Reviews from

in the past

Drum and bass and hill descending at mach speeds. There is nothing else you can say about it. Really fun game honestly.

Wish it had more traditional objectives like time trials on the campaign. The way in which it is structured, I ended up being very cautious during runs just to survive, instead of trying to go super fast for better times.

A very satisfying bike simulator, the forest zones had the best tracks (imo) so I would always go back to enjoy them; the game encourages you to make your own path's or follow the set ones, theres always variety and thats what I love about descenders.

very very solid bike game. very addictive.

Bought this game for the Switch. I enjoyed it way more than anticipated so i also got it for PC and had a ton of fun playing it.

Constant stuttering reduced rating from a 4

This game is the path to the dark side.

okay maybe this is a very different opinion compared to the other reviews because i have never tried out the game without tiktok russian phonk or osu 2000bpm type songs playing in the background, but it feels pretty good and fast.

super underrated game. Really fun with friends to see who can last the longest.

A very simple physics based parkour-cycling game. It could be nice if you specialize in it, but it didn't seem worth the effort due to the career mode and theme. Custom maps are fun to kill time.

I could see someone enjoying this game. Especially someone who’s into BMX racing. It’s not necessarily bad. It makes the most out of its low budget. The mechanics are sound and there’s a decent amount of stuff to do. I just didn’t get much out of it tho. The downhill aspect of this type of racing just isn’t my jam. I find I tend to be more on the look out for potential hang ups and bailing, then going into zen mode and enjoying the ride. I’ll stick to “Trails” for my bike game needs.

Podcast game through and through, but very good at that so I can't slander. I love speeding down the hills, doing cool ass tricks, and roguelite mechanics to keep most runthroughs fresh.

If my knowledge of the Russian Revolution and it's consequences are greatly increased by doing a sick flip on a bike, then clearly it is doing something.

Plays well, and cycling downhill really captures that zooming velocity. Problem is, mixing a seemingly roguelike procedurally-generated run with a sporty arcade mechanic just makes the game repetitive and boring very quickly. There's not enough variety in stunts and environments to make every run feel refreshingly fun. After an hour or so, you're pretty much done, and there's no incentive to want to come back and earn more rep points.

Pretty satisfying and chill game

I don't think I like this game much, and yet I keep returning to it. A rather plain-looking game with open-world elements that add little to it, there's still something exhilarating in speeding down a mountainside or a dirt track with a cool bike, taking daring turns and death-defying jumps, barely making that front-flip or 360, just to then speed into a tree you didn't notice and break your biker's back.

The Ironman-like career mode is kind of fun in how it encourages playing carefully and building up to opening shortcuts to different worlds, but I still feel like it's a game I'll play for a while and then forget it existed.

I found the soundtrack horrible though. I'm a fan of electronic and all kinds of music that might sound similar to what the game presents, but I found it so repetitive and annoying here that I turned it off. It might just be a matter of taste, but that’s still something that rarely happens to me. And for a chillax game that can be the death-knell, if you're not bringing your own music.

I couldn't find the tutorial, but I feel the game could make good use of it. Also was disappointed that the forest, which is my favourite environment, isn't unlocked from the start.

Simple fun to pick up and play for a few minutes.

Had more fun than expected, really nice game

So much better than I expected. A zen, quasi-roguelike, BMX-trick racing game is not a "genre" I would have ever even considered a possibility and yet here we are. Descenders can be relaxing to play or truly high-octance based entirely on your attitude as you play - and that can easily switch back and forth every few minutes.

The first time I played descender I attempted half a dozen of the mini "roguelike" careers in a row, enjoying them all as I inevitably stacked it and died each time

Really worth checking out

te hace sentir como una bicicleta

A good game on paper, Descenders is definitely a fun game, but there is no reason for it being a roguelike. There is no incentive for taking risks and going fast, and no penalties for taking it slow and playing carefully.

That means that beating it's toughest challenges, such as completing an entire run without bailing, or reaching the secret areas in Career / Career +, are not necessarily excillerating experiences but rather boring, slow, careful runs.

Not bad, just not my type of game

its fun for a bit but not gonna get to into it, when your going really fast in first person its fun but you have a small amount of tries before you have to start your progress all over again and i'm not good enough to keep trying.

Really fun biking game that I keep coming back to every now and then. Justifies game pass anytime I renew

A fun and simple experience, great way to spend some leisure time with a controller. Sadly, the game becomes stale quite soon, there is not a lot of diversity in maps, or the type of challenges you get to do.

There are quite a few games like this now, downhill bike racers. I play them all for a few hours and really enjoy the tactile sensation of riding the bike and the lovely tracks and scenery, then I quickly hit a skill wall where i find it impossible to do the tricks the game requires. Too old or never had the motor skills to begin with. I cannot do most of the tricks here to save my life and the game doesn't even tell you how do to a lot of them. Every one of these games is like that. I wish there was one I could play and enjoy cause for a little while they're very nice!
Also the second level of this one on the career run is just non-stop haze all the way through the biome (forest) making it completely impossible for me to even just run down the track. I've been loudly anti-haze in games and continue to be, its a shitty lazy ugly mechanic, stop putting haze on everything!

I set the game as completed once I got through the career mode, but I still continued to play this game afterwards. It’s such a fun game to play casually and boot up for a run or two. The bike physics feel great and really scratch an itch when it comes to action sports games.