Reviews from

in the past

Simplesmente absurdo. A primeira metade confortável é simplesmente quebrada por uma série de acontecimentos pesadíssimos! Construção de personagens impecável e temas muito bem explorados. Só tenho uma pequena ressalva com o sistema de socialização, que ás vezes atrapalha a narrativa.

Better than the first ep, I found the school setting to be very enjoyable and creepy. Hi Vincent

My final thoughts on this game are on the third ep!

Improves on the first game in every area where it exists, really liked that one. It tells a much more intriguing and complex story, though it's still a bit confusing. To sum up, hearts are broken, looking forward to playing Ep3.

Övmeye çalışırsam batırırım.

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loved all the endings. excited to play ep 3.

Definitivamente um dos meus jogos favoritos de todos os tempos, com críticas, analogias e história maravilhosas, e que até hoje conseguem ser muito bem apliadas pra nossa realidade. Um jogo incrível do começo ao fim!

Pese a que tuve problemas en Steam, este entró a mi lista de favoritos de todos los tiempos, me gustó tanto que olvidé el primero, pero para llegar a ese punto también me encariñé con el inicio así que recomiendo ir en orden <3

TW: Temas delicados de salud mental y existencialismo, puede causar desesperanza al final(es).

starting ep3 tomorrow but wanna jot some thoughts on the duology as is. like both quite a bit, maybe ep 1 just as equally as this. in particular ep2 is more forthright in its suffering but cloaks what would be naked cries for help really cleverly. like the titular charlotte the text seems at both ends exorcising some necessary catharsis and questioning whether said catharsis is even helping anything, much less being therapeutic--characters abound with taunts and riddles for the audience investing in charlotte's suffering in hopes for some kind of didactic bow to justify the pain, yet same characters take interest in charlotte's suffering for their very own didactic lessons and utility. tries at all three to both ridicule altruism as an ethical doctrine, pathologize it as a psychological motivation, and dismiss it as a political utopianism---yet, also, offers only calming reassurance that your choice was understandable when you go to grave lengths just to relieve someone's else pain. both more of a 'RPGMaker' game in drawing up social interactions as random battles but also not a RPGmaker game in how ambivalent it is about you engaging with this system at all (could be misremembering but im p sure ep 1 at least had health values but in here they were just ??). conflicted conflicted but far from confused, i think the text is confident in its ambiguity, a read bolstered by the very ending coda being yet another dilemma that pricks at the audience's investment in the narrative. like drake said,,,,, its a combination. uniquely invested in the risk of vulnerability in relationships as shown by the drama and that same risk of vulnerability as a creator to audience as shown in the metanarrative, ane's cooking imo

I'm gonna have to replay this. I played Hello Charlotte 2 a few years ago and this game bothered me, but it may have came to me at the wrong time in my life. I remember just not having a fun time reading C's bullshit-- definitely on the list to be replayed

Ah uhm eh???
Idk how to write anything cohesive so ill just say i dont like how much epic lore there is in this series so far like i literally do not fucking care, i also think all the stuff with the ppl in the house is stupid, i understand plot wise why they exist, but I don't understand WHY they exist if you know what i mean.
I also don't understand how certain things are supposed to work logic wise which is something i dont actually give 2 shits about but when its put so front and center i cant exactly ignore.
The school and dream sequences are really good. Like Im not gonna talk abt it in detail but there are certain segments in this game I will remember my whole life. very excited for 3

EDIT: forgot to say the social commentary is laughable but the person who amde this was probably 16

ay pero q dura es la vida del estudiante estoy tristísimo


Vorágine conceptual que expande y mejora todo lo que planteaba el primer episodio. Aquí hay lugar para teorizar sobre universos paralelos y deidades más allá de toda posible comprensión, pero todo ello se usa como punto de partida para algo mucho mundano y, a la vez, humano como son los confusos y turbulentos sentimientos de una adolescente y cómo se enfrenta a un mundo demasiado hostil

Я люблю игры Привет Шарлотта
Потому что
-сюжет дается не очень связано и если не разбираться то ничего не поймешь
-игра кайфовая и мне понравилось

Muito diferente do EP.1, também muito mais estranho e interessante. Adorei a estética e a Charlotte.

