Reviews from

in the past

Seulement béta fermée pour l'instant, hâte de tester le jeu une fois sorti :)

Edit 1 : Béta fermée numéro 2 bien testée !
Un réel plaisir à jouer bien qu'il reste pas mal de petites choses à peaufiner (surtout des bugs).

Hâte de la sortie du jeu final !!!

Retour béta 3 : pas de systeme pay 2 win sinon le jeu va mourrir
fix ruée kaioken
Bug musique/son
aucune recompense pour installer clé
plus généreux sur les récompenses : point premium, zenis, points d'entrainement
hub distrayant, chargement de matchmaking trop long
On verra ce qu'il en est du jeu final !

Edit final : Le jeu est fun, surtout entre amis.
Il est archi vide et les majs d'ajout de contenu sont trop peu fréquentes pour un jeu que l'on a payé.
On est 100 sur le jeu est 50% sont des connards imbus d'eux mêmes.

Conclusion : Bonne idée mal exécutées, j'espère qu'il réitéreront ce genre d'initiative.

Note: This review is based on the open beta.

The $20 price tag is very fitting. This game has the iconic characters, items, and locations of Dragon Ball but lacks gameplay depth. While the full release will add more content, it's clear the main structure of gameplay will make this a game players only play a little bit unless they continue to add meaningful content filled updates.



This game is fun, when you can get into a game. Wait times are horrible, this is just the beta and im expecting it to be better as time goes on but as for now it blows. The matches are too one sided, you either get the dragon balls and pray that your teammates arent 5 year olds, or you lose. The raiders are too strong, frieza is absolutely busted beyond belief. They have a real gem on their hands, they just dont need to fuck it up, but its the people who made xenoverse so they definitely will. Im excited for the full game, but worried updates will not be good, and characters will become DLC instantly, someone like Goku Black comes to mind. All in all, fun game when you can play it, just needs some tweeks!

This game is utterly atrocious. It's literally everything that can go wrong with a asymmetric multiplayer game.
- The mechanics are overbearing, confusing, and there are too many of them, forcing all players to keep track of way too many things at once.
- The HUD and menus are disgusting to look at and the former is INCREDIBLY cluttered, dominating probably a solid 20-30% of the screen across all its segments, possibly more.
- It's horribly one sided, with raiders being incredibly strong and effectively unbeatable in almost every scenario.
- Actions take an absurdly long amount of time to complete, including reviving teammates. Teammates cannot recover themselves to any sort of level before you have to intervene (like in DbD for example), meaning the raider can basically guarantee a kill on first down. It's horrible.
- The visuals are bad, there's awful pop in and downright screen flickering on Fullscreen, which it can randomly swap you to off of Borderless if the game gets closed, forces you to Alt F4 by locking you in a plain white screen, or crashes, which are all things I experienced across the 3 games I played.
- The game itself is janky as hell. Shooting controls make no sense, as where your crosshair is is not where you will shoot, you will always shoot where your character model is facing. Movement, jumping, swimming, climbing, literally all of it feels TERRIBLE.
- THE CAMERA IS AN ATROCITY. If you look in a single direction, and move to the left or right, the camera does not follow your character. Instead, your character will move near to the edge of the frame before the camera gets PULLED with them, leading to an atrocious experience trying to so much as move and look around.
- You literally cannot pick a role. You set a preference, and you're given a CHANCE to get the role you want. Your chance to get it will increase visibly with your "priority" number after each match as the role you actively don't want to play, but you effectively can't just hop on and play a game of Raider the same way you can with Killer in DbD, or basically any other asymmetric game.

Overall this game is a wreck. Don't bother trying it, and don't bother waiting for it to get better, because I feel confident it won't, knowing Dimps' track record with messy and janky Dragon Ball games never getting made less janky. This game is a literal fucking joke. Once again, a game tries to take on asymmetric multiplayer, and falls flat on its face.

Not really a fan. Seems over balanced in the Raider's favour. The controls and combat feel awful, the graphics look pretty wonky, the gameplay is...somewhat fun, but too repetitive, and it's a paid game with a f2p game model somehow.

There's some cool things about it, even just little touches like if you're playing as the raider you can activate voice lines on the loading screen while your character towers over the survivors.

