Reviews from

in the past

O jogo é bom, no quesito história ele deixa um pouco a desejar depois do primeiro, nesse são poucos os personagens que são desenvolvidos, a história falha um pouco em te prender mas não acho que seja ruim. As mecânicas e jogabilidade do game continuam a mesma com algumas coisas adicionais que são melhores, todos os personagens são bem carismáticos e isso ajuda a fazer você continuar jogando. Diferente do primeiro esse tem vários finais possíveis, mas todos muito fracos, mas assim como no primeiro, não existe um final 100% bom. Enfim, para quem gosta da franquia acho que vale a pena ser jogado mas sem esperar muito. (Cassidy é disparado a melhor personagem, pena que só aparece em 1 capítulo)

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an amazing game all around, however the only thing that made me annoyed at the game was the way that the collectibles show a picture of where they are and that will never change. after the heist i was amazed that my choices led to massive consequence such as losing my eye and ending up in the caravan place since i’ve played every other game in the series and they’ve never changed the story so much because of my choices. but this illusion that your choices have massive effect was ruined when i look ed at the collectibles and realised that i HAD to end up in the caravan park and the heist could of never gone right.

nothing was ever the same after I played this god forsaken video game

get out of my actual head

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I think overall this game is better but im removing a star for the stupid weed chapter. That chapter was the worst. Fuck the two love intreats and their crusty dredlocks.

O melhor jogo da franquia até agora, e uma das melhores histórias que já tive o prazer de jogar.
A história dos dois irmãos lobos e toda sua trajetória é linda e emocionante demais.

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I really wanted to be one of the contrarians that thought LiS2 was an overlooked gem. I have played it, thought about it, and I am not one of those people.

LiS2 has plenty of its own merits. It's still a "good"game (or at the very least solid). I like the protagonist and most of the characters. The writers are still doing a nice job of humanizing complex people. I definitely got emotional several times. But I am more interested in the things that I found lacking. Not because I "want to be a hater", but because I think the conversation to be had about this game could be a learning lesson for choice-based narrative point-and-click games in general. Trigger warning: Comparisons to LiS1 will be made. Not because I want to, but because it is necessary.

LiS1 has impeccable structure. I am currently working on a video describing just how much info is packed into the first "level" of the game. You essentially know everything you need to know for every set-up of every plot in the story before you hit the thirty minute mark.

LiS1 does a lot with a little. LiS2 does a little with a lot.

I'll be frank, the game is way too fuckin long. There's a good reason most of these choice-based narrative driven games typically clock in between 9 and 12 hours (LiS2 is a whopping 16). Telltale's The Walking Dead tells a very similar story (survival odyssey with a child) in 12 hours or so.

The Walking Dead's plot is to-the-point and unquestionable: it is the zombie apocalypse and we need to get the fuck to an island. In contrast, despite a fairly compelling inciting incident, LiS2 is never quite clear about why running to a town in Mexico that we've never been to is the best course of action. In fact, it questions itself many times about this through the characters themselves. And when I had found myself making my 9 year-old brother work on an illegal weed farm in Cali that was being enforced by a giant scary man with a military-style rifle, I thought to myself, much like GOB in Arrested Development, that "I've made a huge mistake".

The road trip could have worked, obviously. It worked in The Walking Dead. It wasn't great in LiS2. Characters and places came and went with the seasons (literally). The only constant were the brothers. Which I get was the point, but it's not a point that was successful. The worst side-effect of this plot decision is that Sean has to interact only with his child brother for most of the game. And they are already brothers that love each other, so what all exactly is there to explore there in terms of an arc?

It has so much more time than LiS1 and The Walking Dead. And yet it tells less of a story.

It is an absolutely puzzling decision to not give the player character the magical powers. They are instead relegated to Daniel, a sweet baby child. Remember how fun it was to hit L2 and reverse time in LiS1 to solve puzzles and conversation mistakes? Now you ask a 9 year old to do stuff for you. You look at a thing, interact with a button, and a second later an npc does the magic stuff, which is typically just lifting something telekinetically out of your walking path. It's not very engaging.

In terms of the choice-based systems... I actually think it was a neat idea to make your influence on Daniel (a subtle compiling of all the things you've told him and stuff you've done in front of him) an unknown quantity in how certain situations would play out. It makes Daniel feel like his own person rather than "just another child-kick you have to protect in a video game".

The problem: Daniel makes some of the biggest decisions in the game. Not only that, but the "influence" thing seems to run counter-intuitive to your ability to role-play. I told Daniel to be a good boy and only use his powers when he absolutely needed to. That resulted in somebody getting real hurt later on and Daniel going "What? I thought you said don't use my powers?"