This is a beautiful game, and improves on aspects that were enjoyable in the first game. I would suggest it but it does leave you in an introspecive and depressed brain fog. I actually latched on a lot to the characters and the dynamics and even years after playing, I feel myself have commit to memory every single aspect there was in this game, still theorizing and consuming the story pieces.

Joguei logo após o primeiro jogo, é muito gostoso ver a evolução de um para outro, tanto quanto na arte, música e a história ficando cada vez mais interessante e reflexiva.
Parabéns aí jogo de RPG Maker que me emocionou e me deixou com alguns questionamentos.
Achei até injusto pegar esse jogo de graça, pois eu pagaria para ter uma experiência dessas.
Ansioso para jogar o terceiro e "último" jogo
Vlw pela recomendação

a proposta, a execução, os personagens, tudo parece simplesmente muito bem polido e bem encaixado, apesar de que não só parece, como de fato é, a evolução em arte, musica e direção é além de notável louvável, impacto técnico este que fica ainda mais forte quando se joga o ep 1 e logo depois este. Questionamentos levantados pelo jogo fazem seu jogador realmente refletir sobre a realidade que vivem, viveram e viverão no futuro, desde simples coisas como detalhes da ambientação que adaptam a uma realidade cruel que é a daquele mundo, como diretamente em ações de personagens e seus conceitos e discursos, tudo nesse jogo se coloca como uma narrativa cativante que consegue se fazer valer com muito menos tempo de jogo do que muitos outros, assim poderíamos dizer que Hello Charlotte Ep 2 fez um jogo similar a um conto muito bem escrito, digno de ser um clássico

nota pessoal: mudou minha vida, obrigada de verdade por essa obra prima Etherane, eu serei para sempre grata pelo que seu trabalho fez por mim

eu tive uma jornada parecida

I honestly don't know what to feel about this. Torn between it being a legitimately really good and interesting work, or a very clumsy work that tries to use ideas too complex for the execution the work was capable of. Way too blunt from minute 1 where "What's going on" is so easy to spot that confusion less comes at the moment of twist and more so around it as you wonder how on the line the work is riding between "All made up/mental illness" and "Kinda real"

Kinda hard work to say anything about so i will just say that the bit when you get into the town is such a good depiction of the utter hostility that cities treat children with. Not comfortable at school, not comfortable outside. What else can they do but stay inside?

for all its messy sci-fi tangles and caustic irony and sprawling mythologizing this felt raw and tender in a way that kind of really hurt. doubles down on the eminently alien as a ruse to make its naked human ugliness more potent when the time comes, presenting a scenario where the essence of all stress, tension, and threat is mundanely, terribly, crushingly adolescent at heart

a wealth of increased design hospitality baits a hostility that draws from acrid power dynamics, self-destructive altruism, loss of autonomy, strained health, and the uniquely miserable feeling of being a fucked up teenager. that its concluding act leads with its most insincere, grating posturing only to directly pivot into end times earnestness makes for one of the most convincing tonal portrayals of angst and isolation I can think of

instant teencore classic (deeply affectionate)

The goal of any piece of art is to invoke an emotional response in it's viewer/reader/player, be it simple pleasure, self-reflective melancholy or militarizing hatred. Hello Charlotte, in being an opaque piece of traumacore, chooses to invoke desolate depression (or so my experience indicates). It's incredibly intelligent, blunt and well-executed as a piece of visual and literary art, yet it chooses with this talent to be unabashedly nihilistic. While I am unsure how the trilogy concludes, Episode 2 as a standalone piece is a work made to plunge it's player into a hopelessness, listlessness and determinism. Our darling pale princess is cursed with an incurable illness, swathes of bullies, dozens of gruesome game-ends and divine reconstructions of her flesh, all of which she (and us as her captors) force her to endure. The most credence is granted to the ideologies of C and Frei in their influence over Charlotte, and it forces an incredibly heavy philosophical onus onto both her and us, the player. While I would recommend this game off the merits of it's art-style and witty writing, these aspects of the experience cannot be isolated from it's spite for life and distrust for others. I do wish the creator the best if such thoughts truly are a reflection of their beliefs and the intentionality of their art. Hello Charlotte isn't edgy or scary, it's just occasionally painful. The cosmic gore and mathematical jokes made me fall in love, but my weekend was thrown into an absolute slump as the price of admission. Play at your own risk.