This is one of the nicest 2s I will ever give because this game is honestly really fun and has soul in its soullessness but also has the overall quality of a bootleg graphic tee handed down to you by someone who had worn it daily for a year in high school. A fuckton of the low reviews read like extreme copium after quitting following a few losses in a row. Others are probably pretty reasonable, and I have a lot of shit to fling at this game as well. I'll do what I can to cover as much as possible here.

This game makes so many random missteps and has so many ideas thrown at the wall at once that it's laughable. To get this game you mix elements of Fortnite-ish movement/gliding, a Dead By Daylight-ish premise, Source/GMod-ish Prop Hunt mechanics, weirdly Breath of the Wild-ish feeling climbing and item spam, and the shittiest parts of Dragon Ball Xenoverse-ish combat, and lastly but certainly not least, a gacha system. It feels really dumb to throw together all these direct game comparisons but I think it best illustrates just how messy the package is. And man is it a fun mess.

The game feels pretty decent to play, I'd say, though the camera's level of freedom leaves a lot to be desired for the Raider while the Survivors feel just a bit too sluggish. Using and switching items as a Survivor can also be a bit clunky and locking on with melee or ranged attacks for either party can also randomly fuck up at times. That in particular seems to be an artifact of the game being built from Xenoverse.

Speaking of which, this game being a Xenoverse 2 asset flip is fucking hilarious to me. Both DBXV games already felt weirdly cheap and MMO-ish in a number of respects, and so that trickles even further down into this game. I think the main direct effects here are that character creation is quite limited in comparison to Xenoverse 2, and obviously enough the game ends up looking worse because of the terrible lighting the Xenoverse games have. The hub area is a small circle with like 4 or 5 little buildings in it and slightly over a half a dozen NPCs, though that number is reduced by a lot if you ignore the shopkeepers/mailboxes. It comes across as the Xenoverse version of someone's RPG Maker test town that they make with default tiles before actually putting together a real map. It's super funny. As for something a bit sadder, though, the Raiders seemingly don't have a lot of new assets of most kinds added on, which I was kinda hoping they would considering how important they are to the game. Higher-quality models and animations would be great for them. All we really get is what I assume are new voice lines you can equip to them.

Those Raider voice lines as well as some basic sticker-like messages and barely usable emotes are the only ways players can communicate with each other ingame, by the way. It's really goofy cause some of them are spammable even in the loading screen, leading people to do things like spamming the fusion dance parts to floss or using the crouching emote to no longer be visible on screen.

Now to the actual copium. This game has a lot of small bite-size systems working together at once, particularly for Survivors, which seem pretty overwhelming at first glance. You pick up on it, though, and I'd say somewhere in the first 5-10 hours you get to a point of competency even without having checked any online tips or guides. If you do, that time decreases. The game's tutorial sucks a lot and might as well not even be in the game. I'd imagine it's frustrating for people to get wasted by the Raider on their first few tries and then just assume Survivors are extremely weak and underpowered. Funny enough, though, they're not. They're arguably stronger than most Raiders when you have a team of relatively competent Survivors. There will always be Raiders who are good enough at the game to even sweep skilled Survivors, but in general if you can reach the point of the final Super Time Machine event with good timing, you as a team of Survivors will very likely win through one of your three win conditions. It almost becomes hard to lose once you figure out the best ways to trick the Raider you're playing with. In short, people calling the Survivors too complicated or weak is some copium that is easily remedied by just playing the game for a couple hours or going online and looking up one of the likely 3-4 questions about the game that you might have. If the game doesn't grip someone for long enough to want to do that, fine, but it's not a really high wall to climb in my opinion compared to other competitive or semi-competitive games I've played.

I think the more legitimate criticism comes from those who despise the gacha system the game has as well as its grind and the low drop rates for the premium currency or just dislike the lack of content. The microtransactions in this game don't really show up much at all if you consistently play but even if you do, you will still notice a constant mild push for the game to want you to spend just a little extra. The gacha as of season 1 is extremely barebones with very few potential pulls, so at the very least the gacha itself barely provides much incentive to spend money on it. Even so, I do agree it's scummy and gross that the game even offers those microtransactions at all.

