Reviews from

in the past

I tried it in real life after playing the game. I killed my family by burning them.

It scratches the itch that every American man has to put on cargo shorts and white tennis shoes and mow the lawn. I downloaded this game as a joke, expecting to play it once and delete it.

Surprisingly, I played it off-and-on for two weeks. A few of my friends got really into it and took their own turns cutting the perfect lawn. There is a sense in which the game is very satisfying.

That being said, the mowing mechanics, which are the core of the game, are frustrating and buggy. The premise and primal satisfaction of the mowing the lawn isn't enough to overcome the frustration and keep me coming back long term. I'll retire my cargo shorts for now.

Honestly didn't know what I was expecting. Great pallet cleanser after AC6 tho.

Relaxing but my god controls are kind of wonky and its fairly hard to tell where he grass has been cute and where it hasn't been.

Lawn Mowing Simulator is a game that lets you experience the joys and challenges of running your own lawn mowing business. You can choose from a variety of mowers and strimmers, each with their own features and specifications, and take on different contracts in beautiful British locations. The game has stunning graphics and realistic physics, making you feel like you are really cutting the grass. It’s also very relaxing, as you can listen to the soothing sounds of the blades and the birds, and admire the scenery.

However, it is not without its flaws. It gets VERY repetitive over time, as you have to do the same tasks over and over and over again, with little variation or reward.

It also has some loopholes, such as being able to skip parts of the job without losing any money, you can trick most of the challenges, you can just take littering jobs (which are the worst, terrible idea) and get lots of money, and the list goes on…

There’s also a disproportionate amount of grind to get the achievements, which requires you to spend hours upon hours doing the same jobs. The game could use some more content and features, such as more customization options, and also implement a better game design to provide a better experience. Even if it’s expected to be repetitive at some level, it doesn’t need to be boring most of the time.

Overall, Lawn Mowing Simulator is a game that can appeal to fans of simulation games who are looking for a relaxing and realistic experience. However, it can also bore and frustrate those who are looking for more variety and challenge. The game has a lot of potential, but it also needs some improvement.

P.s.: I got specially angry with the 4th of July achievement… I knew I’d need to complete a lot of jobs to get to the date, but come on… who the hell thought it would be a good idea to make it a SUNDAY on the first year?! Once you get to the 4th, you still have to play a whole in-game year to be able to get the trophy. That just pissed me off so much I uninstalled the game immediately.

ABANDON HOPE AND SANITY, YE WHO ENTER HERE. it is not worth playing, not worth completing, not worth rating, and not worth a proper review. THE CLOWN-FACED TROLL BASTARDS WHO MADE THIS OWE ME A REFUND FOR THE TIME I PUT INTO THIS MISERABLE EXPERIENCE!

I mean, it is what it says it is. Relaxing to play while listening to a podcast. This is a multitasking game, not one you’d want to actually play in earnest by itself.

The camera is completely awful and nauseating. The core gameplay loop is alright, but gets extremely repetitive once you get some workers. I don't really see what the end goal is (getting the last HQ?), so there's no real motivation to play, other than seeing your money go up.

its fine enough to pass half an hour here and there, i get that it's literally just a lawn mowing simulator, so that's all you do, but it would be nice if it was a bit more in-depth, i think i would enjoy it if the lawn mowing was part of a greater experience, rather than being the only experience

part of me is impressed by the tech, tracking each blade of grass

a bigger part of me enjoys the calming nature of "cleaning things up" in a stress free environment

the biggest part of me is really frustrated by the length of mowing sessions and the pickiness of some requirements and the twitchy honestly broken controls on a lot of the mowers you can buy

a good game ruined by lack of polish really

Half of the features of this game don't even work.

the greatest game of all time?

So, that was a wash. Or a mow, I guess? Since this game has some attention surrounding it, and since it's presented with some more style than other work sims, I hoped that it'd be among the new generation of more exciting work sims, like Arcade Paradise, but this really is just a straight lawn mowing simulator that is n't especially gamified. You mow grass. That's it. I guess the tutorial told me that I will, later on, be able to hire employees and have a mowing empire, but really, you mow grass and I guess you can probably buy boring upgrades for your boring mower for your boring job, but the core gameplay was literally just mowing grass and I played two or three levels of that before I uninstalled. It wasn't even, like, gamified mowing with combo counters or at least small lawns to start with. Nope, realistically huge lawns with just dry and realistic mowing going on. I'll pass.

Z początku bardzo fajna i satysfakcjonująca. Z biegiem czasu (a nie potrzeba go wiele) gra zaczyna trochę męczyć, niektóre rozwiązania naprawdę bardzo niezrozumiałe, a szukanie kupek z trawą jeżeli nie mam zbiornika w kosiarce to jest jakaś katorga. W kategorii gier relaksujących jest cała masa lepszych pozycji.

sure, you mow the lawn. but it's not gamified, responsive, or fun in any way.

I wish I liked this more :P

I am a big PowerWash fan so after finishing all the content there, I came back to lawn mowing sim. But it just sadly doesn't hit the same. The gameplay is not satisfying which is like the one thing that it needs to be. And it's really difficult to tell which sections of the lawn you have mowed and which parts you haven't. The graphics are nice in the game but the grass looks like ass. Overall it's pretty boring, menial and unsatisfying.

Lawn Mowing Simulator was a pretty cool lawn mowing game, and the only one i've played. The controller vibration made my hands numb like a real mower does. Immersion is a 10/10. Game overall is a 6/10.

spent 20 mins on the first level and realized how boring this game was

the camera is so annoying, i barely finished the first contract and rage quit it

I don’t know why I expected to love this.