the world in the 90's.

The Earth has become uninhabitable and mankind takes refuge underground in order to survive. 600 years later, humans emerge from their underground bunkers and discover that the planet has been taken over by dinosaurs! Some humans try to live in peace with them, but other punks want to kill and sell them and make a fortune from poaching. Four dino-activists set out to stop them and restore peace with dinosaurs mainly through of cadillacs and cool flying kicks. This is Cadillacs and Dinosaurs.


⭐Do not disturb the dinosaurs! They remain neutral until attacked. If you dare to hit one, it will stomp and bite any simp in the way.
⭐A lot of weapons. Knives, submachine guns, assault rifles, bazookas, stones, butcher knifes, grenades ... All well balanced. They make things easier, but they won't guarantee victory.
⭐Elevator stage included (quality beat ’em up game sign) and also a whole section where you get to drive a cadillac and you can run over every punk you come across on your way.
⭐Up to 3 players and not just 2. :)


⚠️Some bosses can be frustratingly difficult, like twin slisaurs.
⚠️It doesn't have console version and it's unlikely to ever see a legit re-release on a modern system for license agreement reasons.

I'm not gonna review this game, I just want everyone to know that I spent like 40 minutes playing a beat em up I didn't care about just to beat it, I left for FIVE minutes because I needed to pee, and my coworkers beat it while I was gone. Fuck you whatever your name was and fuck you whoever else played it, I was drunk and I can't remember

No tengo ni la menor puta idea de que va la historia de esta cosa, pero es un juego super entretenido y uno de mis beat up favoritos, muchas explosiones y disparos por todas partes, los dinosuarios estan un poco de fondo la verdad pero la jugabilidad es extremadamente satisfactoria, es algo complicado pero no lo llamaria dificil, tiene un ost bueno quizas no de las mejores bandas sonoras del medio pero si se te queda en la mente uno que otro tema.

o jogo promete 2 coisas e entrega

Wish I played this in the 90s so I could have based my entire personality around it. Insanely cool.

Obligatory disclaimer that this is an arcade game so I was only able to finish it by emulating it and making liberal use of the 'add credit' button. This would bankrupt a working class family to beat using actual currency.

Clasicazo beat em' up que se deja jugar.

definitely a part of the upper echelon within the genre. really cool game. make more beat em ups with guns

might as well be playing any other beat em up.

(played with MagneticBurn)

As another Capcom beatemup, it's pretty similar to Final Fight but if it had dinosaurs and more levels. Easier for sure, but overstays its welcome a little by the end. I do intend to replay this one eventually because all the audio cut out when I was halfway through for some reason lol

Que decir de este clásico atemporal. Desde el primer emulador que tuve en pc, cada 24 de diciembre me lo paso con un personaje. Cómo no, hoy me lo he vuelto a terminar con Jack.
Juegazo! El mejor beat'm'up que ha salido.