I suppose my advice if someone is wanting to actually play this game and is considering buying the special edition is to just save the extra $10 and either spend it on the premium currency instead or just don't spend it at all. The premium currency you get with $10 will probably do more for you than the items you get from the special edition of the game, as the premium currency at least lets you pick what you want. Of course, there isn't too much to want due to the lack of content and the general low quality of the game's assets. Those and a lack of many maps, as well as very low Raider customization, are pretty disappointing and bring things down further. I think since I'm listing off things they fucked up, the item balance seems kinda bad and also a lot of the items are nearly unexplained without going into Practice Mode and trying them out for yourself. Probably not good to have most of your equipment be unintuitive even after a tutorial. I'm hoping that if nothing else we'll at least get more variety in items in the future, as well as maybe even some more items the Raider can pick up or steal.

I think that reminds me that in general, the game feels like it's missing content. It's hard to put a finger on it, but the smallness of everything and the low numbers for everything other than item prices comes across as being part of a game that is between 2/3 and 3/4 complete. I don't think I have too much more to say on that, but it's just weird. They probably should have waited one more month before the release to just... I dunno, improve the hub world at the very least.

As for what I get out of the game, I can name a few things. I find that the game's an interesting take on the Dragon Ball universe and the fact that it mostly ignores Super is pretty cool to me. I wouldn't be mad if some Super characters got added for whatever reason later, but the cast being fully DB/Z at the moment is neat. The create-a-character part of things is also fun to work with even with the limited options, although I think the saddest limitation imported from Xenoverse is only being able to play as a human. This probably isn't a problem for most people but I really would prefer to play one of the many non-human animal species found in Dragon Ball in the past. Still, the accessories and outfits can be cool and silly or a mix of both, and I appreciate that. I hope prices are reduced for the sake of the grind being less terrible, and I also hope more items get added with further seasons. The moment-to-moment gameplay is also just a fun little loop and a single game doesn't really run more than 8-12 minutes, either. Part of what makes it particularly fun to me, as well as probably my main reason for buying this game at full price as a preorder in the first place... well, that one's a secret. But trust me, it's a multifaceted reason that makes the whole thing more than worth it for me. I don't think most people would care about that part, though, so whatever.

This game is fucking horrible but I find it fun. A lot of the shitty aspects are ones I wouldn't trade for anything else, at least unless the entire game were improved along with those aspects all at once somehow. But even then, something about the low quality and low effort is charming and appealing. Something about the stupidity is infectiously goofy. Hell, as shitty as the microtransactions are, they're at least simple enough to ignore for the most part at the moment. I really hope they remove or rework that stuff, though. I hope the game in general gets supported for long enough to actually become good. It's weird to say it but I actually kinda recommend this game to Dragon Ball and asymmetrical multiplayer game fans if they find the game on sale, especially since it's so cheap even as it is now. Maybe it's because I've played so many properly bad and unfun games this year, but I found this game to be a breath of fresh (low-quality) air that I think others could totally get into too as long as they're aware of the barrier for entry. It's certainly not a good game right now but it did make an impact with its crappy style. Something something Power Glove.

DBDxDragon Ball

Yeah it's alright.

It is incredibly unbalanced. but it can be fun.

For a game that was seemingly in development for quite a while there's barely any content though. Only 3 raiders and a handful of spirits.

also the queuing system is ass.

But yeah, it can be fun. Definitely worth a shot for such a low price tag

They somehow made a game where the flying Saiyans and alike control like shit compared to Bulma

I didn't think i'd have this much fun throwing stinky socks at Frieza

One of the Dragon Ball games of all time. I played it over the course of a weekend, and had an OK time with it. Definitely didn't feel like essential playing, but better than other asymmetrical multiplayer games I've played, for what it's worth. Be prepared for some gacha nonsense, though.

Not enough maps or raiders. Some objectives can be really annoying under some circumstances.

Otherwise it's a pretty cool survival game with a lot of butt-clenching moments.

As a concept, being a survivor, trying to escape and not die from being obliterated by a Dragon Ball villain sounds interesting. The problem with this game is that we're in the Dragon Ball universe where the writers try to top each OP character with every saga.

I have been trying so hard to win at this game but it is near impossible. Unless you're a raider, you're pretty much kissing your ass goodbye for 90% of every match.

Basically as the survivor, you need to set up power keys to start up a time machine that'll fix the time paradox. This would be great except the time it takes to charge up any of these things takes too damn long. Even with more members, it's only a matter of time until the raider finds your ass and kills you before you're even halfway done with the process.

