Reviews from

in the past

fun gameplay, music was kinda hit or miss but the ones that hit were super good, story was just really crazy (in a good way) and i love those funky silly agent guys
"agents are... GO!"


So charming and addictive, maybe the first rhythm game I'm halfway decent at... and there's still more to unlock? I miss silly games like this on the old Nintendo handhelds, such a shame it never got a sequel on 3DS

OSU for the DS. Good songs, gameplay was great. The circle spinning was a bit rough on the screen though.

Um jogo rítmico incrível, com música com copyright mas todas regravadas e ficaram boas demais, quem puder jogue ou escute as versões dessas músicas famosas no jogo pois tem algumas que são melhores que a original.
E esse jogo (ou a versão original japa dele) inspirou o OSU e que me matou a vontade de jogar ele quando não podia.

Totally forgot to log this one

This is a simple but very fun rhythm game, style is off the charts and I got lots of genuine laughs while playing. Reminds me a lot of WarioWare in the best way. Song selection is definitely strange but I find it weirdly charming hearing songs like The Anthem crushed down to DS quality. My one big gripe with the game is the scoring system, for some of the later stages on higher difficulties it makes it nearly impossible to even clear songs without getting a practically perfect rank (looking at Jumping Jack Flash specifically here). And it’s just annoying bc I find the harder charts so much more engaging but I want to play them without constantly being on the brink of failing for the most minor mistake. Other than that, super fun time, definitely gonna check out one of the Japan only games some time

This game lives on through my Spotify

if you played osu and haven't played this game you are a fucking bitch

If I had any idea this was going to become The Ur Rhythm Game I would have become just impossibly depressed. The abstracting of rhythm as a unit of music or element of performance has only contributed negatively to the average gamer's ability to enjoy music. This is where the idea that divorcing the sound of music from the activity met purchase in play and man, it's a drag.

Elite Beat Agents is such a special game. I don't think I'd be able to conceptualize a more peculiar amalgam of story scenarios and song choices if I tried - but that's really its magic. EBA has a lot of fun with its own premise, and packs a lot of truly frantic energy into its fairly dynamic rhythm gameplay. As Yano has said, this game really does harmonize with its hardware incredibly well to best utilize the DS. The difficulty spike at the end doesn't play nicely with the sometimes overly-cluttered Touch Screen, but this game is as memorable as it is short (very)!

Didn't get higher than a C on anything. Still a fucking masterpiece

"omg its so good" no its not it sucks

I should probably get out of my recent rhythm game mood soon like there's only so many ways i can say "very fun and charming!!!!! 9/10"

Stupidly fun game. Charming, hilarious, with a great visual direction, and some great songs chosen too. And the covers are pretty well done too.

I played this first as a kid, and yeah, I loved it just as much back then. Also it introduced me to just about every song in this game, which is cool.

I think my only real complaint is that some of the charting feels a little bit wrong in places, or at least, I couldn't tell what part of the song was being charted. But for the most part it was really solid. I guess it's also really short (~2 hours), but given the whole experience that this is, I'm more than happy with what we got. Really fun game, would highly recommend.

Hard to emphasize enough just how silly this game is and what a genius idea it is too. The gameplay is really tough but mainly fair, the comic book illustrations are goofy and even heartwarming at times (and in the case of a sort of christmas themed level, a bizarre tonal whiplash that had me honking like a damn goose)

There are some strange rare design choices that cause minor moments of frustration, like one song constantly switching on and off between off-beat hits and another song that can overwhelm you with a flurry of notes right after an in-song cutscene, but in general, this game absolutely rules. It does a great job translating the song's lyrics and major beats into a firmly telegraphed form with the overlapping circles + lines that have to be traced as held notes, and they're all placed carefully in order to keep the chart and the player in-tune with the beat, perfect for the compact DS touchscreen. Admittingly it's not ideal relying on sheer score accrual over individual stage rankings to unlock the bonus stages, but it at least provides another incentive to master more difficult stages and the hardest settings when the thresholds are set that high. Either way, the game's charm is absolutely infectious and it never gets old watching three guys in suits and sunglasses dance away everyone's problems, no matter how minor they may be. Without a doubt, I can see myself coming back to push through the highest difficulty after clearing this on normal, so it's an easy recommendation despite some low points. I saw this advertised all over the place as a kid and can't believe it took me this long to finally try it out: hands down one of the best titles on the DS, and it's a real shame we don't see anything from iNiS anymore.

I have listened to jumpin' jack flash by the rolling stones more times in the last 24 hours than any person ever should in their life. easily going in the top ten games I played this year btw. if not the top five.

Felt inspired to give this a solid 4 instead of a 3.5 because this was so rad. Way too short and we failed as a society for not allowing this to sell better! At least Osu! exists.

I'm glad this game exists, but I shudder to think that it could have introduced me to osu! instead of bitcrushed Jamiroquai

Super bizarre yet charming Osu spin-off, works well with the DS stylus. No problems here.

To this day this is the only rhythm game I've ever been good at. Going for 100% was super rewarding and fun and all it cost me was my ds touch screen

10/10 would destroy my ds again

Final level is a huge difficulty spike and i swear the games not the best at picking up inputs but the songs and charm of this game are killer so it more than balances out.

Random side note like 70% of the characters are blonde for some reason lol.

One of the Most feel good rhythm games in a story sense real ones teared up at mission 12

Osu pero con gracia y música agradable

A very fun rhythm game on the DS, which nowadays is compared to another rhythm game, 'Osu!', that looks interesting to me. The plot is very humorous with the power of music that only the EBA can use to fix problems, but it's pushed as a side aspect. The music was all licensed music which was a breath of fresh air for all the rhythm games I have played so far, which was amazing. They had songs like 'Sk8er Boi', 'YMCA', 'I Was Born to Love You', 'September' and many more which is fun.

I don't understand why this is in the Touch! Generations lineup of games for the DS, maybe because of the music? Idk, but it's very replayable. Definitely wouldn't mind trying to play the game again in a higher difficulty, for sure.

Wife’s Reaction:
“So they lip sync to the hits and gyrate, and that somehow saves the day? Okay then.”

Agents are... TRY AGAIN!!:
I didn’t like Elite Beat Agents when I gave it a go back in 2019 so I tried again. The coreof it all—the comic scenes and the music—are why you should take the time to play. Yet the track list is small, and though it has variety it lacks cohesion. I also don’t find the gameplay itself particularly compelling.

One of my favorite games of all time, i played this SO much my lower screen had circle marks on it. The music is good, the presentation is charming, and playing it on a DS is the best way to experience it. Emulators don't do it justice, and playing OSU is just not the same at all, i will trade the unlimited songs it has for EBA (and the two DS Osu games) for it anytime without hesitation.

I used to play it and the osu games on a flashcard until my ds broke, luckly i managed to find an used copy years later and i can play it on my 3DS. I'm a little rusty but i can still beat hard rock.