Reviews from

in the past

This game is so flarkin' funny. Combat can feel a little repetitive but the characters are so perfect and the story is well paced. Near the end of the game, its just pure amazing, but its great throughout.

muito maneiro o jogo wake me up before you go go 🤙🤙🤙🎶🎵🎸🎸 is the final countdown 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 since you been gone ❤️💪

the gameplay is a bit middling but it is fun to combine skills from the various guardians to do combo.

the unlocks were weirdly spaced, i had everything perk and ability-wise done before the last four or five chapters, and most of the costumes were in those last four or five chapters.

the writing is the highlight here. the comedy works well, the emotional beats hit well. even the obligatory gag about the original comic design being silly works because it was more than just "lmao didnt it suck before??"

i did have a few odd bugs (on steam deck) - drax's combat barks would randomly be 5x the volume of anything else, it couldn't pick up the left stick in gameplay (but could in menu) and i had to reset a checkpoint. my team got stuck in a monster closet and wouldn't spawn outside, had to reset.

this game bombing is sad because if they'd ironed out the combat (maybe made the other guardians playable?) a followup woulda been rad

My first approach to the MCU everyone keeps talking about. It's a pretty good game, altrough I would've liked to play as other characters besides Star-Lord (or Peter Quill).

The story is nice, the dialogue is abudant: Characters can't shut up. The voice acting is great though, it carries through all the game. You don't need a galaxy brain to finish this game either, all good. The characters are charming, it's what shines in this game.

If I had to say a bad thing about this game is the combat; it isn't very good. It gets old fast.

Not personally my cup of tea, but it was a fun time. Took me around 10 hours to beat and 15 for all the achievements.

Against all odds, Eidos-Montreal's superhero space opera is pretty damn solid and even plenty charming. The second and final of the ill-fated Square Enix-Marvel partnership (that even saw Eidos getting sold a few months), Guardians may not be a masterpiece, but the final result is considerably better than anyone could have expected for.

The selling point of Guardians is its writing. It's mostly great, one of the better-written superhero games out there, with wit and heart peppered almost everywhere. The core five Guardians are all fun and unsurprisingly nuanced in their characterization, from backstory insecurities that cause fracture in the team, to shared commonality that allows them to reconcile and make amends. While initial impression may paint almost (hi Drax) all five of them as carbon copies of their MCU counterparts, by the end of Guardians' 12-hour campaign, they come to their own and develop a bond that feels just as earned and genuine.

The effort poured into the script doesn't stop with the Guardians themselves, and there are plenty of other characters with whom they interact that are just as affable and memorable, including the ditzy Mantis, the vengeful Lady Hellbender, best boi Cosmo and the distant Adam Warlock. A particular standout is Nikki, a young Kree girl with a rather large role in the story and various interesting moments with Star-Lord that help explore both characters thoroughly.

This also continues toward the world-building, in which Eidos combines its narrative might with Marvel's rich mythology to depict an utterly stellar and lifelike galactic scene, filled with its own cultures, geographies and legends.

However, not everything always lands. The dialogue can be overbearing at times, and not always synced well to the progress through the campaign. And some jokes - per usual for Marvel - can outlast their welcome. Of particular note, the game's villains are largely unremarkable and are only an excuse for the Guardians to push forward.

But overall, as a slice of superhero narrative, Guardians largely nails its ambitions, tone and personality. As a game, however, things are not always quite on par.

Guardians is not a bad game, mind you. But it wears its inspirations proudly and never truly break into its own. It's a shame, because there always seems to be a desire to be more than a standard cinematic third-person shooter with RPG elements.

It has some cool ideas to shake up its formula, though. While only Star-Lord is fully playable, you have access to up-to-four commands for each of other Guardians, leaning into that particular Guardian's field of expertise like Rocket's destructive arsenal or Gamora's fast-paced assassination techniques. There is also a quite fascinating attempt to mix this with an almost character action-like combo meter, and you can sometimes perform some combos and takedowns with your teammates. It's a bit rough around the edges, thankfully it works most of the time.

