Reviews from

in the past

Mario + Kart = 10/10, não tem erro. Muitas pistas únicas desse jogo são perfeitas e acho uma pena não terem sido portadas para o Kart 8. Assim como qualquer jogo desse gênero, que é uma paixão platônica minha, esse é extremamente divertido e bem feito, perco muitas horas do dia jogando umas partidas, seja de torneios normais ou o modo batalha que também é excelente.
Não existem tantas mudanças desse para o sucessor, e como amo demais Mario Kart 8 esse acabou me conquistando da mesma forma. Só acho que poderiam ter mais personagens já que a seleção aqui é bem curta, mas nada que afete a qualidade do jogo final.
Masterpiece, mais um joguinho de Kart que ficará guardado a 7 chaves no meu coração.

when Glider Controls were actually fun

An amazing game because it killed Waluigi
A flawed game because it didn’t kill him permanently

Super fun but I thought the original DS mario kart was slightly more fun.

I was super excited for this game as a kid and I along with Super Mario 3D Land made me want a 3DS. When I got Mario Kart 7, I loved it and spent hours playing it. The kart customization was an excellent feature and the gameplay and tracks were all fun. Where this game fails however, is in its character roster, battle mode, and the lack of a single player vs mode. This game is fun but it's rather annoying I can't race on any single track by nyself, I have to go through a whole Grand Prix because I want to race on one track. The battle mode also sucks because I hate point based balloon battle and coin runners is just a much worse version of shine runners as it eliminates the elimination aspect of the mode. This game could have been better but it's still a fun entry.

people forget how good this game actually is

Mario Kart 7 was fun for a while, but I slowly lost interest over time. If someone wanted to play the game with me, I would not turn it down, but I have no real desire to play it by myself anymore.

Mario Kart 7 was my favorite portable game in the series. The tracks are the best in the series and adding unique mechanics were unlike anything before. This game is my most played 3DS game and was the first game I got with the 3DS in Christmas of 2011. I have enjoyed it for years and it was my first exposure to online play.

Maku Wuhu and Rainbow Road are in my top 10 Mario Kart tracks.


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I am terrible at Mariokart, and a tiny screen with a weird control stick doesn't exactly help.

Luigi is hot

i stole the 3ds cartridge for this game from my elementary afterschool program and still have it to this day

it's definitely one of the games i have played

Sürüş mekaniğinde bir sıkıntı var ama ne olduğunu çözemedim MKWii kadar akıcı değil ama hala çok iyi

Sinceramente no meu caso não vejo ponto em jogar essa entrada da franquia pelo simples fato de Mario Kart 8 existir, posso dizer o mesmo pra todos os outros menos Mario Kart: Double Dash e Mario Kart Wii. Double Dash possui uma mecânica exclusiva e tenho nostalgia com Wii, mesmo assim o jogo não deixa de ser bom e é um Mario Kart fiel e divertido

Despite having played (and liked) the games since 64, this was the first Mario Kart I truly clicked with. Courses are better than ever, roster's got some great picks, and the kart customization system adds just the right amount of fine-tuning to make picking your racer rewarding in its own right.

Pretty good Mario Kart but I don't know if I enjoy it more than Mario DS

It's another Mariokart and you can fly now!

The best and most underrated mario kart game I dont get why the fanbase hates on this one

A very simple Mario Kart, that introduced two of the most important mechanics of the series. Also please bring back the Wuhu tracks. Pretty please?

cheeks, but the tracks are some of the greatest ever. still cheeks.

n tão completo mas divertido