Reviews from

in the past

Meh started off interesting but got boring midway through

every game needs devouring swarm and im dead serious

Dishonored possui um dos mundos mais belos que já vi em um jogo. As "Skybox" ou "Locações de Fundo" são monumentais, entregando sem medo os detalhes necessários para fazer você se sentir imerso naquele mundo corrompido, opressor e violento. A execução da estética Steampunk é fantástica, especialmente no level design, pois todos os cenários, trajetos, tecnologias e peculiaridades ganham vida e se comunicam perfeitamente do começo ao fim do jogo.

O sistema de Karma, embora extremamente superficial, é capaz de gerar reflexões interessantes, especialmente se levarmos em conta os reflexos de suas ações em Emily, que no final das contas é a personagem mais importante para o protagonista. Além disso, existem destinos mais cruéis do que a morte, e acho um pouco decepcionante o jogo não se focar tanto nisso ao tentar aplicar um sistema de moral dentro de sua narrativa, mas ainda assim, não é um problema grande o suficiente para tirar o charme da experiência.

A melhor qualidade do jogo reside na jogabilidade e execução de suas próprias ideias. Dishonored é um Immersive Sim, o que não apenas o destaca dos jogos comuns, mas também aumenta significativamente o nível de exigência em relação às suas mecânicas, pelo menos na minha perspectiva. O jogo acerta em cheio nesse aspecto, com um sistema de poderes e mecânicas que não falham em momento algum em proporcionar a liberdade fundamental para que você experimente o jogo da maneira mais autêntica possível.

Diverti-me do começo ao fim, consegui me interessar pelos elementos narrativos, por mais básicos que fossem, e certamente jogarei novamente no futuro. É uma experiência completa e com profundidade suficiente para aqueles que a buscam.

Nota Final: 9/10

Warrants at least two playthroughs to get the most out of what it has to offer. Skill floor sits at "baby's first stealth game" while the skill ceiling goes to anime levels of on-the-fly insanity

I deem two aspects as the most important in forming the identity of a stealth game; they are level design and the freedom of choosing to assault or not. Dishonored is a masterfully created combination of both and is thus, one of the greatest stealth games ever.

With one of the most ingenious uses of imbuing player choices into a cause-and-effect system at the centre, it's visible how the world design is such that it keeps track of every stealth choice, and displays its effects through various factors like number of rats, environmental state, NPC dialogue, severity of the plague, etc. Stealth games which are also action-adventure often tend to deviate from the central design philosophy of stealth, and tend to indulge highly in a spectacle with flashy action; Dishonored does not avoid that per se, but it definitely tries to weave around it, albeit intentionally. Despite the narrative urging towards a "correct way to play", it intelligently prioritises player freedom.

The sheer difference in experience based on my own choices of whether to kill, confront or leave alone was a revelation. The disparity between my high and low chaos playthroughs was far more than "bad/good ending", it delivered a whole new experience. While it is true that the Chaos system isn't that well conceived and complete, it serves as perfect leverage to influence the consequences of lethalities into the level designs which brings us to the meticulously crafted world of Dunwall.

Every level is superbly designed with unique pathways, routes and the player has complete liberty to achieve the target in numerous ways, with not a single method breaking the narrative harmony. Especially fantastic is Lady Boyle's Last Party with the sheer complexity of the level layers.

Coming to technical performance, the stealth mechanics are immaculate because of which there's more than enough allure to stick to stealth in combination with the astonishingly innovative ways in which magic complements either style over the unpolished FPS mechanics and slightly janky combat.

Last, but not the least, the downloadable content. Dunwall City Trials is a nightmarish mess, especially for achievement merchants, you can go ahead and skip that. The Knife of Dunwall, in particular, and the Brigmore Witches, with the assassin Daud as the playable character, are remarkable in every manner. While I do not agree with a popular sentiment of the two DLCs being better than the main game, I can definitely see why. Taking all the strengths of the original game, the DLCs script a fabulous story about Daud's quest for redemption which catapult him to the position of the best character in the series by ease. Brilliant.

Every mission of Dishonored serves as a great narrative piece and can be enjoyed and appreciated by any person alike. There's something for everyone. A consummate work of the medium and arguably the best stealth game of the past ten years.

why did nobody tell me that this was so good, i had it laying around for ages?? fucking loved it, the aesthetic is immaculate, i had such a blast with the gameplay, it's just good old fun

Peguei o final ruim :(
Mas o jogo é legal demais po, stealth foi ima experiência incrível, mesmo eu sendo horrivel nesse estilo

Vengeance is a dish best served with clean hands.

I love this game, it got me into immersive sims and stealth games.

save scumming makes this a relaxing expliration game 10/10

Awesome stealth action game where you play as an assassin with magic.

I played this entirely on Steam Deck at normal difficulty. The game played extremely well on 40hz/fps with high settings. I completed the main campaign but skipped the DLC for now. May come back to it. I collected most of the runes/bone charms and as many of the optional objectives I could find.

The story in this game grabs you from the very beginning. You play as the empress's and her daughter's protector in a steampunk-inspired kind of world. The game starts out with you being framed for the empress's murder and her daughter's kidnaping. Shortly after this you gain magically abilities form "the outsider" which you can enhance as you collect certain items. As you progress through the story you find out why you were framed and there are many twists and turns (not all that surprising but felt like good story telling). This game does a great job with immersing you into the story and world. I had a hard time putting it down.

