Reviews from

in the past

It is a hard game to rate because for the time, it was outstanding, but for today's standards, not so much. Still, I give it an almost perfect score because of all the fun times it delivered to me and my friends back in the 90s/early 2000s.

Also natalya is a bitch

pretty good, looks and controls like crap now but it's still worth your time. campaign is okay but the multiplayer is goated


Gostáva muito de jogar este jogo no modo multiplayer com o meu pai, fartámo-nos de nos divertir!

The grandad of team deathmatch.

This game was awesome when it came out, today not so much. But the golden gun and DK mode will always have a special place in my heart.

Amazing gameplay which follows the events of golden eye the film really well. The best part of this game has to the be the co-op with friends. Its really a game from its time and if played, have to to played with this in mind.

Only real negative is the poor controls with the n64 controller.

First game i ever played, got me into gaming so i owe it all to this game. Masterpiece.

(PT-BR) Eu assisti um youtuber da gringa falando que esse jogo era ruim por causa dos controles, mas como ele tá sempre fazendo ironia, eu não sei se o que ele falava era verdade ou não, então eu tomei o que ele disse como ironia, afinal né, se tu fala ironizando 90% das vezes nos vídeos e depois fala algo sério, é óbvio que as pessoas vão considerar aqueles 10% ironia também. Acontece que não era ironia, eu joguei e achei ridículo aqueles controles onde analógico pra cima olha pra cima, mas analógico pra direita faz tu se mover pra direita, deviam ter logo copiado doom.

(ENG) Videogamedunkey said this game was unplayable, but i tought he was joking since he jokes all the time, but in fact he wasn’t. I’m not used to this controllers, i try to look up and my character moves foward, i try to go back and my character looks down, it’s insane and i died to the second enemy. Also i played the switch version, they really should have fixed the controllers there or implemented an option of selecting alt controllers inputs, i don’t know why they didn’t.

I loved GoldenEye as a kid, but trying to play it now with its funny controls and erratic framerate isn't how I want to remember the game.

Revolutionary for the time, but the controls have aged poorly.

Meu amigo, depois que lançaram mods para jogar com mouse e outras coisas, esse jogo pulou de "relíquia excelente" para um jogo que até hoje é sensacional no que faz.

Clunky shooting, infinitely spawning enemies, and plenty of horrible confusing mazes. Maybe worth it at the time, definitely no longer now.

Fun when I was younger but unless its remade in a way that makes it as fun as the original was, it's hard to go back to.

this game ruined a whole generation of shooters with the addition of escort missions, rng recoil, infinite enemy spawns and some more artificial bullshit that i don't remember, which set back the doom-ification of fps genre for like 20 years.

you don't see people mentioning these issues because everyone and their mother apparently only played this game on lan, or on agent difficulty.

not hating the movie tho, it's kino, and cradle was prolly the only good thing about the game which justifies the half stars

Potentially one of the most overrated FPS games of all time. This game aged like milk and wasn't even a great FPS for its time. This is from the same era that brought us Quake and Blood. GoldenEye just cannot compete with the movement, level design, and weapon arsenal of those games.

This isn't even the best 007 game. Nightfire clears this easy.

Only N64 game I've ever played.

Cannot imagine why they let me play this, incredible shooter for the time, my uncle beat the shit out of me every single match.

dk mode
slappers only
oddjob vs jaws

I have not played this in so long there is no way I can rank it. I miss it a lot.

Fun in the basement in the early 2000s. Definitely not saying to go play it now.

One of the funnest Summers I had was when my neighbor had this game.

*UPDATE: I played this at a bar in Tacoma WA recently and had to accept the fact that this game holds up extremely poor.

Lots of amazing memories playing this with my late dad. We'd spend hours on the multiplayer maps. I know it doesn't really hold up today, but this was gold standard for the N64, and you were definitely the cool kid on the block for having it!

Despite it's very dated controls and graphics. This is still one hell of a good time. Plus multiplayer is amazing still

Not fun if you're not British. (I'm not British)

Game belongs in both the history books and the toilet.