Reviews from

in the past

A proof that rockstar can make a gta game with actually good storytelling

My favorite GTA Game. I just love how dark and dirty it is. I love the characters. Niko Bellic is easily my favorite GTA Main character. Yeah....I even like the car handling.

better than gta v, but bugs in the pc port make the last mission impossible to complete

The only gta game that I beat and never picked back up until dlc

One of the very best video games ever made.

Joué vite fait au multi c'est tout

Most underrated GTA title. Not even gta 5 can match its physics system. I don't know why they removed it.


solid gta game, clear of GTA V

küçükken galeriden arabayı çalıp sonra hilelerle dolaşmak zevkliydi hikayeyi bilmiyom

played it when i was little, havent finished it

Best story.
Great characters.
I personally don't find the controls to be wonky or anything. Plus I prefer the weight of this game over the others.
This game has amazingly good singleplayer expansions.
This game and III/VC/SA are the ones I go back to the most but this one is the game I have played the most. It never really gets old.
Also, the multiplayer was so much fun in this game. Had to be there.

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i didnt really like this game the first few times i played it and i was originally planning to log it once i got 100% but i finished a playthrough recently so decided to just do it. For some reason it grew on me a lot this time around, perhaps it's playing on a good pc with consistent FPS and good ol console visuals mod (mod where it restores the console visuals and some other stuff from the consoles, not really major but i liked it a lot while playing), the game's unfortunately still really buggy but nothing game breaking except that helicopter bug at the end of the out of commission ending. it was still an overall very fun experience.
the driving is arguably the most important part of the game and they took a big risk with it by making the cars more "fluid" i guess and not exactly bolted to the ground like other GTA games, once you actually learn how to drive and know when to slow down at turns and slowly handbraking, the driving becomes very fun and i honestly cant imagine playing with the driving like V or any of the 3D era games after IV, the driving was too good.
the open world is probably the best out of any other GTA game, perfect atmosphere of late 00s NYC blended with NPCs that keep it alive and strangers you find around, really great.
missions unfortunately were still pretty repetitive but it's heavily carried by its dialogue, music and driving, V has more cinematic missions but IV with its gunplay were pretty satisfying
The story was good, nothing special and not as good as V but it was good enough, Niko is a great protagonist and characters like Roman and LJ are very well written. The endings couldve been done way better as they're 2 options, one that's really bad and you lose roman and kate (not through death but she stops contacting you) in it and the other is where you lose kate only who was introduced like a quarter in the game and wasnt really developed that well for the player to care about, and you still get the 250k regardless and roman still talks to you, so there's really no benefit to picking the deal ending. the money that makes you do the deal ending in the first place is given at the end of the revenge ending. Could've been done way better by maybe introducing a better character at the beginning and developing them alongside roman or something, but still alright, not too focused on the story since it's a rockstar game
Amazing game overall and despite its flaws is still a pretty fun game with a fantastic open world and very fun driving

Haven't finished and was a whiiile since I played
Great game tho, Niko is awesome, cars are funky as hell

Top 10 OAT. Such a dark and very realistic story for the most part

Some of my earliest online memories. I forget most of the story, need to replay.

Grand Theft Auto IV has by far the best story telling in the series, and maybe in video game history. It's a serious plot from the point of view of the not so serious Niko Bellic. This is the perfect character to put into a bunch of situation along-side his rather normal cousin, Roman Bellic, who, up until Niko came to the U.S., was really just trying to make it like everyone else. I won't go super into the story despite it being so old, but I'll put it this way: GTAV was the fun quirky game that made shooting people and robbing banks seem fun. GTAIV flips that on it's head a little bit, with some of your choices having actual consequences, big or small. You just have to do what you think it morally right most of the time. There's also more to this game than just robbing banks or stores like GTAV. At one point, you help a mob boss sell meth. And just just a tiny part. The third act kinda tries to have Niko doing a bit too much at once, but it inevitably ends super climactically in 2 different ending that are some of the best I've ever seen. It's really good. I also enjoy the driving far much more than GTAV. Cars do feel more slippery, but it's stuff like the impacts that make it feel good, and look even better. There's also the custom amazing ragdolls in the game that give it so much personality. I'm so sad that so much of the attention was lost on GTAV, but brought back in Red Dead Redemption 2. Amazing game, always.

I had a bad experience because I was playing on my four-year-old tv and playing on the controller when I usually play keyboard and mouse games; because of this, my aim was terrible, and I failed a lot of levels, making me restart the whole thing annoying me a lot. Adding insult to injury, I picked all the bad choices regarding the ending and got the wrong one—just a horrible experience. If I played this game on my PC and knew which ending to pick, I could see this game quickly being a 4/5.

Best story, but wonky controls

In my opinion, next to San Andreas, the best of the GTA series. The story is incredible, the physics and the main character is what I love the most in this game (the main character is Serbian like me and often in the game he speaks a little Serbian and mentions his childhood in Serbia) recommendation for the game

my fav gta game. the side characters felt so alive and the option to go out with them was saurrr fun

niko we love u.

El protagonista sea probablemente el mejor de la saga junto con trevor del 5, el problema es que le pasa lo mismo que a todos los GTA y es que a la larga se vuelve repetitivo, pero lo compensa con una buena historia y un buen personaje, que el juego te deje elegir como quieres terminar también me encanta, le da un toque rolero chulo que hace que cambie un poco la historia.

en lineas generales es un muy buen GTA que me ha costado bastante terminar porque no llegaba a enchancharme, pero que al final esta genial.

el juego en pc tiene un rendimiento horrible