Reviews from

in the past

This game improves on alot of what the first game established.

The nemesis system can be pretty fun, unlike the first game.

The story is better but the requirements to continue the story ruins the pacing a bit. Though luckily I already had most of the requirements done by the time I got round to those points.

The epilogue is a shitshow making you play 8 hours of fortress defence just for a 3 minute cutscene. This and other aspects like the online lead me to believe this was originally going to be some sort of live service game luckily it turned out not be... Fully.

The combat is much improved compared to the first game, adding a difficulty option and giving us some cool new abilities.

Игра очень интересная, ровно до того момента, как тебе начинает генерить орков, типа берсеркера, который иммунный к заморозке, к стрелам, перепрыгнуть такого орка нельзя, уязвимостей нет и приходится крутится в форме вальса вокруг орка минут 15.
А так, для дрочилки в открытом мире, очень интересно. Немезис система развлекает тебя на полную и даже микропесочницу создаёт. Со временем, конечно, уникальность иссякает, но первое впечатление очень сильное.
Кстати, много очень времени провел на арене, тоже свой фан есть.
Движок тоже понравился, ощущения от персонажа приятные, в большинстве случаев персонаж делает что надо. Так же удивляет, как движок держит в памяти такие большие локации, со всеми орками, которые как-то там с друг другом взаимодействуют, как там здания отрисовывает в зависимости от расстояния с тобой, особенно заметно, когда на драконе играешь. Так все ещё и со стабильным фреймрейтом
Единственное, что кроме рандома, который поднасрать тебе может, разочаровывает прикрученная задним число рпгшная дроч с циферками

The nemesis system is still great! All of the other boring parts are still there, and four times as big and empty! The entertainment value of the gameplay loop falls off a phenomenally steep cliff here.

One Ring to Rule Them All.

I think this game was a lot of fun. I really enjoyed the story even though it didn't make sense in canon. I loved the improvements made to the Nemesis System as well as the gameplay improvements. It feels so much better to actually play through. Combat feels pretty fluid and fun to do as well. I absolutely hated the endgame, however, and didn't like how that was the way to get the real ending.

Played on the hardest difficulty but also scales your damage too (Brutal). Enjoyed the nemesis system a lot, died a bunch in the beginning. Seriously, some of the more memorable quotes were when grunts killed me and made a short speech, like the “Tark Slayer” guy. The combat is fun but feels unfair rarely; even with maxed out armor near the end game I can still die in 1-2 hits, just like I did when I started the game.

I didn’t finish the epilogue because there’s a lot of doing the same stuff over and over again but with higher level enemies and randomized loot. It started feeling monotonous, but everything else before the epilogue was fun.

This is so fun. Games keep coming out mid playthrough. I need to finish it

Była by to gra na 10 gdyby nie długość tej gry. Gra jest zbyt długa ja na to co oferuje, co nie zmienia faktu że jest to świetna gra. Znacznie lepsza od 1 cześci.

After completing the first, this game did not hold my attention in any way. I forced my way through the opening act and felt no motivation to continue.

Não é uma história brilhante, muito longe disso. No entanto é Senhor dos Anéis. Sistema nemesis e a funcionalidade de torres para se conquistar é extremamente viciante. Tem erros de otimização e de gameplay.

Hey gamers

I platinumed this one today as well.

Pretty good game. It's a well-done and natural progression of the first game with additions and improvements to your skills, the nemesis system, quests, and the world. Nowhere near lore accurate but I don't care if media strays from its source material. The caragor riding theme goes hard as balls.

