Reviews from

in the past

ruim mas fez parte da minha infância

why do they keep doing this to my boy

After remembering having a good time playing Crash of the Titans, I was looking forward to try its succesor, and it was... kind of an experience, huh.
Besides many of the mutants from Titants making a comeback while being redesigned in the process (some of them even getting an overhaul, i.e Stench), there are also new ones here... only two though, TK and Grimly, which coincidentally are some of my favorites because of how goofy, eccentric and fun to use they are. I also like how all of them can now jump, climb ledges and have more attacks on their movesets to further improve the combat dynamic, a really welcome move on that behalf. Some of them can even use their powers to affect your surroundings and open new paths, which is very cool. Still, fuck Magmadon man, shit is too slow doing anything!
However, every other aspect of the game has been dumbed down from my perspective: The controls scheme and new combat mechanics are less intuitive than before, the environments look dull and empty most of the time, the story is more basic and very little imaginative, and many of the main characters got redesigned again, and they look even worse than they did on Titans.
The "open world" aspect this time around is also a negative for me, they mostly expect you to know exactly where to go to complete a story mission, while also not giving you any kind of guidance beyond the tutorial mission. May I add that """world map""" (if it can even be called that) is the poorest piece of shit I've ever seen??? I'm think I'm staying with episodic format from Titans, thank you very much...
With all these big issues on mind, I see myself obligated to give credit where it's due. The cutscenes in this game are some of the best I've seen in the whole franchise, the different artstyles and references are very charming and funny. Another thing I'm glad I can call a positive is the OST, which I really enjoyed because of how upbeat it is while exploring, but then it knows when to go dummy during combat. My favorites are definitely "Bandicoot Sanctuary", "Big Fight #2" and "The Wastelands".

i love this game so much favourite crash game

El mundo abierto era MUY anticlimático. Casi el mismo juego que Lucha de Titanes.

One of the worst games ever conceived

Inferior ao Titans em todos os aspectos, ao ponto de ser facilmente deixado de lado.

Eu não lembro a diferença entre esse e o outro, mas se você não gosta, vai ser ver comigo >:(

Another case of a game that I loved as a kid, and when coming back to it after growing up I realize it's not that good. In fact, my biggest complaint with this game is how cheap it feels. Everything about it feels low budget (Note that it doesn't mean it's bad), and you can notice it very early on.

I still like the funny cutscenes, the mutant/titan mechanic, and the platforming ain't that bad either. It's just a mediocre but still decent game, and mostly aimed at kids, which would explain my less than stellar experience with it after over a decade.

SCORE: 6/10

todo mundo odeia esse jogo mas eu amo

Favourite Crash Bandicoot Game

this game made me down bad for coco

Provavelmente um dos jogos mais 7/10 da história, deveria se chamar Crash MID Over Mutant.

Enfim, esse jogo ao menos é MUITO superior aquele pedaço de estrume chamado Crash of The Titans..... mas isso não significa que ele necessariamente é bom.

O combate é razoável. Da pra fazer uns combos aqui e ali (algo que NÃO tem no Titans)
Os mutantes são BEM melhores de se controlar e as sessões de plataforma também.
No geral, o jogo é bem superior ao seu antecessor.

Maaaaas, ele ainda assim é um hack n slash mediocre.
Faltava mais combos, mais golpes, mais coisas pra apimentar esse jogo. Ele pode ficar repetitivo depois de um tempo.
Ele te faz ficar indo e voltando toda hora do mapa, o que é meio chato.
Achei também o final bem meh, tudo fica bem broxante depois que você encontra o uka uka.

No geral, o jogo é ok, da pra se divertir. É um solido 7/10 pra mim!

Its better than titans, i guess..

The multi-style animated cutscenes were cute but that's the only redeeming quality in this bland as fuck game.

It's a better game than Crash of the Titans. While the boring battles are still here, this game added segments where you have to use the titan's power to create or move platforms. This, combined with the added jump button for the titans, provides a much needed improvement to the titan segments.
There is also a walkable world instead of the isolated levels. While impressive, this version adds backtracking into the game, which is just not fun.
So again, better version of the initial idea, but the idea is still very much mediocre.

lembra minha infancia 🕊️ eu zerei todos

jogo mto subestimado, a gameplay mudou pq precisava, não quer dizer q é ruim. mto pelo contrário, é um dos melhores jogos do crash

uuuh, shiiiii... that one repetitive game

A decent franchise installment.

better than Of The Titans, but also not really. Surfing's gone, you're gonna see way too much backtracking, but combat's better by 1 minor improvement, and, holy shit, check this out, you can now JUMP with the mutants! Great. Probably one of the game I played the most on my childhood, alongside DB Tenkaichi 3, Naruto Ultimate Ninja 5, Ben 10 Protector of Earth, etc; but, contrary to these 3 cited, thinking about this game today kind of pisses me off. Matters not the obvious reason, but the important fact that it sucks and doesn't really make it fun, 85% of the time, much like its predecessor. What I will give it, though, is that it's got some fun animated cutscenes. Silly humor is the best thing in these Crash games and that's both good and terrible. This game does it well, too, and the aforementioned cutscenes aren't really special in theirselves, but they make for a good and fun break from late 2000's uncanny Crash (which design is somehow better than OTT's, as so are most of the characters/mutants. Cortex still looks abominable). OST is also better than last time. So, yeah, I said to "consider playing Mind Over Mutant instead" on the Of The Titans review. Do yourself a favor and play neither. Maybe Tag Team Racing. That one's fine, it sucks in a good way. These 2 are close to terrible.

In my opinion, this game is the second best in the Crash saga. I remember it was one of the games that captivated me the most on the PlayStation 2. The mutant mechanics, the jokes, and its story are really good, and this Marsupial will always have a special place in my heart.

Não me lembro de quase nada, ah mas o crash tinha tatuagens neste.