In particularly tough battles, you can also rile up your team which also triggers a banger soundtrack for the remaining of the fight. Like other elements, it's not entirely realized, but it's a nice touch.

Aside from a generic leveling system and pseudo-skill tree, Guardians' most prominent RPG element is a light dose of dialogue choices. While some may have a bit of an effect over the story, for the most part it comes off more as a superficial attempt to deepen the experience, and a nod to E-M's Deus Ex games.

There isn't much else to say about the combat and game design. It's a pretty standard and straightforward action shooter most of the time, with enemies that sometime have a weakness for Star-Lord's elemental shots - because of course; they also come in legions and are mostly forgettable. Boss fights exist, but they're nothing to write home about aside from some nice spectacle. I also have to highlight how many sliding moments this game has I have no idea if this is due to Eidos' experience on Tomb Raider or something, but cutting a few of them wouldn't have hurt.

Oh, and there are a couple of space dogfights. Those are cool for the most part.

So the action isn't all that interesting, but at least it looks great. I'm gonna miss the Foundation/Dawn Engine (that also powered up Deus Ex: Mankind Divided), but Guardians provides it one final, well-deserved hurrah. The various alien landscapes all look sublime and pop up with their vibrant colorations and exotic flora. Special effects and animations also look great and facial expressions are especially noteworthy for how lifelike and detailed they are.

The only glaring aspect aside from technical issues is the Mass Effect-esque dialogue scenes, with their characteristic robotic movements. Those feel almost at odds with the rest of the game's presentation and cinematics.

And of course, this being a Guardians-related work, the licensed soundtrack is terrific. There will even be a different song playing every time you boot up the game.

Finally, I almost forgot to mention the vocal performances. They're great, and carry the game even in scenes where the dialogue falters. Special mention for Alex Weiner (Rocket) and Jason Cavalier (Drax) who slay in their roles, and Romane Denis as Nikki, who undoubtedly owns the game's strongest scene.

Ultimately, Guardians of the Galaxy is a solid game with an entertaining story that is not nearly as cynical as it could have been. It's brought down by its lackluster combat and design foundations, unfortunately, which limit its full potential and never truly show Eidos-Montreal's prowess in player-driven action and exploration. And yet, it still stands tall as an admirable effort with a huge heart, warts and all. Marvel and superhero fans would feel at home.

very fun game with great writing. got a lil repetitive though

In no world did I ever expect this to be as good as it turned out to be. Feels like a real Guardians experience - I genuinely feel like the only thing that would make it better would be if we got to play as the other members of the team instead of just Peter. But then again, that makes the development harder.

Tudo que o Marvel's Avengers não foi

What starts out as a really great experience definitely started to wear on me after awhile. This game feels in need of being trimmed by a few hours at least (took me 20 hours with moderate levels of poking around) and / or a deepening of its gameplay mechanics. While the fights are pretty fun at first, there's really not much to it, unlocking more and more abilities that do functionally the same thing. The scrap you collect is used to buy some of the dullest abilities I could imagine for Peter Quill and then literally nothing at all. Still, the core mechanics of controlling all the Guardians at once while zoomin' and shootin' as Quill are really solid.

The game really suffers from the modern AAA curse of long sections where you just walk and look at stuff without doing anything (the limp excuse for puzzles really don't count). It does somewhat justify this by having real varied aesthetics going on with the visuals. There's a good variety of high-tech vessels and weirdo space goop that almost feels like it may have influenced the newest Guardians film. The other plus to the walking segments is inarguably the game's greatest strength.

