Reviews from

in the past

They knew they were sipping glory playing out that entire "Let It Go" scene

Does no one shut up in this game

i still don't know quite how to feel about this game four years later, aside from the general feeling that its story is incomplete, which is quite disappointing, considering that it was MEANT to tie up the xehanort storyline.

combat is very fun, although still doesn't live up to the grounded feeling of khii. this is the WORST iteration of the gummi ship, somehow.

also read the sleeping realm theory

Me lo volví a pasar pero esta vez en modo experto

No es el mejor de todos los KH pero si que le guardo cierto aprecio, el final de un arco, un viaje difícil pero disfrutable.

Aún me queda el Remind pero lo terminaré pronto.

Achei o gameplay repetitivo, mas gosto da ambientação.
Tentaria jogar de novo.

years of my life wasted in anticipation for a steaming pile of mediocrity. still better than 3D though.

Them Disney worlds were putting my ass to sleep. Everything else after was peak gas tho.

I’m simple. I see all my fave characters getting a happy ending, fun combat and nice additions (gummiphone + bistro) and I’m immediately satisfied.

How could the series fall this far where is all the final fantasy how did the story that already make no sense get even more fucked up

Beating this game in retrospect is fun because a lot of the release hype has completely left me, so I personally ended up having a blast.
There are, of course, some hiccups. Arendelle is a SLOG of a world to explore, and the game throws a lot of new combat stuff at you AS SOON as you begin the game, but it's fine.
Pixar being added into the movie mix, alongside a lot of fun character interactions that help delve into a new interesting story arc is the best part about this game, and I'd be lying if I didn't say that the ending for the basegame absolutely threw me off-guard when it hit hard!
I love this game a lot. I'd dare call it my favourite KH game so far, but that might be recency bias kicking in. They're all good games! :)

Un des meilleurs jeux Kingdom Hearts selon moi.

This is the most expensive feeling game ever made at all times.
Just trust Nomura and his team, it always works.

disappointing could've been a lot better but it was still really fun

desgraça de conquista essa da dança

Greatest of all time. Was worth all the garbage that came before (excluding kh2)

This game broke my heart...
Still fun to play, but I could feel how rushed it was and lots of soul was beaten out of it. Oh how the mighty have fallen with this game. At least the DLC fixed what was wrong with this game.

perfect finale to the first arc of the game series

Kingdom Hearts III, my Dearly Beloved.

this is just like when MCR released Danger Days after The Black Parade

genuinely the combat is so smooth and fun and yes it can be too easy but that's why we crank it to critical now and get destroyed and keep going heheheehehehehehehe.

Have you ever felt such absolute glee and horror and shock and just wow as a story that has been builidng and building reaches its first major climax and then leaves more breadcrumbs for you to follow and the bread is good. the bread is fresh out the over. the bread? buttered.

Did it fail to live up to the hype? Probably. Was it still really fun? Absolutely. Definitely my least favorite out of the core 3, but the crazy combat and diverse worlds are enough to distract you from the ridiculous story.

kh3 is really good when you dont hang on to nonrealistic expectations although I do think the combat and story could use a lot of work

fever dream nightmare hellhole schizoid delusion

I like how the tangled world killed my PlayStation fan.

for me, the most funny KH, including DLC

Wasn't really interested in the story because I had no clue what was happening because kh3 was my first, but I really liked the gameplay.

this game reminds me of when life was good