Reviews from

in the past

Satisfying to kill hordes of enemies quickly and large character roster. fun game

Kickass game. My introduction to musou and it pulls it off wonderfully, on top of also being a great piece of Zelda fanservice

Pretty solid title with a fun story and a unique, addictive gameplay style. I was told at one point the gameplay was based off of another series but never ended up finding what it was, so I'm looking forward to that eventual discovery.

very laggy with paid dlc to unlock more content but still pretty fun

Not super spectacular but it's a pretty fun game to play and that's all it really needs to be

This is just Zelda fanservice, but man I've put like 100 hours into it, I'd be lying if I said I didn't think it was good

OK hack-'n'-slash with beautiful graphics. Very content-heavy.

i remember playing this with my cousin and making him do the imprisoned quests with me so i could unlock ghirahim (i never did). not ashamed to admit that i was (AND STILL AM) down horrendous for volga and hw ganondorf

Literally too big of a game.

Nearly peak fiction. Love the combat and gameplay!

the gameplay of these games i found super fun and loved the crossover aspect between different zelda games, peak zelda spin off game.

This game is sweet. Yes, the gameplay does get repetitive, it doesn't matter to me because very character feels so different than any other. You get so much value out of the game, it is unreal.

Got old quick and was eclipsed by the Switch version but there was an engaging game in here in its own mindless hack and slash way.

This is a high ass review for this game but its grindy nonesense with zelda. THIS WAS MADE FOR ME

never understood the appeal

Very fun but not much else to it.

The story is good enough and is fun to follow. The original Hyrule Warriors did have some super frustrating moments how you couldn't control your troops and they always died way too fast without you babysitting them. Also the fact that adventure mode is most of this game is kind of annoying because you unlock items you can't use cause the story mode is over. But with that being said it is a good game and I always get an ego boost killing 100 enemies at once. Also it is my first experience with dynasty warrior games.

didn't beat it, but what i did play was fun :D

Surprisingly good. Basically just run through a field and kill loads of monsters but its pretty mindless fun

incredible hack and slash with beautiful graphics and enjoyable cutscenes. 8/10

A fun musou Zelda spinoff chock full of fanservice and surprises, and an easy sell if you still have a Wii U.

Un bon défouloir avec une durée de vie titanesque pour ceux qui cherchent le 100%.

From what I played, I quite liked. Good entry point in the Musou genre. Impa for the win.

This was actually the first Zelda game I ever played, despite being so different from the mainline games, I have it to thank for making me a fan.

Un jeu au gameplay franchement peu profond, on spam la touche d'attaque pour massacrer des hordes d'ennemis, on active de temps en temps un coups spécial qui détruit encore plus d'ennemis. Les boss et mini-boss requièrent un peu plus de jugeote, à savoir utiliser une arme secondaire au bon moment. Le jeu nous invite un peu à poser notre cerveau de côté contrairement à ce que la série Zelda nous a habitué. Pourtant c'est vraiment jouissif d'autant plus que ce dernier n'est pas radin en contenu, c'est un vrai plaisir de pouvoir incarner tant de personnages de la licence, en plus de personnages créés pour le jeu et certains ayants plusieurs armes qui changent complètement leur moveset, du classique Link à l'extravagant ghirahim en passant par Midona ou Ganondorf et même Tingle ou Skullkid, le nombre d'option est énorme, et en plus des missions de l'histoire de nombreuses missions bonus plus corsées et qui permettent de débloquer notamment certaines armes secondaires il y a de quoi faire en dépit des apparences. Ici ce n'est clairement pas la direction artistique qui brille, ni le level design, ni l'histoire mais j'imagine que dans un jeu de se type ce n'est pas vraiment ce qu'on recherche, ici tout est un prétexte pour des crossovers improbables et de la baston. Le défouloir parfait pour les amateurs de la série Zelda, comme moi.

Love the idea, love the gameplay, will not go back to 100%

A fun spin-off, but I don't have the love for it as I do the mainline titles.