The writing in this is shockingly good. As in, probably better than any of the films, all of which I enjoy greatly. Every character is memorable, likable, and play off each other super well. The sheer amount of great banter is a delight, though I definitely started hearing the battle lines repeated a bit much. On top of just the moment-to-moment interactions, the overarching plot is pretty strong. Every Guardian gets a section to dive into their past and motivation (except for Groot, really) and the voice acting is incredibly strong (Rocket sounds a bit too much like a Rocket impression, but it's nothing terrible). The antagonist, while not super deep, works well enough, and allows for a surprisingly mature look at grief and loss that becomes much more dramatic than I would ever expect from a Guardians of the Galaxy game. On top of that, they still make sure to keep room for fun little side adventures, even if that is part of what contributes to the wonky pacing.

One major flaw worth mentioning in relation to the writing is the frequency with which dialogue will be cut off by other dialogue; it absolutely needed to be placed significantly more carefully. I should not have to stand still at the beginning of a long hallway so that I don't miss plot-relevant conversations.

I’d say it's on par with what others have said. An average but good time. I do really hate the unnecessary QT events and it gets kind of boring only being able to play as StarLord especially sinch his energy guns aren't the most fun to use. On the other hand the story has been interesting for a comic adaption anyways.

Coming from a person who have zero knowledge or insight about the universe of the work, This game is super flarking amazing. If only the developers invested more time and work and changed some aspects, this would have been easily one of the greatest games this generation. 9.5/10

This games has a lot of hearth and humor, it's a fun third person action adventure game. You only play as Peter Quill but you can give command to the other Guardians to use special attacks. The OST is fantastic.

Definitivamente a prova absoluta de que jogos lineares precisam voltar a ser a norma, muito melhor um jogo linear assim do que um de mundo aberto completamente esquecível.
Tirando o combate que é um pouco estranho no começo (mas logo fica legal), o jogo acerta em absolutamente tudo.
Mas os maiores acertos ficam com certeza pra trilha sonora (tanto a licenciada quanto a original a banda star Lord é FODA), pro roteiro (simples e direto ao ponto, mas ainda assim muito divertido e bem escrito) e pras interações entre os personagens durante a campanha (diversas vezes eu ficava enrolando pra chegar até o objetivo só pra ver os personagens batendo papo).
Pra quem é brasileiro ainda tem um ponto especial de usarem o mesmo elenco de dublagem dos filmes do MCU, o que gera uma familiaridade imediata com os personagens.
Provavelmente a melhor experiência que tive com um jogo de PS4 até agora.

Guardianes de la Galaxia son de esos juegos que nadie pidió, pero a la vez lo necesitábamos. En cuanto a la jugabilidad no se compara con las leyenda como los Batman Arkham o el Spider-Man, pero cumple lo necesario para la historia. La historia es super entretenida, pero la magia que da este juego son sus personajes, el desarrollo y la personalidad calcan perfecto de como debe ser los guardianes de la galaxia. Se que paso desapercibida por el desastre de los Avengers, pero gracias a la película de los Guardianes de la Galaxia Vol.3 volvió a al auge de todos, y bien merecidos.
PD: Bioware, saquen un juego de los Guardianes de la Galaxia por favor.


-The Story. It's always a good sign when the story ends and you want more.
-The characters. Each of the main characters has their own good arc/development with heartfelt emotional beats.
-Genuinely funny and entertaining dialogue, and lots of it
-The soundtrack and huddles! Although about halfway through the game the songs start repeating. The music adds a bit of flair, especially if the tone of it matches up just right with the section you're playing.

-Repetitive gameplay and enemy types. Eventually found myself just trying to rush through combat to get to the story.
-Can only play as Star-Lord, who has limited abilities and generally does little damage
-Buggy at points like getting stuck in the enviornment, collectibles not updating in your log, etc. Nothing reloading or restarting didn't solve but still.