I would say that my biggest issue is that, despite taking 30 hours to platinum it, it's too long. Aside from the main quests, the entire game revolves around capturing and defending forts with your army. It's exciting the first time or two, but it gets stale pretty quick. I started this game twice, but I shelved it when I reached Gorgoroth both times because I got annoyed that I had to go through yet another round of dominating captains and warchiefs then attacking the fort. Playing it this time, I just picked back up where I left off the last time. 4 regions is probably one too many (5 if you count Minas Ithil). The first game had the perfect amount of regions for the depth of the nemesis system, that being two. You're introduced to the system in Udûn, killing captains for runes, then you learn how to dominate captains in Núrn, deciding whether to kill or dominate the captains you come across. In Shadow of War, once you claim your first fort, it's the same procedure for the other three, not to mention the plethora of forts from other players' games you have to attack if you're interested in the online mode. I'm glad they greatly reduced the Shadow Wars endgame when they removed the microtransactions because that would've been unbearable.

É legalzinho no inicio mas depois fica bem cansativo, é muito bagunçado, tem uma gameplay legal pelo menos.
A história tinha um potencial mas é mal contada, a mixagem de som é péssima, a trilha sonora fica MUITO baixa em compensação aos outros sons.
Enfim, legal ficar fazendo exercito de orcs e ser traído de vez em quando, mas é só isso mesmo.

I feel like this is one of the better entries into the Assassin's Creed franchise, but-

wait what? this is a middle-earth game?

Honestly way too similar to the first one but I still enjoyed it until they made me go for like 3 extra fortresses after my first great triumph and I had to call it quits on my orc slavery career out of sheer tedium.


L'ombre du mordor en mieux

sinceramente que decepção de jogo, aguardei anos pra jogar e ser a porcaria mais enjoativa já produzida pelo ser humano, expandiram o jogo artificialmente de todas as formas possíveis só pra vc perder tempo farmando até teu cu fazer bico, tudo isso com uma historia dividida em 5 storylines diferentes que nem se conectam e nem fazem um pingo de sentido até chegar na última missão do jogo pra daí vc terminar essa merda e descobrir que o final verdadeiro requer fazer uma caralhada de coisas quando vc nao aguenta mais nem jogar o jogo de tão enjoativo e chato que ele é, definitivamente a única coisa que se salva é o combate que também vai ficar cansativo e o sistema nemesis que foi bastante expandido, tão expandido que ficou insuportável também, e por algum motivo os gráficos desse jogo são muito inferiores ao primeiro que tem quase 10 anos, e não satisfeitos a luta final contra o sauron é tão ruim quanto a do mordor e da dlc dele. por fim mas não menos importante, as missões são tão mal feitas que a maioria delas te joga num objetivo aleatório sem contexto algum, sem nem ter uma mini cutscene e te força a enfrentar os mesmos orcs 90x tudo dnv.

Abandoned after a little over twenty hours. The gameplay is your average open-world action RPG that has you move from one point of interest to another and complete missions. Building your orc army is fun at first, but gets quite repetitive over time especially when you are asked to grind for hours. Not to mention that every time you bump into a captain you have to listen to them babble about themselves, which is not exactly fun when you run into 5 or 6 orcs at once.

I am not a big Lord of the Rings fan, but the story was quite easy to follow despite being a little fragmentary and full of hard to remember names.

Need to play more, just forgot the story from the first

ASH NAZG Kill Em All TA 2990
i am gravewalker man
27,218 DEAD ORCS

This game slaps but the endgame grind is brutal

Never played the first one, tried this because it was given a long time ago as a free game on PsPlus and got kind of bored.
Looks fun and is pretty to look at, but I just did not feel that I wanted to continue playing it.
Might try again sometime later

instead of starting over at 0 with your abilities, you start off this game with the maxed-out abilities from the last game and new ones are added on from there which I liked. kinda made it hard to go back to SoM though as it felt like you were “missing” a bunch of abilities. other than that, this one ripped up the lore and threw it out the window (“omega hot goth dommy mommy” Shelob). combine that with a very boring and repetitive endgame, and this one got tiring too quickly unfortunately. still really fun gameplay and the nemesis system was still great.

Not gonna get too winded on this review and most of it was said in the Shadow of Mordor review as not much changed between the two except new abilities and better/refined graphics.
Another favorite I repurchased on Steam to play through fresh

cast my shadow on the fires of war tbh.....

Better than the prior game, just does everything before and more

Was very fun enjoyed making a uruk army