Reviews from

in the past

I play this for time wasting. Always played this at school! (Mobile version of the game).

Still don't understand how to win this game

yıllardır deli gibi oynuyom neden bilmiyorum spider solitaire boşken acayip sarıyor

Installed Windows 3.1 through DOSBox so I had to go back to this classic. I still got it!

Solitaire (1990): La premisa es sencilla, pero la adicción es fuerte. Un juego de cartas single player que aunque se basa en un (muy) antiguo juego tradicional, su adaptación a lo digital es impecable. Una fórmula que se mantiene inalterada durante más de 30 años algo tendrá, desde luego (7,60)

I always lose this game to myself.

Hard to go wrong with a classic solo card game

Genuinely what the fuck where they thinking putting a card game that is actually unwinnable more than half the time on everyone's computer

Bullshit game

The pure intricacy of the world building on display here is so impressive, the story so densely woven and spanning millenia, the characters so richly drawn and relatable (Ride or Die for my boy Ace of Spades!). Unfortunately it has a game breaking glitch which means sometimes you cannot beat the game, no matter what you do. Still waiting on a patch for this Microsoft???

O jogo de computador definitivo, quando a Internet não funcionava... ou não existia, pra falar a verdade.
Todo mundo reconhece essa tela verde, todos já jogaram alguma vez na vida. Agora, se jogaram sabendo as regras, aí é outra história.
De certa forma, o jogo é simples, revele todas as cartas da mesa para empilhar os 4 naipes em ordem no canto direito, o problema é ser muito fácil trancar o jogo, colocando cartas em lugares errados e depois sem poder reverter o que foi feito.

Acho o que todos mais amam desse jogo é a comemoração de fim de jogo, todas as cartas saem pulando, uma a uma, e deixam o rastro pra trás. A versão nova do jogo pra Windows 7 refez os gráficos e tirou esse efeito.
Depois o jogo é flop, perde pra Fortnite em popularidade, e não sabem porque.

It wasn't the first Solitaire game by any means, but for an entire generation of people this game is permanently embedded in our memory and tied to all sorts of life events. The game itself is honestly incredibly dull, but served as a good time waster before cell phones let us browse Reddit ad nauseum.

Boy, when the card drop animation hits, it hits.

Everyone's dad's favourite videogame.

I can see why it's satisfying to play but definitely not for me. lol

my grandpa had roughly 13,000 hours in this

what can I say I love solitaire

I mean it's the most generic game of all time that isn't named Pong, what do you want me to rate it.

I have played this s o m a n y t i m e s! More than I should've

Nothing can replicate the feeling of seeing the XP win animation

Up there with Tetris as one of the most perfectly made bits of entertainment ever produced. Solitaire got me through countless dull lectures, constantly chasing the high score. Can you speedrun this? Has this ever been at SGDQ?

Eu tenho memórias especiais de Paciência. Meu pai jogava como passatempo no PC dele, na década de 90, num 486 rodando Windows 3.11 que posteriormente se tornou meu (e do meu irmão) quando ele comprou um Pentium pra ele.

Eu ficava maravilhado com os efeitos finais de cascata ao completar o jogo.

Eu joguei tanto, mas tanto, que se tornou meio que um gosto adquirido por jogos do estilo, por isso curto tanto não só ele como Campo Minado, Freecell, Sudoku e outros jogos que a Microsoft trazia gratuitamente nos PC mais antigos.

Na época eu também jogava muito os jogos da revista Coquetel, que trazia palavras cruzadas, torto, criptogramas, desafios de lógica e posteriormente sudoku e nonogramas.

Paciência foi o pioneiro nessa leva de jogos que formou parte do meu gosto pessoal e sempre é uma alegria jogá-lo novamente.

Éramos felices y no lo sabíamos

This has to be the first solitaire game evveryone played back in those days and one of the best ones at that.

This is literally the first video game I have ever played. I am pretty sure it comes pre-installed on Windows XPs back in the day as I could find it anywhere.

I think I first played it when I was like 4 or something. It's nothing new really, it's just solitaire. Most people probably already forgot about it as they move on to things like Windows 7. I would have too if the game doesn't have one distinctive feature:

THE CARD DROPS! HOLY SHIT THIS IS SINGLE HANDEDLY THE BEST VIDEO GAME FEATURE EVER MADE! I used to play this game just to be able to see the cards drop.

Ah, times were really different back then weren't they?

“i can’t spell anything with these cards!”

After trying Balatro I decided to give this a try, pretty good.

Overall, will probably try to speedrun this game