Reviews from

in the past

Очень странная игра. За выживших играть не очень весело. За рейдера поиграть почти невозможно. Можно часами ждать своей очереди и так ее и не дождаться. Донат в такой игре лишний

This game isn't necessarily the best and gets a lot of flack, but I still love it quite a bit

This felt like it was supposed to be a F2P game. Not sure what they were thinking giving it an official release and charging $60.

Melhor Kusoge de Dragon Ball.

Sinceramente, esse jogo tem 100% a vibe de um free to play, não sei oq a Bandai tinha na cabeça quando decidiu cobrar por ele.

Agora que ele entrou na plus eu pude finalmente testa-lo e, como esperado, ele não é bom. O jogo tem uma pegada de Dead by Daylight no sentido de ser um grupo de sobreviventes (no caso desse jogo são 7) contra um hunter, que precisa destruir a Terra sem deixar o grupo o impedir.

Porém, ao contrário do DBD, o mapa desse jogo é pornograficamente imenso, fazendo cada partida ser um walking simulator lento, onde tanto os guerreiros quanto o vilão ficam apenas andando pelo mapa, aguardando que algo de importante aconteça.

O sistema de gacha é bem fraco, já que, como jogamos com um OC, apenas conseguimos usar as habilidades desses personagens na partida, tornando a emoção de ganhar um 5 estrelas bem pequena. Eu sinceramente não poderia me importar menos de ganhar uma Pan ou um Ginyu 5 estrelas, já que isso não significa essencialmente nada.

Infelizmente esse jogo é ainda pior do que eu estava esperando, uma pena.

>Install free PS+ Game
> Witness the rigid, plasticy character models of the opening animatics, and wonder how the same publisher that gave us the sublimely animated Xenoverse and FighterZ games could produce something that looks this cheap. Even the voice actors sound like they don't care.
> Get into the matches and it's like Great Value Fortnite. Ugly levels, uninteresting survival gameplay. You're picking up so much shit, and it's never clear what every item's purpose is. Why weren't soda cans in the tutorial? Or Dragon Balls? These seem too important to have to learn on the fly!
> Get all 7 Dragon Balls, summon Shenron, get boring wish options. Then the game crashes after Shenron leaves.
> Uninstall free PS+ game.

As a Dragon Ball fan, I had to give this a go when it arrived on PS Plus. It was more fun than I'd expected but still a very shallow copy of Dead By Daylight without enough variety to hold my interest for long once I'd seen all the different raiders.

Once the novelty of "What do you mean they made an Dragonball themed Asymmetrical Horror Game™?!?!" wears off, the game itself is as good as you'd expect.

Still, worth checking out for the price of free.

I grinded to lvl 150 when I had health issues and insomnia, and I probably could've spent that time better tbh. Toxic fans, teammates that barely ever use comms, and a very empty atmosphere for a game that's trailer was borderline fraud

I wish it had cross play earlier in it's life

This game isn't that bad. If your playing alone this will definitely be a pretty bad experience, but if you are lucky enough to have friends to play this with you its actually a lot of fun. Having one of your friends get the villain and trying to kill you, or being the villain and hearing your friends squeal down the mic is fun as fuck. After a recent update if you queue with friends none of you will get the villain and you'll only queue as survivor, this was done to stop teaming between villains and survivors which was never a huge problem in the first place. Another thing I hate is the gacha elements, you can def grind a bunch of games to get the currency to unlock stuff but paying with money is way faster. This definitely has potential but is far from perfect but still a very fun experience at its core.

This is what I would call wasted potential

Won't be the biggest review I make since there isn't that much to get into with this game but nether less here we go. DB: The breakers is a DBD style 7 Versus 1 enemy game and quite honestly I think this game is fun. With that being said there are a lot of issues that plague this game, some worse than others.

What are the good points?

The core gameplay loop is fun on both the Escaper and Villains side IF the game wants to work in your favor. In addition I like how you can set 3 characters to transform as on the Escaper side really making for diverse builds. To further elaborate, in matches you find orange boxes that grant you character level and once you hit level 1-3 you can transform into the character you picked. Playing as the villain you will have a locked set of 4 levels to go through depending on the character you play as. For example if you play as Cell you will go through all 4 cell forms throughout the match etc etc. I won’t get into strategies or how to play as that would waste too much time but there is depth to teamwork as well as playing as the villain in this game. Furthermore on the non gameplay side of things there are lots of clothes to buy for your avatar which gives chances to have a somewhat different looking avatar apart from other people. In the end I really enjoy the core gameplay loop in DB: The breakers I think matches can be very fun and I really see the potential with this game.

