Reviews from

in the past

I have never understood why people hate on bethesda open world games. This game had me hooked from the start. The amount of side quests and options seemed almost overwhelming at times. The story is iconic, and the soundtrack forever imbedded in my brain. A great game that i will likely return to time and again.

100%. Fallout 4 recieved alot of hype because of its marketing and was made a lot because of it. Looking back, it's easy to see there was so much more that could have been done with this game. The world is colorful and pretty to look at. The gunplay is a massive improvement from Fallout 3 and New Vegas. And the new camera gives dialogue a very cinematic feel to it. As good as the presentation and feel for the game is, it certainly let down the more roleplaying mechanics associated with the series. Morality is always inclined to make you a good guy. Your choices don't really have much effect on how quests finish and skill checks are almost entirely absent from the game. It's fun to play sure. It's a great game, but not the best Fallout game.

Very fun game, that is held back by glitches and lag.

An extremally underwhelming experience. The illusion of choice is the games biggest problem.

Played but couldn’t quite get into it. Really enjoyed the concept.

I love this game despite not being the best of the franchise but the fact that it's impossible to play this game smoothly on PC pisses me off.

I sank ages into this one. I still haven't finished the story.

a inserção de um protagonista com falas provavelmente é um dos pontos que mais quebrou minha imersão jogando Fallout 4. Apesar de gostar bastante do gênero proposto pela Bethesda (jogando este logo depois de sair de longas horas jogando New Vegas), Fallout 4 se prova ser muito competente com as implementações que trás, apesar de sua falha em manter o senso de liberdade que sua empresa se propõe em seus jogos

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the fact this game expects you to care about your shitty robot son is hilarious

will defend this game until my grave for nick valentine alone

Good game, really bad fallout

Not as good as the two previous games but still a very good RPG. The Quests been a bit too generic at times and the base building stuff wasnt needed at all.

hit way too good at a way to good time

super laggy on ps4, but was a fun game, recommend the PC version for mods but the game is decent vanilla.

i have played this game at several points in my life and never beat it but its a decent game, not as good as new vegas or 3 but the power armor is cool and the modding is fun.

Some of the stuff in here is dogshit and some of it is great, which is just most Bethesda games actually

Having not played any of the previous titles, this was a blast to play. I loved the player progression, the post-nuclear war world, and the VATS system. There is, however, GLARING performance issues. Crashing at least once a session (6-10 hours), terrible game-breaking bugs, and egregious voice-acting. But man I love it.

it's incredible how boring and empty this game is compared to all the other ones

Easily one of the best games to set out and explore for days at a time.

I can't. I'm sorry, but I can't. Every time I try to play this game, I'm immediately reminded why I uninstall it every single time. There's not a game I've played that fills me with this much vitriolic dislike towards every aspect. The voice acting is just as stiff and emotionless as to be expected from a Bethesda Fallout, but made even worse by having your playable character be particularly wooden, and made even worse by the devs making them talk at any possible instance. Skipping dialogue becomes irritating just because of the model/face glitches and the "uh huh yep soooo hmm"s from your character. It's not enough for the game to let you know that you don't have bobby pins, your character has to mention it, too! This may seem nitpicky, I know, but it's just a constant reminder of Bethesda's consistent ability to absolutely obliterate any possible immersion I can experience in the game. I have to be reminded that I'm playing a character that doesn't sound (nor emote) like I do, that my stat selection and point allocation don't matter, that the world of Fallout is nothing more than a big playground with cool armor, that story takes a backseat to being a cool badass wanderer, that nothing that ever happens matters. It's the same sin as Fallout 3, but unlike 3, this game doesn't even get the half-excuse of "well it gave us New Vegas and was an impressive transition to 3D!" Speaking of 3 and New Vegas, I'm kinda shocked at how many people say that this game has good gunplay, when... it doesn't? At all? It feels like an uncanny valley between a smooth AAA shooter and the clunky days of 3/NV, and it just makes every combat encounter feel sluggish and weak. There are some interesting concepts (i've always liked the idea of power armor making you a literal walking tank), but they're always executed in the worst possible ways that makes me not even want to give them credit for the initial idea. Everything in this game is wrong to me, and it marks the final nail in the coffin for Fallout as a series, 76 just lowered the casket.

If you like this game, great. If this is your favorite game, great. I'm glad you can enjoy something that I loathe so much. But, unless I eventually bite the bullet and pump this game full of QoL mods that make it even mildly tolerable, it will remain as my least favorite game that I've played, for reasons both inside and outside of itself.

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i found really fun dont think many care about the shitty son or dead spouse but still game was fun