Reviews from

in the past

Shooters are not my thing but the score is impeccable and the multiplayer was ok. I played this game years ago so in recent entries it might seem clunky and slow.

King of Split-Screen Shooters growing up.

Get this and 3 mates to come over and you'll have the best of times.

Campaign was pretty good too

Un classique du FPS console, avec un multi où je ne compte plus les heures passées avec mes cousins et mon frangin.
Et détient la meilleure musique pour un écran de pause dans un jeu vidéo.

Il existe une version Xbox 360 remasterisée, complète mais jamais sortie (officiellement).
Il y a également un remake (avec un nouveau Bond à l'allure de Daniel Craig au lieu de Pierce Brosnan) sorti en 2010/11 sur Wii, PS3, 360 et Nintendo DS.
Et le jeu a été porté cette année sur les services Xbox Game Pass et Nintendo Switch Online.

I don't remember if I ever finished this game, but one sure thing is I went further than my father.

fond splitscreen memories of this game, menu music went hard, other than that I feel it's pretty unremarkable in the grand scheme

Aged like milk. The multiplayer is still fun tho

Oddjob haunts my dreams. The sound design is pretty great for an N64 game though.

revolutionary for its time, but man, has it not aged well

Great game for n64. I was better at this game than smash brothers.

I was a hater for a real long time but I just played against a friend for about an hour and I think I see the light now.

This is the most revolutionary fps ever made. Yes Wolfenstein 3D was the first, yes Doom pretty much created the genre, yes Half-Life brought interactivity, yes Halo shaped the modern fps.
But GoldenEye moved the genre forward in every aspect of it. It also has one of the best multiplayer modes ever.
Ultimate classic.

This game planted a ton of seeds for the FPS games that came after. Unfortunately, I'm more of a PC boomer shooter guy than N64/TimeSplitters guy. Also this is the only FPS to have given me motion sickness.

Muito do bolado, nunca joguei depois de velho mas a criança em mim ama esse jogo e comprou o cartucho de novo

Another perfect local co op game with also a very deep single player that encourages perfection. Hard to pick which is better this or perfect dark but both 5/5

Not really my game, but I can see the good parts of it. Enjoyed for maybe 10 minutes but then got kind of bored and that’s a huge flaw especially for this type of game.

Joguei no meu N64 a muito tempo atrás, é simplesmente muito bom

Childhood Classic, earliest memories are of playing this game

Y'all niggas gotta stop lying to yourselves, playing this game feels like operating a car with a Butter Churn. Only carried by Nostalgia and Music

GoldenEye is one of those games that's kind of transcended itself into legend category if you ask me. Anytime you ask someone what are some of the best FPSes ever made, you'd be hard pressed to find at least one person that DOESN'T bring up GE.

I never bought it and to an extent, I still don't.

Let me be clear, I don't think GoldenEye is a bad game per see. But not only does it not hold a candle to the other offerings that were available around this time, but it's outclassed by it's successors (Perfect Dark, TimeSplitters) in every way possible.

GoldenEye's single-player level design is a mess. I only beat this game with a guide on hand because nothing is as obvious as it should be and it's so easy to just waltz into the exit of a level and fail it thinking you got an objective done, but just didn't. PD and TS's levels are a lot more direct and clear in comparison.

On top of that, this game's multiplayer offerings are poultry compared to PD and TS. It's still solid, sure, but compared to what came after it I don't see why anyone would want to pop this in for multiplayer outside of nostalgia.

And the biggest factor for me, this game is nearly UNPLAYABLE on its' original hardware. Make no mistake, PD from suffers a similar issue (perhaps even worse so), but the OFFICIAL modern ports of PD and TS are just better compared to that disappointing Xbone port from earlier this year. Play this with the hacked 1964 emulator with mouse injector if you're curious but overall, I'd only recommend this if you like Perfect Dark/TimeSplitters and want to see how this type of console shooter got its' start. But even with that... nah. There's just better FPSes out there, even on the N64. Doom 64 came out just a few months before 007, for crying out loud.

Não sou de jogar joguinho antigo, mas esse é muito bom, a trilha sonora é a perfeição. Nesse aqui da pra brincar bastante, é uma relíquia e cai bem em qualquer época!!

In the day it was cool (except people choosing Odd Job). In hindsight, it's not good.

One of the most influential console first-person shooters of all time. When this game came out in 1997 there was nothing alike and playing this for the first time was a mind blowing experience.

Besides the obvious high points of this game such as great graphics and soundtrack, the gameplay really stood out above all else by introducing objective based tasks within each mission that changed and built upon each other depending on the difficulty, thus extending the replay value of the game. Gunplay was excellent and simply different from the twitch-based shooters of the time. Aiming and hitting different body parts and objects had different effects a provided a new layer or realism that was previously not found. Level design was very solid, following the main events of the Bond movie and complementing all other mechanics of the game wonderfully.

Furthermore, besides the excellent single-player campaign, this game also introduced one of the most addictive couch based competitive multiplayer modes of the time. I spent countless hours playing this with friends, there wasn't anything like this and the experience was truly unique.

While it's true that the game has not aged well, those of us that had the privilege of playing this "back in the day" can vouch for its importance and influence and will always hold this game in the utter most high regards.

that motherfucker thought I didn't play the full game, fuck that guy. I did and owned ass at it

This game completely redefined what a first-person shooter is, and while the game can feel quite rough nowadays, it is still a fun time solo or with friends.

This game has an insane amount of content in it, from characters, weapons, stages, configurations, and missions to complete. This gives the game a large amount of replayability, yet implementing an "unlock all" code doesn't keep players from having to play through the entire story mode to unlock everything for multiplayer.

Despite what this game has done for the industry and the FPS genre, I cannot lie about the controls. This game has not aged well at all and feels very awkward to play when compared to titles from today. It boils down to the C-Buttons being your camera control with the analog stick being for movement, and it just doesn't feel good. It feels like tank controls most of the time, which is very frustrating to get a handle on.

This is a game I would recommend to people if they want to look into the history of FPS games. While it feels clunky today, this game has a lot of merits that are worth looking at and celebrating.

The legendary game GoldenEye. This is the game I got with my N64 and I spent all day searching around the dam level for bungee rope as it wasn’t in my inventory. It was a landmark game for not just first person shooters, but video games in general.

GoldenEye had the brilliant idea of adding objectives that were more than just pushing buttons then going through the level again to look for something that has changed. You had to protect certain people, blow up certain objects and find objects. On higher difficult options, you have more objectives to complete.

The praise of GoldenEye has been done countless times before, but one aspect I think is overlooked is the level design, in terms of how the levels feel like actual places and buildings and not a nonsensical string of rooms and corridors.

Part of this is due to how the developers made the game: the GoldenEye team had never made a video game and was a risky experiment from Rare to throw people who had never worked in the video game industry to see if they would come up with unique methods. It’s quite shocking that they were willing to do this with an IP like James Bond, but it paid off.

Typically, the objective and player path is made first and then the level is built around that, but for GoldenEye, the levels were constructed and then they added the objectives and decided where the player would start. This meant that some rooms are essentially “pointless”, but it helps makes everything feel real.

The muiltiplayer was another huge surprise – a few of the developers started it with 6 weeks of development left and without getting permission to do so first. It was simple, but at the same time extremely enjoyable and is still one of the most famous multiplayer modes in a video game.

Some aspects of GoldenEye haven’t aged well, particularly the controls (although there are dual analogue options hidden in the settings, requiring two controllers), but sort that out and it’s still an absolute joy to play.

My introduction to coop FPS this game along with the N64 as a whole holds a special place in my heart as a gamer 😎