Reviews from

in the past

An amazing concept executed so so poorly. Not worth purchasing.

Quizás soy yo, no el juego, pero me esperaba un juego de sigilo interesante, y me encuentro que no hay apenas mecánicas para ello. La historia parecía interesante a pesar de la sobreexposición de los personajes, y la idea me parece genial, pero el resto de cosas dejan demasiado que desear. Una pena.

"Feelings unspoken are unforgettable."

Every single one of Andrei Tarkovsky's films are contenders for my favorite film of all-time. Every single one of them. However, this is the one that speaks to me the most strongly, the most personally. It reminds me of my father, who passed away only a short two years ago. It reminds me of my home, which I love and miss so dearly. It reminds me of my past, my childhood. There is so much going on in Nostalghia, so much to take in, that to some, it may come off as perplexing.

To those people I say, "I understand," because indeed it is a very complicated, even mystifying film. Therefore, instead of going on and on about how much I love the film, I am going to provide a number of brief theories as to what I believe this film is about.

Keep in mind that this is only one man's word, and as Tarkovsky would say, "poetry is untranslatable, like the whole of art."

Things to keep in mind while watching Nostalghia...

- Materialism has had a strong influence on modern society, and it's important to separate yourself from this influence as much as possible, in order to stay in touch with your true self.

- People are constantly transforming in ways both good and bad; one of the most miraculous transformations that a human being can experience (or even observe) is that from daughter to mother.

- There is no need for our world to be so divided, so broken up. We must come together as one and be kind to all souls who dwell on this Earth.

- It can be very difficult to leave your home, and your family, but the world is a gorgeous place - a place worth exploring.

- There is great beauty, even in darkness.

- Stay faithful to those you love; resist temptation.

- Love even those who (attempt to) betray you.

- The creation of life is a miracle worthy of pondering, worthy of deeply appreciating.

- Human beings can learn great things from their memories. One should not stray away from these thoughts, but rather, use these thoughts to better themselves.

- People can be cruel; they always have been. That will most likely never change.

- Bring light into the world. It is your responsibility.

- Learn to accept the person you have been, the person you are, and the person you are becoming, or you will be met with great melancholy.

- While the world is beginning to end, it is not yet beyond repair.

- A child's innocence is not only precious, but divine.

- There are many paths that one can take through life, and it is up to each living spirit to decide which path is best for them to take.

- Death is not the end of life.

This is one of the few films that I can safely say has made me a warmer and more caring person. To those of you who haven't seen Nostalghia, it comes highly recommended from me; to those of you who have seen it but remain unsure about the film, trust me, it gets better with each and every viewing.

I'll leave it at that for now. Remember:
"One drop plus one drop makes a bigger drop, not two."

good concept, story and decors
But game gets too repetitive and is quite punishing.
Wish it was more action-oriented.
Very nice though!

In literature, Jorge Luis Borges' Library of Babel is an imagined space where all the books and all the possible books are stacked on shelves in an endless library. The Library's infinite corridors are better realized in ECHO, set on a dormant planet where each interior is a part of an impossibly large Victorian palace. As En, you find yourself sneaking, running, and shooting your way through an army of clones that learn and adapt from your every action. The mechanics cleverly force you out of your comfort zone, living as an improvisational survivalist. Do I shoot and let my clones learn how to aim? Or do I sneak silently, hoping I can avoid them better than they can avoid me? ECHO, on all fronts, felt refreshing.

Hauntingly beautiful, easier and more game-like than it initially appears, harder than you expect as you get further in. Stealthily navigate puzzle-like levels where your actions come back to haunt you in the form of clones that attack with whatever you did in the previous day/night cycle. Love love love the conversations between the main character and the AI living in her spaceship. A tragic, bittersweet ending. I really wish this game did better and the studio had stuck around because I desperately want more games with this vibe.

such a cool concept and visually it slaps but the game just gets so old


I feel like the game started very well but as soon as you get to the middle of it everything started to down fall.

They had lots of potential to make the game mechanics even better like adding an upgrading system- where you could maybe increase stamina, upgrade your pistol, decrease the "En"/Echo's radius detection, etc...- but they just never added anything else by the end of the game, except for the Super Echo which they added to maybe make it "more challenging" and to prolong the gameplay more.

Slowly, I kinda got boring with playing til the end because of how it gets too repetitive and sometimes annoying.

The main menu is pretty sick though I like what they did with it. I adore the Victorian-type map designs and aesthetics, its very elegant to look at.

Overall, the game was pretty okay I'm just really bummed out that they didn't add more to the gameplay cos they really had potential.

Poucos jogos foram capazes de me deixar num estado constante de agonia e tensão como ECHO.

Essa é uma literal experiência única dentro da mídia, que sobressai e complementa-se diretamente por toda limitação técnica e orçamentária que pode ser considerada um empecilho a quem decida jogar.

Todo cenário caminha na entrelinha entre um delírio febril e uma maestria arquitetônica jamais alcançável. São infinitos corredores, salões e ambientes liminares que desafiam a noção de espaço e te colocam dentro do que só pode ser descrito como uma grande esquizofrenia. O senso de encanto aumenta exponencialmente a cada capítulo, e por mais que a estrutura geral possa muitas vezes ser repetitiva, não tira a criatividade imposta em sua execução.

A mecânica principal é simplesmente brilhante, e se complementa de forma tão natural com o que o jogo lhe permite fazer em gameplay que fico com uma imensa dificuldade de colocar em palavras tudo que me cativou. Há uma constante calculação do que é possível fazer em cada ciclo e como você se coloca em desvantagem para se colocar em vantagem. Há que considere as ações disponibilizadas simplistas, mas não, são decisões conscientes que não funcionariam de outro jeito. O quanto o jogador está limitado casa com a tensão causada por ECHO, que te coloca como pivô decisivo do que você enfrenta e um oponente exatamente igual ao desafio apresentado. Simplesmente MAGNÍFICO.

ECHO é um dos jogos mais visual e mecanicamente criativos que já joguei, e um que ficará marcado em minha memória por anos a vir.

Durée parfaite, esthethique tres bonne et bien rythmé