Seriously, the only way me and my friends were able to win was hiding throughout the map, waiting for the other players to die and the raider blows up the super time machine which makes the escape time machines spawn and we all escape without having to do a damn thing. IT'S THE ONLY EFFECTIVE WAY TO WIN AS A SURVIVOR.

You can transform into hero characters but the energy limit drains quick that it's pretty much useless unless you find all the Dragon Balls to get to full power and the Dragon Balls are a HASSLE to find.

The balance between raider and survivor is so unbalanced, it's insane. Picture a seesaw. One side with five toothpicks, the other a sack of bricks. The raiders. Are. BROKEN.

Of course the raiders are gonna win most of the time because this is a universe where everyone wants to be the most powerful being ever. You have a slight chance to win against Cell, you can win against Buu if all of you gang up on Spopovich before he gets enough energy to wake up Buu but Frieza is pretty much a death wish. AND DON'T GET ME STARTED ON VEGETA. If Vegeta goes ape, you're dead. Simple as that.

I swear they always know where you are and every match as a survivor is rinse and repeat, make a little progress and then you die.

With how unbalanced this game is, it's so hard to make any fun out of it. And yes, it's fun with friends but I'm tired of that excuse because that can be said for any game. Good or bad.

Dragon Ball: The Breakers is a 3/10.

You know they just added a "The" to the title so no one would do CBT related jokes.
Too bad, this game is about as fun as breaking your balls.

This game isn't that bad. If your playing alone this will definitely be a pretty bad experience, but if you are lucky enough to have friends to play this with you its actually a lot of fun. Having one of your friends get the villain and trying to kill you, or being the villain and hearing your friends squeal down the mic is fun as fuck. After a recent update if you queue with friends none of you will get the villain and you'll only queue as survivor, this was done to stop teaming between villains and survivors which was never a huge problem in the first place. Another thing I hate is the gacha elements, you can def grind a bunch of games to get the currency to unlock stuff but paying with money is way faster. This definitely has potential but is far from perfect but still a very fun experience at its core.

If its anything like the Closed Alpha I played a few months ago, its dogshit. Survivor gameplay is overly complicated and confusing, the camera is really weird, Killer seems to be either overpowered or weak as shit if you get matched with people decent at the game.

My main gripe out of everything is that you CANNOT PICK A SIDE. It is pure RNG who gets to be survivor and who gets to be the "Breaker" and that's stupid. Dead by Daylight actually has this right, where you just queue as survivor or killer. With this all you have is a preference. I can sort of understand it because who would want to be Joe Schmo as opposed to Cell, but that's honestly an issue with the core game concept.

Maybe I'll give it another shot at some point, but only if it goes on sale for a pathetically low price.

It’s almost impressive that this thing exists

Janky as hell and rough, but a pretty fun game for 20 bucks. Playing either side has a decent learning curve to it, but the survivors is much easier to pull together than the raiders. My major complaints really fall onto how infrequently you get access to the raiders so you're punished very hard with little room to build for playing raider poorly and Buu especially demands some margin for error to get to the point where you can become successful with him. Frieza and Cell by comparison are much more simple and have some amount of training wheels to make their early game a lot more tolerable.

Think the game could do with talking about what it's got going forward and not having this idiotic microtransactions model, but as it stands I've gotten a lot out of my time put in so far. I never played DBD so it's nice to play one of these games and just like it, but I'll play anything DB related for such a low price. Looking forward to seeing how it develops.

It's a lot of fun. A little jank but if you're a fan of the universe it's a new take on it.

Fun, definitely enjoy it more than DBD. Dont like playing raider much as I just personally find Survivor to be more rewarding and fun to play, but even still as a solo player I have tons of fun with it.

WOW i love big open fields with nothing to do except wait to get your ass kicked.

One of the STINKIEST asymetric horror games. IF this wasn't a DBZ game it would have been even more DOA than it already was

Not as bad as everyone makes it out to be. It's easy and fun to win as both survivor and raider. Game came out with little content however is gradually updating. Can't wait to see more from this game!

Очень странная игра. За выживших играть не очень весело. За рейдера поиграть почти невозможно. Можно часами ждать своей очереди и так ее и не дождаться. Донат в такой игре лишний