Ok, the first thing I have to admit, is that this is probably the worst performance I've ever seen on a PS4, I got 3 crashes, and frame rate was constantly below 30 💀💀💀, but now that I adressed that, I gotta say THS GAME IS FUCKING AMAZING.
Yeah, the combat system does get boring when getting close to the end, but blame's on me, who rushed its 10 hours in only 2 days. Writing is amazing, I LOVED the comic book references and ambience, character development is superb, everyone gets its share, you get to love every single one of them AGAIN, because we all know them from the movies (in portuguese, they're the same voice actors, which is a cool bonus I got from my mother tongue).
And look, why did it took over 40 years for video games to let you listen to hard rock during the playthrought??? Such an amazing feature

A pleasant surprise. GOTG was not a game I thought would be good. It had so much room to fail but it actually took what we loved about the hit movies and made it their own. A killer soundtrack, fun mechanics and a fun story make for a great adventure with your favourite cast of heroes like you've slightly seen them before. Rating: 6.5/10

This was like a marvel movie in the early mcu ( before it turned to trash, Think iron man 1, the incredible hulk, and of course the film variant of the guardians). Nothing but a blast the whole game will hold you down and between the gameplay and the great narrative this is the definitive guardians experience. These guys feel, these guys are the definitive incarnation of the guardians even surpassing telltale's variant.
On top of all that diesel fuel not only is the game extremely gorgeous ( like nothing is rivaling it rn other than like detriot become human or the order) it is extremely optimized I can run this game with everything basically maxxed out with no frame drops and good temps for 4k ultra gaming. Still gets hot but it can be much much warmer.
It is a linear game and while I am very fond of those games (including this one) this is one of those games that would actually still work out as a open world game. Perhaps as a sequel or spin off because this experience is still fantastic. This is my goty for 2021. Granted these past few years have been pretty bad for releases this game is still superb. This is the type of care and quality that was needed in that shitty avengers game. I strongly recommend this def nab it on a sale if possible.

A game with great music and good quips, this action adventure will have you hoping for an encore.

2021 game made by people who gets 2001 games. I respect that.

through this game i was when meet several best songs of 80's

muito loco ainda mais pra quem curte a Marvel

Ótimo jogo de ação, interação com os personagens, parece que estamos dentro do filme.

O gameplay é bem legal também, achei meio desnecessária a questão das escolhas para alterar a história, acho que não acrescentou nenhuma melhoria por ter isso, já que o jogo não teria muita variação de andamento, é bem linear (e não é ruim por isso, muito pelo contrário, acho que deveria ter mais jogos assim).

Os gráficos são muito bons, só dá queda de frame em cenário com muita luta e muita gente, (mas aí nem dá pra prestar atenção nisso), cheio de detalhes.

A seleção de capítulos não gostei por não manter os itens que você adquire, aí para completar tudo fica chato ter que começar tudo de novo (todas as cenas, conversas, escolhas, cutscenes) tudo para pegar um item que só ficava disponível caso eu escolhesse alguma opção específica em uma conversa aleatória.

Tirando as falhas, é um ótimo jogo, quem não jogou deve jogar, principalmente quem gosta da Marvel, é como se jogássemos um filme.

Gameplay is a bit janky but fun. Story is great. Characters are amazing. Soft locked nealy 10 times on the pc port by the time I was done.

trilha sonora e diálogos INSANOS!

ah, guardiões, um jogo com tanto potencial jogado fora, porém, um jogo que eu amo com todas as minhas forças, ele não é o melhor jogo, ele não é perfeito, e não é tudo isso também, é um jogo bom e apenas isso, mas esse jogo é tão importante pra mim, quando eu resolvi jogar ele a primeira vez eu estava em um momento não muito bom da minha vida, sem vontade de fazer as coisas, sem vontade de jogar, como se eu tivesse perdido a paixão por isso, nenhum jogo mais me atraia ou me prendia como antigamente, mas quando conheci este jogo, nossa, eu ainda lembro da sensação que ele me trouxe, ele me cativou de tantas formas, e eu consegui sentir de novo a paixão por jogar vídeo game que eu não sentia mais, a paixão de me prender a um jogo e apenas querer chegar em casa logo só pra jogar ele, não sei como descrever o sentimento, mas foi algo mágico pra mim o que esse jogo fez, ele pode estar longe de ser o melhor jogo ou algo assim, mas ele definitivamente está no meu coração, e sempre vai estar!!!