It takes away from player agency both directly AND indirectly. Kind of a feat.

Daniel is a truly awful child. By the end of the third episode, I kind of wanted to scream every time our main goal became "save Daniel" or "respect Daniel". Daniel would not listen to save his life. Literally. Here are some things Daniel does:

1) Breaks into a drug dealers house seconds after I sternly told him to stay put or else we might die. This resulted in us and our friends not getting paid for weeks of slave labor. It also got Sean knocked tf out by a big man.
2) Decides to break into a drug-dealer's vault after being told that "that would be very bad to do". It results in several very injured people (some potentially even extremely dead) and Sean losing an eye--something horrific on its face but even more so when you remember Sean's main drive in life was to be an artist.
3) Leaves Sean for dead and ends up in a religious cult, totally buying into his newfound belief in God. He refuses to leave with Sean, which results in Sean getting massively beaten in front of him-- nearly to death. And even then, Daniel still feels conflicted as to whether he should go with Sean.
4) Hurts his brother with his powers multiple times throughout the story.
And now for the grand finale:
5) Fucks with the VERY obviously bigger than him, very angry, very racist neighbor teen which results in the death of his father and a year (potentially 16 years) of horror and trauma for his brother.

I do not really blame Daniel. I blame the writers for using Daniel as a plot device.

LiS2 tries to tackle very serious American political themes. But dear reader... just remember who these writers are. They did LiS1, a campy highschool sci-fi mystery. They wrote, "Ready for the mosh-pit shaka brah" (which I now love). Now imagine them trying to do pointed, serious representation of what it is like to be a person of color in America in 2016. It's about as tactful as you are thinking.

It is good to confront racial politics and experiences in media. Necessary actually. But perhaps these were not the people to do it. There are times when it honestly feels like trauma porn for people who aren't hispanic (similar to 12 Years a Slave).

LiS2 is a weird combination of LiS1 and The Walking Dead, but fails to reach the heights of either. It wants to have its own identity, but struggles due to its namesake. It wants to be "important", but lacks deftness and call-to-action due to the limitations of its writers.

I read in interviews that the devs basically wanted to completely distance themselves from LiS1 (bewildering). It is clear that they wanted to do the complete opposite of everything related to LiS1. And, while doing the complete opposite of a game that was very successful and beloved is a bold artistic move, its also very counter-intuitive. The only person I've ever seen pull this off is David Lynch--that's a PRETTY HIGH difficulty setting. You may as well be playing Death March of The Witcher 3 for your second playthrough.

The game should have been its own thing, similar to Tell Me Why, a game much more successful executing its pursuits (probably due to actually consulting the communities it wants to portray). So the ultimate problem here (opposed to the seeming consensus among the LiS1 fandom) isn't that LiS2 isn't LiS enough. It's actually too Life is Strange.

this game has no plot and is just them jumping around uninteresting places with stilted characters and some racism is bad sprinkled in. i don't gaf bout these two brothers, voice acting is atrocious. game is honestly laughable at times, but tolerable

For a game that ISN'T about time travel, it sure skips around a lot, which is my biggest issue. You get introduced to a big cast of characters in one episode only for them to get shifted aside to a whole new cast in another episode. And it's not like we're meeting them at the same time as Sean - he's known them for weeks now... and then they're just gone.

I don't want to have to read a bunch of journal entries to understand what's going on. This story has a beginning and end, but doesn't know what it wants to do inbetween, so it just feels disjointed. Sometimes it just felt like I was spending three hours wandering around until the actual action came in right at the end (for the cool music video, of course!)

Life is Strange 2 suffers from what the first one did with the "important" dialogue choices. You are not Sean (or Max) so you don't get choices that are out of character for them. You get choices that Sean (or Max) would make, so it's extremely frustrating sometimes. This isn't The Walking Dead Game, it's way less ambiguous with who your character is.

I disliked Sean's mumbling. He is definitely the weakest voice actor. He has a sweet voice, but it seems like the only thing he's good at is pretending to cry. Any actual emotion is void. One example is him telling Daniel to "STOP!" in Episode 3. Despite that, I really felt for him. Daniel has his problems, but honestly, he's a nine year old that likes playing Minecraft. I don't blame him for the way he acts in certain situations. The only issue I had with him was in Episode 4 (where I almost hoped Sean would leave him there).

