Reviews from

in the past

isto zumbis isto bastante zumbis

I know that most people absolutely love this game, and at first I did too. But after coming back to it after getting burned out a while ago, I got increadibly frustrated at the combat in the mid-late game. The parkour, story, and early game combat in this game are absolutely amazing, but the mid game combat just became a bunch of me getting constantly stun locked and overwhelmed by the hoards of zombies. If you try to shove, hit, jump over, literally anything a zombie, another one will hit you while you are stuck in the animation. What results is constantly backing up and hitting the one in the front of the line until they die (which takes like 10 hits) so you either spend 30 minutes clearing out one group of zombies because new ones keep joining, you get pushed into a corner, or in some story missions, you just kill one enemy and then die because they two shot you and then you go back and kill them one by one. It's very tedious and it feels like there is no skill involved in killing them. Maybe I'm missing something like I'm supposed to be upgrading my weapons more or something, but at this point I'm so fed up with it I don't even care anymore

loved everything about this game

vf pas ouf et quelques trucs chiants niveau parkour mais puree quel kiff

A game had never made me feel like this since this game. The power i felt exploring and conquering the open world i have not felt before. Completed the Base game and following DLC.

I never got to finish this game, because my friend put me through EVERY SINGLE SIDE QUEST, and it had just burnt me out too quickly. I do enjoy every mechanic of the game and the leveling system, but I would have finished it if it wasn't for me being burnt out. this game was free on Epic when I got it, and my friend suggested that we played through it. Though I had other games to finish, I decided to play it with him. When I was playing with him, he was more focused on leveling and completing the side quests than getting through the game, which is what I was focused on. I decided to put up with it and do the quests, and I really do regret it. every time we finished all possible side quests, we would do a story mission, and it would just unlock a whole bunch of other side quests in the game, which made him put the story off for another few hours. I could not take the quests anymore, and the next time he asked me to play, I told him that I though the game was boring. he convinced me to get back on, and as soon as I did, we went through even more side quests, which was unbearable. I made an excuse that I had to go and got off. I never touched the game since. I hope to come back to it someday by MYSELF. but I don't think that will be anytime soon.

UPDATE: finished. it was okay.

Very fun parkour zombie fighting game. I absolutely love it. I have an extreme bias though, as this is one of my favorites of all time. IDK why, but everything clicked for me. Part of it is also definitely nostalgia for me.

The story is just horrendous but just running through the city feels really good, and I love that I can go in each house

Me diverti muito com o pouco que joguei.

imagine a game in which the main story sucks, and yet it still manages to create and atmosphere and world that truly conveys the apocalyptic scenario of Dying Light.
this, among the visceral combat and liberating parkour makes the game truly unique, and while it has its set-backs, it's truly a game worth playing, even just for the gameplay.

Its allright, pretty cool and intense, very inmersive aswell.

After revisiting this game; I've noticed I like dying light 2 more. But! that doesn't mean this game doesn't deserve a 5* rating.

Man I love this game to absolute death. The story is really basic yet super fun and the characters are really well written. The gameplay is so goddamn fun and night is horrifying (although it stopped being so after the first 100 hours of playtime lol)

didn't play the dlc but this game is a masterpiece, great game design and a simple but effective story that doesn't interrupt the gameplay too much.

hard guy kills zombies for corrupt organisation, cool game :)

A parkour zombie killing game that came out of nowhere.

The Survival Horror in this game is great with you having to be constantly on the lookout for materials while also trying to be aware of your surroundings looking out for these zombies which are probably one of the scariest and best in gaming. Then you have the Fighting and Platforming which adds such a breath of fresh air to this genre with the player having the choice to either fight or flight in many different scenarios really having the player think in the moment. While exploring the Open World gives you these options, sadly the Action Adventure missions kinda forget about this philosophy and just puts you in these poorly done sequences were you are forced to either fight or flight removing the choices you had when exploring the Open World which is pretty annoying. So yeah that's my review, I'm going to be giving Dying Light a Plain 7 on the recommendation scale.

Watch video:

Really fun movement and world. Plus a interesting enough story to keep you playing

Very fun zombie killing parkour game, very replayable. I quit this game right before the last story mission of the base game. So the story wasn' t fantastic. Kadir is a Vaas wannabe from far cry 3.


um dos jogos mais divertidos de zumbi que tem, e a DLC agrega bastante

I haven't played it to the end because I don't like it at all, I don't know what other people like about this game, but I'm not getting into that. I'm not saying anything bad about the people who play this, but I can't finish this and I don't like it at all. I don't plan to finish

bütün oyun boyunca quick time event olmayıp sonunda quick time event vardı

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