The world is very detailed and the different zones for each level feel unique and inspired. From the slums, to rich neighborhoods, to military(ish) sites. You get to explore the rich world, discover interesting NPCs, and just really take in all this game has to offer. A lot of the characters are engaging and I found myself getting attached to or hating them (depending on where they stood). Even 11 years after release this game still feels relevant today, and I believe that is mostly in part to the world building they did.

Gameplay is very immersive as well. You can play the game without killing a single person, or assassinate everyone in site. There are many ways to complete objectives and the abilities you gain throughout the campaign give you a real freedom in choosing how you want to approach things. I had a hard time deciding which abilities to focus on early on but it becomes more clear as you progress through things and find your playstyle. Depending on which avenue you take (non-lethal vs lethal) does impact future levels and did seem to have some consequences at the end of the game, but it didn't seem "too" consequential. I had a lot of fun playing the vengeful assassin on my first play through. I may go back and take a more measured approach later on but we'll see.

Overall, I had a blast with this game. It offers an amazing blend of gameplay, story, and world building that I have not experienced in a while. Highly recommend if you haven't played.

i play this game all the way through multiple times a year

i love player expression i wanna express myself by avoiding every mofo in this game

Great assassin game but story seems to be a little forgettable.

Um jogo que vale a pena se você quer algo que te deixe decidir o que fazer, como fazer e te faça sentir como uma pessoa do próprio jogo. E também caso queira

Tá bem, vamos começar, esse jogo tem muitas camadas para eu citar, mas vamos começar pelo básico, gráficos.

Esse jogo tem gráficos bonitos na época, e até hoje se mantém o mesmo, não vou dizer lindo mas pra ambientação ele é perfeito e consegue passar o que ele quer passar.

Literalmente o principal motivo pelo qual eu comprei ele, ele consegue fazer todas as mecânicas terem uma sinergia tão grande que todo dia me surpreendo com vídeos de pessoas fazendo tantas loucuras nisso que me faz querer re-jogar.
As armas, poderes, artefatos, amuletos, tudo nele é muito bom, é tão satisfatório poder conseguir acabar com alguém usando tudo que você tem porque você simplesmente pode, isso é incrível.

Pode ser até um pouco clichê no começo, mas quanto mais você avança no jogo, você vê que ele brilha quando percebe que as suas ações importam. É muito bom perceber que esse mundo é tão lúcido, é tão vivo por assim dizer, os npcs tem falas diferentes dependendo do que você faz, as falas dos npc se interligam HORAS de gameplay depois, e ver que você matar tal pessoa aleatória faz com que as pessoas comentem sobre você. Você importa no jogo, você é alguém importante.

É um bom jogo para amantes de stealth, ação e boa movimentação durante o jogo, a história te faz amar os personagens, mesmo que sejam antagonistas ou vilões, as mecânicas complementam todo o resto e por aí vai, é realmente muito bom esse jogo, um dos melhores do gênero, e na minha opinião, o melhor. É realmente estranho Esse jogo não estar na boca da nação...

Very interesting story. Fun gameplay.

Really fun gameplay. Story is cool

Excelente combinação de Stealth com poderes. Você consegue criar cenas muito dahora.

Arkane made a stealth game that i love even though i fucking hate stealth games

I'm not a stealth game lover at all, but I really enjoyed this. Super impressive and immersive world building, an interesting twisty story and really smooth gameplay. Dishonored is a must play for stealth fans and none stealth fans alike.

I just wish I was better at it.

Definitely intended to keep playing this, but the PC Xbox app for Game Pass messed up and after some troubleshooting Xbox support told me the only way to resolve would be to reinstall Windows. Subscription cancelled, which means I may never finish this! Whoops!

i got teleported to another room after stealth killing someone where i was then killed by 2 guards who also teleported and a pack of rats

Dishonored is an unfortunately bad game. There are a lot of great moments and great mechanics in this game, but they are placed in a sea of mediocrity and tedium. The core flaw of this game is the chaos system which the games tell you about at the start. In practice this system seems like a good idea to give incentive to playing a more peaceful but harder route, however, this completely backfires as it moreso just makes the endings that the player gets for playing the more fun method much worse, and even before the ending the dialogue changes and characters are more resentful towards you. All of these would be acceptable if playing peacefully was still fun, but it isn't, going the peaceful route means you will barely use any of the unique mechanics and simply play an extremely bare-bones stealth game where you constantly save scum.

Even if the core flaw of the chaos system wasn't there I believe Dishonored would still only be a slightly above average game carried by the special spells being fun and the world design being cool, because outside of that you have a very uninteresting story that is hard to get invested into and some flat and tedious level design; in fact the levels got so tedious that I quite about 3 missions before the end, I just wasn't having fun anymore and just chose to watch the endings on youtube.

It is truly a shame dishonored ended up this way since it could have been a pretty solid game overall.

This game was a bit fun and I can see why it was revolutionary for it's time but now there are so many better alternatives to a game like this that I wasn't too eager to finish this one

First run: 18h, Clean Hands+Ghost. Great game, exceeded my expectations. There is the occasional bug in the AI's detection system, which can force you to load often if you're going stealth, but nothing that ruins the fun.

It´s one of the best immersive-sims of it´s time. From the great art direction, beautiful sound works to the very open gameplay style choices, this game packed a punch when it released and still to this day is a great play for anyone interested in FPS immersive-sims like Deus Ex or Thief.