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Buenas mecanicas, buen diseño de niveles, misiones muy entretenidas y llenas de accion. Seria una secuela a toda ley si capcom no hubiera convertido a un juego de aventuras en un pseudo rpg de todo el farmeo que tenes que hacer si no queres que te culeen.

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The last, chronologically speaking, version of Mega Man is canonically lost in space forever.

Wish we could at the very least get more games like this. If I had enough faith in my game dev abilities a spiritual successor is definitely a dream project along with a Tomba clone. Maybe some day. As is, I can only throw Tail Concerto and Solatorobo anywhere within the same ring.

This game could easily be a masterpiece if not for some stupid development choices it had... the biggest one for me is the Artificial difficulty this game has there are simply too many to count, the game was going perfect for 1/3 of it. I can pinpoint exactly where it starts to go downhill for me, which is by the Nino ruins with a terrible water level. With a boss battle that demands you to do a giant path twice to fight him. One fight in the room key and one near the exit of the dungeon, from this part onwards it seems the game starts to really ramp the difficulty, forcing you to farm for zenny and parts. there are enemies that simply spawn out of nowhere, rooms with enemies that does a ton of damage and take almost none, enemies that take so much waiting to kill, some gimmick enemies that will probably kill you at least one time,

Despite all those flaws it has a lot of good stuff here too, the story is amazing, the OST is insane, the graphics are impressive for ps1 era.
The game just overflows with charisma...
By the end, we got a heartwarming cutscene with a cliffhanger that is actually funny to think now days... shame megaman legends 3 will probably never happen.

Termina em cliffhanger e eu não gosto tanto de algumas coisas deles apesar que parte disso acredito por que foi skill issue e por conta disso pretendo jogar de novo um dia, os controles nesse jogo é MUITO melhor. Assim como o primeiro, anseio por um remake.

Just released a video about this game too if you'd like to support my YouTube efforts!

Mega Man Legends 2 is a fascinating game. The moves it makes going from the first make sense, going bigger, more cinematic for the time, pushing the animation and graphical power of the PS1 pretty far quite honestly and impressively!

However the problem for me lies in how quite unsatisfying the entire experience is. Like yeah, it plays better, but the pure gameplay wasn't why I came to Legends in the first place. It was for the sense of place, the thought put into Kattleox as a location, the ways it gets you attached to it so specifically, the way it makes you feel apart of its world.

I could care less about the world of 2. Each location doesn't get much to it, the side quests that are there aren't really always the most engaging, the NPC's aren't as interesting or memorable as a lot of even the smaller minor NPC's from the first game. It feels like a game that scales up but doesn't expand the depth of its world to reflect that change of scale accordingly.

The story also takes quite a hit in this as well because of similar issues. What starts with quite honestly one of my favorite game openings ever with how it sets both the stage and its tone in such a razor sharp and crystal clear manor falls into quite a lot of meandering, empty plot threads and wasted time by the time all is said and done.

The few scenes that do pay anything off feel like an oasis in the neverending desert of constant setup that seems to only exist for another game to pay off which......

I'm bummed I feel so harsh on this game. Legends has become such a special kind of experience to me, so seeing that this is how 2 turned out is quite honestly a massive bummer. Like maybe 3 would've retroactively justified it in ways depending on how that went, but something about the world and this setting and all the cool mystery setup in Legends just feels like completely wasted potential.

It's not like the worst thing ever, but while I can accept The Misadventures of Tron Bonne being fine, this one honestly hurts more because of both what it could have been and where it could have continued to go given the chance.

They couldn't even get him off the moon in spirit man.

i went in to mega man legends 2 cautiously optimistic. legends didnt play very well, but its charming characters, innovative art style, and intriguing worldbuilding and story elevated it into being something memorable
and for the most part, and despite largely feeling like an expansion of the first game, legends 2 manages to keep whats great about legends 1 and actually made the game fun to play. dualanalog goes a long way in a third person shooter like this. it controls better, the levels have some variety to them, youre not stuck on just one island anymore, instead going to various points across the world on this globe-trotting journey in the search for the mother lode, the very thing the first game was building up... and then it ends. im sure you all know how. but its a very abrupt cliffhanger. it makes me realize that its a problem both legends games have. they spend each game building up to this big thing, with all these dangling threads, teasing us, and then ending the game before we get any conclusion. it makes the experiences feel less fulfilling as i dont feel like im getting a full package, even though neither game is very short.
there are also some rather glaring flaws in the game. no matter how high your attack is, you rarely seem to do much damage (i used speedup a LOT in this game), you earn a ton of zenny but eventually the prices in the game begin to skyrocket to ludicrous amounts that you'll need to grind a rare bird in order to make any money late-game, which leads into the next problem, weapon upgrades cost an insane amount and its impossible to know which weapons you should stick with because some of them suck and if you upgraded them thinking that they could be good when improved, like say, the machine gun, well you're shit outta luck because you just wasted all your money on that. oh you got the energy sword from either getting 100 questions right in a row, or by forking over an insane amount of zenny? well using it launches you into the enemy youre trying to attack, damaging you before him somehow and if you wanna upgrade its range, you cant begin to comprehend how much thats gonna cost. doesnt help that some special weapons are the only reliable way to damage bosses, so if you chose one thats not great, then youre in for a slog of a fight. the balancing of money and damage in this game needs a serious overhaul. also you can spend money upgrading a weapons "special" but you have no indication on just what the hell that even means. and if you die in a dungeon its game over and back to the menu, which i find is a bit unreasonable even for the era, especially given how much progress you could lose, and how annoying the dungeons can be to navigate, and how bad some bosses can be.

i wish legends 3 happened, i truly do. but if legends were to ever come back, these games should probably get remakes first, because a collection wont really fix the problems rooted in these games.

I still dream about a version of this game where you can carry over your weapons to an NG+ save file, with the possibility of changing them at save points instead of just with Roll and that severely reduces the ludicrous prices for many of their uprgrades. And maybe some difficulty changes along with those.

Until then, it's "just" a solid 4 stars.