ANYWAY the original score is really good and the game looks pretty, though it makes my PS4 sound like a spaceship.

a bit disappointing unfortunately

História excelente
Narrativa ótima
Personagens carismáticos
Trilha sonora fantabulosa
Enredo muito bem escrito
Cenas memoráveis, impactantes, emocionantes e muito marcantes
Decisões e escolhas muito boas
Direção é o PEAK
Jogaço, masterpiece suprema e o melhor jogo com essa pegada de foco narrativo com escolhas que ja joguei na vida ate agora, obra prima e meu novo vice GOTY 2018, JOGUEM ESSA PEDRADA MÁXIMA DA SQUARE ENIX

least subtle game ever written, unbearable after 5 hours

Ugh I honestly can’t say I enjoyed playing this at all. It just felt as if the writers hated Sean and wanted to subject him to as much crap as possible. All of the endings absolutely sucked.

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Possibly one of my favorite story/choice games OAT, the story felt incredibly well written and enjoyable to experience, instantly fell in love with Sean and Daniel after the first episode all the endings and their choices leading up to them felt great to play through (I got blood brothers on my first playthrough)

A sequência de Life is Strange, agora protagonizada por Sean e Daniel, é uma decepção em quase todos os aspectos.

A trilha sonora do jogo é o ponto mais alto, pois a narrativa é fraca e entediante, além dos personagens secundários serem descartáveis.

it was a good game!! but it felt like... more rushed than the other games? also the romance options are :/ and the ending made me feel so empty :D!!! but still a good game!!

Made me feel emotions at the end of the story and the soundtrack is beautiful. Loved the different environments as opposed to the previous LIS titles.

I love Life is Strange. In retrospect, yes, the first has really cringe dialogue at times, but it truly felt like a modern but unique Twin Peaks.
LIS 2 has better written dialogue and choices that do actually add up to something unlike the first game. However - not much really happens in it? At one point you spend 5 minutes or so clicking buttons to cut marijuana. It also has annoying kid syndrome, which is essentially the selling point.

Cara, a história é boa mas no geral o primeiro ganha em quase tudo menos na escolha final, o jogo só não é um 4 pois sofre mto com problema de vale da estranheza

Histoire bien plus sympa que le premier, à base d'émigration et de cavale de deux frères issus de l'immigration, ce qui me parle plus que les personnages Disney Channel de Life is Strange premier du nom.

I really liked this game until it was talked about 24/7 and I dedicated my life to an edit account of this game

O prólogo é de longe a melhor parte do jogo, as decisões (que não temos controle) são insensatas e convenientes para o prolongamento do jogo.
Poucas coisas estão a nível da franquia, é cansativo e não via a hora de acabar

holy shit guys racism is bad

Not as good as the first one, but at least the brothers are very likeble and realistic characters. (Opposite to Chloe)


Com certeza foi um dos jogos mais emocionantes que já joguei, a história é perfeita, amo muito essa franquia.

Взрывное начало быстро ввело меня в курс дела касаемо новых правил - Life Is Strange 2 более жесткая, бескомпромиссная и испытывающая на эмоциональную восприимчивость история, где "обращение времени вспять" такой же вымысел, как и "телекинетические приемы" для первой части - последствия уже не отмотать, на сцену выходит классическая импровизация реального времени, а "ключики от способности" и вовсе больше не в руках игрока, хотя и предлагают опосредованную доступность.

Эксперименты с лишением главного героя сверхчеловеческих качеств начались уже с Before the Storm и успешно развиваются здесь. Таким образом, игровой процесс Life Is Strange 2 как бы сводится к обретению влияния над носителем способности посредством выстраивания доверительных отношений сквозь череду решений разного масштаба. Эта идея хорошо ложится на историю про двух по-волчьи связанных братьев, отданных на произвол судьбы и вынужденных в экстренном режиме осваиваться в новых пугающе суровых условиях жизни. Младший и вовсе совсем ребенок, а потому нуждается в наставлениях старшего. Здесь и рождается пространство возможных решений.

Технически игра на голову выше предшественника - сцены стали более кинематографичными, анимации больше не вызывают неприкрытую улыбку, а движения героя получили реалистичную инерционность. А еще оказалось, что за пределами Аркадия-Бэй тоже что-то есть. Мелочь, а приятно.

Рад был поучаствовать в этом захватывающем приключении. И благодарю всех ответственным за это!

não me prendeu e muito menos deu o mesmo encanto que o primeiro jogo. SEAN É INSUPORTÁVEL

O jogo é ótimo, os efeitos de suas escolhas em seu irmão mais novo são tão aparentes que chegam a ser irritantes (de uma forma boa eu acho). Mas na minha opinião não chega nem aos pés de Life is Strange 1, por melhor que seja o primeiro jogo foi muito impactante e este não deixou um impacto semelhante. Recomendo só para aqueles que jogaram o primeiro jogo, ou não faz o que você quiser.

I´m ashamed to admit how much I actually like this games