But of course they have to mess it up

Beneath all this fun there sadly is a predatory system attached to this game alongside bugs and issues that I have. To start, I am not a fan of the microtransactions of this game. They lock characters behind a gacha system which is downright scummy imo. To elaborate Remember how I mentioned you can equip 3 characters to your avatar that you can transform into? Yeah most of the ones you will want are obtainable through gacha. It doesn’t seem that bad at first since the game will throw tickets at you from the start but of course you will waste all the tickets and get mostly not what you want. So where does that leave you? Well you can either use in-game currency which takes too long to grind or pay a pretty penny and hope you get what you want. This system is abysmal and really makes for an abysmal progressing system as there is no other way to get these characters other than grinding a crap ton or paying money. In addition to the nasty microtransaction system there are bugs and issues with this game. For example the netcode is terrible which ends with you being in a lot of laggy matches ranging from terrible to you literally needing to force shutdown the game levels of bad. There have been times where I softlock myself mid match where I am literally not able to do anything past walking around. Furthermore there is no crossplay which in this day and age is terrible as this game can really be in a more healthy state with crossplay. To elaborate further as to why no crossplay is terrible is simply due to the matchmaking. There is no matchmaking in this game and due to the low playerbase most players who still play are at high levels so 9/10 you will get into matches with players way out of your league. This makes for a terrible new player experience as you will easily be matched up with villain players who will steamroll the lobby. However this works both ways as getting a good escaping team can prove to be useful against even high ranking villains. Of course that doesn’t always happen though so your early progress with the game will be terrible most of the time unless you have a group of friends who would want to play this game which I highly recommend. Finally the patches….. Which I honestly can’t say much about since I am a newer player but they don’t seem to be pumping content into this game at a steady pace which seems bad. But oh don’t worry they will make sure to update those microtransactions in a heartbeat.

Final Notes

I won’t get into balancing or if the game is survivor sided or not as I am not knowledgeable on that field. During my time with DB: The breakers I personally didn’t have the worst time with matches as I found victories on both sides of the spectrum but I play a lot of these games within the genre so I personally just know what I expect. WIth the way the game is going I really don’t see a good ending in sight as the game has been out for awhile now and doesn’t seem to have gotten any huge update past the Ginyu Force season update. Its bandai so I am 100% sure they will continue to screw this game over which is sad because I genuinely have fun with this game and still continue to play a couple matches every now and then.

In the end

I would try it out on a deep sale IF you play on consoles as the PC player base doesn’t seem the most stable. The playerbase on PC barely stays at 300-400 which I can only assume will continue to go down if they do nothing to change this game. I got a cheap copy for the xbox one and have no issues finding matches on it and I can assume the PS4 playerbase is healthy as games are usually very alive on PS4. I just hope they get it together and fix this game but at this point I have no hope.

if you have ever had any enjoyment from this game i wish you the worst in life

gente... eu meio que gostei desse jogo (?)

"Its ass but at least its the fun kind of ass"


That's what he said but yknow the more i play this game the more i disagree this shit cool as hell

Though the gacha mechanics on a paid game are definitely unjustifiable

I gave the full game a chance since it was on PS+ monthly games catalog. I had more fun with this than the demo although the game still feels lacking in terms of content even a year later.

Não tankei sair do tutorial, se pelomenos tivesse um crossplay eu me esforçava mais

Malisimo, no dan ganas de jugarlo la verdad.

For a free game...
No fuckin thanks!
"I wanna play as Oolong." Said no one fuckin ever!
Get back to making good games like Budokai Tenkaichi 4 please.

Du peu que j’ai jouer c’est sympa et surtout orienté pour les fans du manga et du genre. On sent le potentiel du jeu.Mais on est bien loin du jeu Friday the 13th qu’étais incroyable

Great novel idea for the franchise, unique and respectable execution. As long as you have as much luck as being born a saiyan, which is needed to learn the game and get the right skills to survive the skill check easier, you should be dandy!

the junk food game to end all junk food games. Its just a lot of reused assets the team had from xenoverse but its actually fairly creative and cohesive and you'll never catch me shaming creative asset reuse. I can also be goku dragon ball z. can't do that in dead by daylight.

I've been grinding this game for weeks to unlock Goku Black and holy shit it's so fun

Playing Survivor is actually fun enough, the map is really big and the skills you can learn are really cool and make the game fair enough against the much more powerful Raiders, but it's whenever I get the chance to play Raider that things get super exciting, you really start to FEEL like a Dragon Ball villain, killing all the worthless worms in your way (and sometimes losing brcause you get wayyy too cocky and fuck up badly)

Really fun time