Reviews from

in the past

played for the first time on hard difficulty, while also using the expanded game mod for the first time. the good news is hard difficulty was a refreshing way to play this game i've played about a thousand times now, and that's coming from someone who fucking hates playing on hard difficulties. the bad news is the expanded game mod is not balanced well for hard difficulty at all. the new york city level and the second section of the time warp level are WAY too fucking hard and tedious, while the additions to act 5, specifically the 3 new bosses, are actively fucking miserable. the worst part is they aren't optional like a lot of the additions in this mod, so you either have to power through bosses that do an insane amount of damage and have an insane amount of health OR just play as an overpowered character like the galactus mod i had. i had him on my roster simply because i wanted it to be themed after the fantastic four, and i never planned as playing him, but i had to bust him out to get through these sections. i'll probably play this mod again in the future on normal difficulty to see if it's balanced better there, because i wholeheartedly cannot recommend anyone play the expanded game mod on hard. still love this modding community and it amazes me that something like the expanded game can even exist, but playing it on hard difficulty just isn't it

This is that kind of game that you must come back. It may not have the best gameplay combat nor graphics, but years later and no game has come close to the experience of being a Marvel superhero.

Ultimate Boredom. I found little fun in this game. The story was awful with horrendous voice acting. There's no gear to farm, and character customization is next to zero. So running through the game felt pointless. The gameplay is awful, I hate that enemies can finish their attacks when I've stunned them. Boss fights suck, they attack way too often making it hard to do anything other than block. Oh and the last fight where Doom keeps knocking you all over the place constantly? Hot garbage.

This was the first video game I ever played. While raven's evident enthusiasm for the source material and appealing presentation compared to other budget titles of the era are notable, Marvel Ultimate Alliance can be a somewhat entertaining romp for comic fans, and a droll slog for everyone else. Also the game is completely unbuyable anywhere thanks to a copyright dispute between activision and disney, not to mention that the "remastered" version that was available on steam for a short time is extremely slapdash and buggy.

A fun game for any Marvel comics fan who ever took their action figures and had them battle it out against evil villains. If you did that, this one is for you.

The game that really invested me into the world of Marvel Comics, with the forces of good on the street sides to those who wield cosmic power beyond but walk like men, interesting shit and has a lot of trivia for a newcomer to learn more or little easter eggs for veterans who read the books these were based on. genuinely can be enjoyed by anyone either with friends or just on their own.

This is not a good game but I had so much fun with it as a kid and then as an adult trying to get my friends to play

Hasn't aged very well. The game looks terrible and extremely dated, with bleak environments. The mix of ultimate designs and classic designs for characters is a weird choice that characters such as Wolverine and Thor suffer for. But a lot of the alternate suits are nice callbacks for comic fans.

The basic gameplay is basic and repetitve. The actual good skills that are unique to each hero (and their powers) are pretty decently fun to use but often will cause energy to drain so fast that you're forced to go back to annoying melee mashing that feels extremely soulless.

The story is overall good, it is a little cheesy and the voice acting is pretty terrible (extremely over-acted) but it takes you to a variety of comic locations and lets you meet plenty of characters that you're kept invested on where you'll go next.

Overall I'd say it's worth playing if you're a fan of comic books (maybe not just the movies/shows though as quite a bit of this is oldschool obscure) but the gameplay really does drag the score down.

This game is so good, I have it on three different platforms. Wish there had been more characters (even on top of the DLC), like She-Hulk! Why is she only playable in the DS version of MUA2?

Dark Alliance but with Spiderman instead of a drunken dwarf (worse)

Zerei com a minha prima, mo legal

A game from my childhood that I didn’t get anywhere close to beating because I don’t think I had a memory card at that point. Going back to it, it’s a good enough game genuinely but it’s hard to get into. I want to beat it one of these days since I think I would enjoy it.

A damn shame its delisted because this is probably the best marvel game. The gameplay is fine and I have no problems with using a controller. It seems that varies from person to person. But the game runs fine no issues so far and finally includes the DLC. Really solid story with fun and engaging gameplay. This is basically what marvels avengers should have been.

I liked 2 more but tbf I did spend more time in 2 than I did this one

First marvel game I ever played. Was a fun campaign, great co-op. Limited moves you could do with the characters and also wish you had more opportunity to play as some of the other heroes during the campaign (looking at you Nightcrawler)

the worst game of marvel (i think)

A great game in my head, but far from great in practice. I love marvel. I love comics. The single greatest aspect of this game was the ability to create whatever team of heroes I wanted. Although the roster was not massive, or even very large for that matter, there were still enough heroes that I spent way to much time trying to pin down my select 4. Ultimately, I landed on a four of Wolverine, Deadpool, Blade, and my main, Moon Knight. Another great aspect was the costume and power upgrades. The systems forced me, the player, to only choose a some upgrades to master and had to leave others underdeveloped.

I think a lot of the negatives of this game may just come from the era it was developed. In that middle 2000's era, games had bad camera following, repetitive combat, and a whole-lotta jank. The gameplay was tough to sit through at points just because I felt the whole time I was running around and repeatedly mashing the same combos and powers. Yeesh, it was repetitive. The jank was a little more love and hate. Jank is just a natural aspect of these older games but I enjoyed the experience, or at least I enjoyed getting done with this experience.

I enjoyed the game. Towards the end, I think I enjoyed it being over more than grinding through the finish. The gameplay was just way to repetitive. But! But the ability to build my superhero team, develop the characters, and keep learning all their strengths and abilities was one of the best features I've experienced in a game. Much better than the 2020 Avengers game and its limited roster. I would say the gameplay of these 2 are comparable, very repetitive gameplay loop, 2020 Avengers was much smoother and not just graphics but all the other modern aesthetics, but Ultimate Alliance 1 had the way better team customization and upgrade systems. I'd say both are 3's out of 5 but different 3's altogether.

words cannot describe how much i love this game. i played it for hours on end as a child and as an adult. also moon knight being in this raises it up at least a star. i love that guy, despite his face-wearing and murderous tendencies. why is he in this hes just a little guy

Thankfully, with all the Diablos and Diablo clones out there, we got an ARPG that is different. Not better, perhaps, but at least different.
Built upon the corpses of X-Men Legends 1 & 2, Ultimate Alliance was a bright, bombastic light in the darkness cast by the aforementioned swarms of games.
Colorful and an absolute blast to play with friends or online, with some of peoples’ favorite Marvel Characters.
It’s a shame this series died with the lackluster Ultimate Alliance Civil War.
Well, until 3 came out for the Switch. I haven’t played that one yet.
I’d say you owe it to yourself to at least give this a try.

I remember this game being amazing.

A Marvel universe epic, a beautifully fun action RPG, all of Raven's experience gave us this, Marvel Ultimate Alliance and it's one of my favorite games of all time. You want a tour of the Marvle universe visiting all the famous places with a big roster of heroes? This is your game! Mods also breathe new life into this game so I definately recommend that

Play this with your babysitter and have a good time