Reviews from

in the past

NADA nesse jogo justifica motion controls. A experiência é amplamente prejudicada por esse sistema de atribuição de botões a movimentos do Wiimote, que é impreciso e frustrante.

A ideia do jogo é até bacana, mas não é um primor de level design. É um bom beat'em'up, mas que deve ser bem melhor em outras plataformas.

it's a pretty standard button-mash party ARPG but god damn it has SOUL. at the time of release it felt like the most faithful and passionate Marvel game out there. it probably still is, honestly.

Still the best of the Ultimate Alliance series, with a good cast of characters to choose from, and featuring a completely new story that plays off of various ideas from the comics. Still has the widest range of enemies as well, with everything from Ultron, the Mandarin, and Loki, to Arcade, MODOK, Fin Fang Foom, and other lesser known marvel villains.

i'm sure i replayed this game more than 20 times growing up. i also own 4 copies of it.

Extremely fun game to play with friends or family.
Made me appreciate other Marvel characters. Also Atlantis level sucks.

Campy co-op fun. Worth playing

An incredibly fun and enjoyable game with an interesting story and a great roster of iconic characters to choose from. However, if you're playing this solo, the AI teammates aren't the smartest. I frequently found them getting stuck on certain parts of the map, falling off ledges, etc., which would render them unplayable for a lengthy amount of time.

Surprisingly, Spider-Man isn’t my favorite character to play as in this game. I doubt he'll be yours too. My favorites are probably Thor, Silver Surfer, Ms. Marvel, and Luke Cage.

Fun game. Great style of gameplay with controlling 4 characters and switching between. Roster was fun. Barely remember the story though. Mephisto fight was annoying but maybe I was a dumb kid.

Great 4 player game with all the best Marvel characters. This was like all my childhood action figures coming to life.

Nice Diablo clone. Nothing else to say

Relic of the Pre-MCU era when things were simpler and Avengers and X-Men were allowed to exist in the same universe without a legal battle.

Memories are strong with this one.

For a kid who loved Spider-man and was interested in Marvel Universe this game was like a miracle. There is so many characters and locations from comics to explore it's amazing

De longe para mim um dos melhores jogos da Marvel no ps2. Ou só pode ser só a nostalgia batendo nesse momento, mas amava jogar isso.

Outro que eu era viciadasso jogando,mas é ruim,porem divertido no coop

This one was really memorable to play with my dad.

"And now I'm better at doing whatever it is Wolverine does!"

I was already into comics growing up, so this game just a treasure cove of content for a fan like me to sink in too, It also got me discovering characters like Deadpool who I now consider a big MARVEL classic.

Okay now that nostalgia over I played the HD remaster a few months back, and the game was errr fine I liked it more as a kid and it definitely had more going for it then 2 which I played when it came out then againa few months back.

Still there's a lot to do with collectibles and character specific challengers to get cool costumes each character has 4 and 2 only gave you 1 and almost all sucked shit.

Overall a fun game but not one worth replaying, but hey I had a lot of memories!


Best one in the series. They didn't know what to do from this point.

this was my shit when I was little

the game itself is fine but the real winner here was playing this at an impressionable age and hearing the character voices from this one every time i read the comics and that didn’t change and that hasn’t changed